26- Anywhere, I think about you

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The rest of the day Felix's ass was sore from Chan being rough when he gave him his shots, he kept sighing and moving his legs while writing down some things on a chart.

My damn ass is sore as fuck!

He huffed shaking his head, just then the older cane from seeing a patient.

"Hey baby~" he teased coming up behind him gently.

"Hey..." he said with a pout and tiredness, the older already knew why.

"How does your body feel Lixie?" He asked softly gently stroking his waist doing to lower to his hips.

"It's fine, just don't touch it" he huffed pushing Chan's hands away, the older was a bit surprised he had an attitude still.

"Um...ok...are you still pissed at me...? I said I was sorry-"

"Chan, I'm not. But what you did has my lower half sore as hell, so sorry if I'm a bit bitchy but I don't feel well" Felix said with a tone looking at him giving a look, the older gave a nod and sigh backing away.

"Ok, well is there anything I can do to help-"

"Just let my ass recover from your needle attack please" Felix huffed again closing his chart and walking off, the older definitely knew even though Felix forgave him...the younger was still kinda pissed.

Well I don't blame him...I overdid it...

He spent the rest of the day working in the trauma, then close to 6 pm was looking for Felix to go home together.

"Where is he?" He muttered checking around, he texted the boy and Felix told him he was in an on call room.

"Lixie...?" Chan asked entering one of them, the lights were dimmed as he saw Felix on one of the beds curled up.

There he is

"Hey baby, I've been looking for you. You ready to go home?" He got closer to sit on the bed.

"Hm...? Hey...I'm tired...but ya..." Felix mumbled laying on his stomach, the older smiled patting his head.

"Ok...your bottom still sore?" He asked softly, the boy nodded with sleepy eyes.

"I can't sleep on my back, so yup" he sighed, the older sighed as well reaching to pull down his waistband checking the area.

"I know...I'm sorry again little Lixie..." he said looking closer, he squinted his eyes noticing something.

Is that...

He suddenly got up to turn on all the lights.

"Hey!! Give some warning at least! My eyes are tired!" Felix whined covering his face groaning, the older ignored his whines as he crouched down closer to his bottom.


He looked to see in the light Felix's injection sites were swollen, more than usual.

Well fuck

Chan became more worried to see the area red and swollen, he gently placed his hand on it to feel it. As soon as he did the younger lifted his head snapping his neck around.

"Chan! What the fuck are you doing?! That hurts! Don't touch it!!"

"Felix calm down! The area is swollen and inflamed..." he sighed checking his ass, the younger looked to see indeed it was.

"What?? Of fucking course...ugh...it hurts so damn much..." he whined hiding his face in the bed, Chan looked at him then back at it.

"Well did you take any anti inflammatory like I said?" Chan asked him.

"Huh...? Oh...oops...I forgot..." Felix pouted lifting his head again, the older gave him a look shaking his head.

This boy I swear...

"Alright, let me go get you some...and an ice pack..." Chan mumbled getting up to step out, the younger nodded closing his eyes again resting his head.

Within minutes Chan came back with everything and some water.

"Here, take these and it's gonna sting at first. But here's the ice pack" he said softly sitting on the bed next to him, the boy quietly glanced up at him taking the water and caplets. Chan handed him the ice pack, the boy shyly looking at it.

"Thank you..." he mumbled, looking over his shoulder to his inflamed hip and ass. The older suddenly stood up going to lock the door, the younger confused as he watched him.

"Chan? What-"

"Move over" he said softly beginning to remove his white coat and shoes, the younger nodded scooting to the side.

"Ok, come here" Chan laid against the pillows, grabbing the ice pack from Felix pulling the boy down to his chest.

"Chan...?" He looked over his shoulder seeing Chan hold the ice pack on the area, holding the boy closer by his waist.

"Go to sleep, I'm here" he whispered kissing Felix's cheek, he gently pushed Felix's fluffy head down to his chest. Felix blushed with a hiding smile slipping his arms around Chan to snuggle into his hold.

They were quiet in each other's arms for a bit, Chan kissed his head periodically checking the area under the ice pack as well.

"Feeling better?" He asked the boy, Felix hummed nodding into his chest. The older smiled patting his head.

"Good...I'm glad...little Lixie..." he whispered, the younger opened his eyes looking up at him.



"Can you call me...my other nickname..." he mumbled shyly, Chan gave a smirk hearing that.


"Mhmm..." Felix quietly giggled hiding his face again.

"So cute..." Chan giggled as well, stroking Felix's hair.



"I'm sorry again...about your bottom...I was too harsh-"

"I-I'm sorry for ignoring you all day too...and not giving you kisses...I do like it when you call me your princess..." he mumbled against his chest.

"Well...you explained why...but ya I missed them all day" the older joked lightly.

"Do you want some...right now...?" Felix looked up blushing with big eyes, the older smiled as he cupped his cheek.

"Will my princess give me some if I say yes?~" he teased looking into his eyes, Felix giggled slipping his arms around his neck.

"If you keep calling me your princess you will~" he giggled some more.

"So damn cute, then yes. I'd like a large dose of kisses from my Lixie princess please~"

"Ok Channie~"

The younger closed the gap between their lips, giving Chan plenty of sweet and soft kisses he was missing all day. The older giggled into each one as did Felix, both of them in their own world smitten with one another.

"Cute princess~"


Felix giggled again kissing him deeper, the older gave a small groan as he stroked his hips. Accidentally dropping the ice pack and squeezing his ass.


"Oh shit...! Sorry...! It was out of reflex...!" Chan moved his hands away quickly as the boy pulled leaned back looking over his shoulder.

"Ow...it still hurts..." Felix whined.

"Baby, I know I-"

"Fuck an ice pack, let me go get some damn morphine or the good drugs" he huffed pulling up his pants.

"WHAT?" Chan gasped facepalming.

Great...now he's gonna be high as fuck

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