Chapter 03

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Arthit's POV

Next day the classes went the the usual.. I literally am hating the Calculus subject.. Nothing was going into my head properly..
After the classes, we went to the cheer hall where the hazing was being conducted... The seniors we taking about the same SOTUS system and values.. I was not paying attention to anything.. all I was thinking was how to irritate P'Kong and make him loose his patience but another voice in me says not to do it.. I slightly feel attracted to him. Okay I accept not slightly... way too much attracted. 

"Student Id 0206.. Are you paying attention..? Stand up now.?" I heard P'Kong's voice.. I stood up slowly and remained silent..
"If you are disrespecting us then do you expect us to accept you as our juniors..? " P'Kong asked in a cold voice.. and I just put my head down.

"Listen everyone.. The gear represents the pride and dignity of an engineer.. even if one gear doesn't function the whole system doesn't work.. So we give every batch the gears while accepting you as our juniors.. !" He said loudly and turned towards me.

"So Arthit.. what will you do if I don't give this gear to you..?" He asked.. 
"I will just take it from you." I replied without even waiting a second.. I don't know if it is right or wrong.

"And how are you going to do that..?" He asked rather with a cold voice.. which did not sit well with me. Also P'Tew came near to us hearing that tone.
"I will just make you my wife.. they say what belongs to our lovers. belongs to us also." I said with a smirk.. 

A punch almost landed on me if P'Tew would not have stopped.. P'Kong to a deep breath and looked into my eyes with the glare which sent shiver down my spine.. I felt like apologizing but I just stood like that.. maybe these conflicting feelings are because he is my mate or is it because I started falling for him.. 

"Oh.. we will see.. but as of now.. it is completely in my care and I have the authority over you.. So do 200 sit-ups now." P'Kong shouted with a monotone and I compiled to the order and did them. I can see P'Kong becoming more and more irritated. 

After hazing, I directly went to the condo since I had a lot of work to do.. I could not help but wonder.. where does P'Kong go after hazing.. he only returns after at least an hour. Also he stays up late and also wakes up early.. I always feel sorry for him.. I want to support him but I don't know anything.

Kong's POV

I almost lost my cool back there.. I would have hit him if Tew would not have stopped me.. After the hazing, we went to our hazing meeting room. 

"Kong.. you should not loose your cool like that.. get more grip on yourself.. I know he was rude.. but you know you can't hit him right." Tew said as we sat down.
"Hell.. anyone in his place would do the same thing.. I swear if Arthit does things like this.. it will be me who will be reporting things exclusively about him." Wad exclaimed.

"Wad No.. anyone would have done it but we should not do it.. it is our duty to correct them.. although they act on impulse.. we can't do that.. " I said and looked at Tew "Thanks Tew.. If not for you stopping, I would have hit him for sure." I added. 

After that we had a little discussion about our next session in which we will teach them about Respect. Today the meeting got prolonged and when I returned home it was already 8.. So instead of getting ready I cooked food for Arthit and left it on the table. I did not feel like eating anything.. so I just knocked his door and went to my room. 

As I was freshening up.. I could not help but think about what happened in the hazing session. I never offended him in anyway but just because he did not want me as his mate.. he is doing all this.. I wonder what I did in my past life for me to face this thing.. I wonder if I should just give up on the bond but I still need to stay for what I promised to my parents.

I pulled myself together and started working on my assignments.. I just pushed aside my hunger as I did not want to eat. I completed my assignment and saw that the time was already 2.. so I just went and slept..

Next day morning, I woke up late.. I still need to make breakfast for Arthit also... I made my way to the kitchen and started making bread-jam.. As I was applying.. I saw Arthit coming down.. I just applied to fast, kept it on the table and left.

Arthit's POV

I wonder did P'Kong had his breakfast or not... I am pretty sure he did not have his dinner yesterday night.. Aish.. Calls himself a head hazer when he can't even take care of himself.. But why should I care for him.. Why do I feel the sudden urge to look after him.. He can do whatever he wants right. 

I took the bread-jam he arranged and left while eating. All the time, I don't know why but I feel restless. I was literally dragging myself the whole day.. Now it is time for hazing.. We are all gathered in the cheer hall.. we saw the hazers coming in.

Is P'Kong not well.. he looks tired and ready to fall.. was what I thought as soon as I saw him.

"Swadee First years.. Today we will talk a little about Respect before the activities start. Also.. the session will be led by Wad." He said and stepped back. He whispered something to P'Tew and left the hall.. Everyone were whispering and I could sense something wrong. 

"Today morning, one junior saw me, but left without even showing respect. Who is that student..?" P'Wad asked.. kind of shouted.. P'Kong is far good.. although he shouts and orders around but he was not this harsh. 
"Okay since that person is not willing to come forward.. Everyone do 200 squats now." He ordered. We started doing the squats. Suddenly Prem stopped. Is he the one.. shit..!

"P.. are you talking about me..?" He asked.. I saw P'Wad smirking.. Okay not at all good.. P'Kong please come back.. this is going to become hell.

"So why did you not Wai to me.?" P'Wad asked..
"Why should I Wai to you..?" Prem replied with same aggressiveness.. Not good.. I looked at hazers.. I could feel them also sensing something.. I was in the first line.. I heard P'Tew whispering... "I hope Kong was here.. why the hell should he fall sick at time like this. only he can manage Wad's anger.." 

So something is wrong with P'Kong.. I came out of the thought when I heard P'Wad shouting.
"I am elder then you.. so you must Wai to me to show respect.." P'Wad exclaimed.
I saw Prem as Wai to P'Wad.. in a kind of sarcastic way.. Shit way to go.. it will be worsened..

"You.. if you can't understand what we are teaching you.. and not even care then leave.. we spend hours on thinking about you all.. and we don't even get respect for it. I WANT YOU OUT NOW IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO RESPECT US." P'Wad exclaimed..

Most of the students were stunned with the information.. they spending time for us..? Prem just walked out of the hall.. After that P'Tew took over the session..

After session, I took out my phone.. I had a message from P'Kong's number.. I immediately opened it remembering that he was not well... 

"Arthit.. please don't come to the condo today.. Stay out for only this night.. I beg you and Sorry.. I am in your room.. I won't touch any of your things.. I promise.. I will explain tomorrow." 

That was what the message read.. but hell I would listen to him.. I smirked as I got a chance to irritate him again but another part of me wants to go and look after him.. I don't want him to be sick.

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