1. Kiriana Akumashi (HunterxHunter)

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'You can learn it slowly or by force. I'd say the choice is yours.' 

'By force, I don't care if it hurts a bit. I find it ridiculous that I can learn about this even before getting my hunter license. Then what's up with that rule of me being twelve first.' Kiriana looks up at him. 

Illumi reaches his hand out. 'Can you feel it?' 

'Yes,' answers Kiriana. 'It's like pressure but without the violence and malice from earlier.' 

'Good, do you know the basics? I'm talking about Ten, Zetsu, Hatsu, and Ren,' continues Illumi. She picks up quickly. He sees her nodding. 'I'm going to open up your nodes, pressure points. You just have to control your aura. Take your shirt off, only a top is enough, and turn your back to me.'  

'Honestly, you ask a girl to take her clothes off in front of us.' Hisoka smiles. 'That's probably the only way for you to get any woman to take her clothes off. However, she might want some privacy to change...'  

Kiriana does as instructed to take her hoodie and shirt off. Leaving only a dark blue tank top on. 'I'm not a woman. And a growth spurt isn't going to happen until a few more years.' I got nothing to hide.  

Illumi holds his hand up and directs his aura to the girl. 

That feels hot. I know he's not touching me but still. Kiriana focuses on her breathing and closes her eyes.  

'You feel this but here it comes.' Illumi warns her and presses on to open all the nodes on her. 

 Kiriana is almost out of balance by the amount of pressure pushed onto her. I meditate for this. She swallows as another burst of aura goes through her body.

'Open your eyes, Kiriana.' Hisoka urges the girl. 'See your aura and contain it.'  

She opens her eyes and notices that a sort of steam comes out of her body. She turns to Illumi and realizes that it's up to her now. Automatically, she closes her eyes and focuses on her aura to contain it. At the same time, she takes on a normal standing pose with her arms next to her body. It's like an invisible shield all around me that doesn't weigh anything. Slowly, she opens her eyes and sees that the steam is replaced with a balanced aura. 

'For now, keep focusing and training your Ten. Eventually, you'll be able to do it in your sleep.' Illumi is quite surprised that she can do it with ease.  

'You're a natural. But it starts with Ten. Once you master it, you can train on your Zetsu, Hatsu, and Ren. When you know the basics, you can learn the advanced techniques.' Hisoka realizes that Kiriana needs little guidance from Ilumi. 'She's a fast student.'  

Illumi nods. 'With Ten, you can defend yourself and resist our bloodlust.' He looks to Hisoka from the corner of his eyes. 'Go ahead.'  

Smiling, Hisoka holds his hand up. 'Ready or not.'  

Kiriana feels his aura, and this time it's not that scary anymore.  

'Before you were scared of him, but now you can handle it.' Illumi knows that she will progress fast. 'However, you can still get hurt with Ten.'  

I have my six points to pass this phase. I can easily train my Ten and that way I'll be able to learn Zetsu fast enough. 'I will.' Kiriana nods.  

'I'm gonna see how the other applicants are doing.' Hisoka walks off.  

'You're an examiner, Hisoka. Better that you don't kill anyone,' reminds Illumi him. 

Hisoka doesn't turn back. 


This is one of the first previews. 

I hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to vote, comment, and share it. ;)

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