23- When I see you...

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The two fucked plenty of rounds on the couch and then in bed later, passing out right after.



Around 2 am Felix woke up hearing knocking on their door.

"Huh...?" He looked over to see the older spooning him nuzzled into his neck, Felix gave a groan sitting up.

Who the hell is that?!

He huffed from being disturbed, he tried wiggling out Chan's hold but the younger was whining for him in his sleep.

"Mmm...Lixie..." he gripped him tighter.

"Channie...! Let me go...!" He whined back pulling his arms off, the older in a deep sleep just rolled over cuddling his pillow. Felix rolled his eyes as he rushed to get his clothes from the floor to slip on.

"Whoever that is gonna get it!" Felix said angry and cranky grabbing his bat from under the bed padding downstairs to their door.


"Alright motherfucker, the hell do you want-


Felix was in shock to see his friend there so late at his door, seeing his friend in tears.

"Jinnie, why are you here so late?? What's wrong...??" He said with worry putting his bat down.

"B-binnie...h-he broke up with me...!" Hyunjin cried louder hugging Felix, the younger in shock as he hugged him back.

"What?? Oh no..."

He quickly left his bat against the wall pulling Hyunjin inside to console him.

"Jinnie, what happened?? Why didn't you call me??" Felix pulled him to their kitchen.

"I-I did but you didn't pick up...t-that's why I came over...I'm sorry..." he sniffled.


Felix realized his phone was on silent so he didn't hear any calls.


"Baby? Where did you go? What's going on-
Hyunjin??" Chan blinked in disbelief coming down the stairs seeing them in the kitchen.


"Hey Chan..." Hyunjin looked away wiping his tears.

"Hey...um...what's going on? Why are you here so late...?" Chan asked slipping his arms around Felix's waist hugging him from behind.

"Um...I..." Hyunjin sniffled becoming quiet as he started to cry again.

Uh oh

Felix gave a sigh turning his head to the older.

"Chan, Jinnie has a problem..." he whispered to him, the older kissed his cheek holding him tighter.


"Changbin broke up with me!" Hyunjin wailed crying dropping his face on the counter, the two blondes got startled seeing the other breakdown again.

"Oh boy..." Chan sighed quietly, the younger sighed as well turning around to cup Chan's face.

"Channie, um...you go back to bed. I'll talk to Jinnie and be in later maybe..." he said quietly glancing over his shoulder to see Hyunjin crying into his hands.

Chan gave a nod and small smile.

"Ok, let me know if you need anything" he whispered kissing Felix's soft lips, the boy gave a small "ok" as he kissed him back. Chan kissed his lips some more then his cheek before slipping away to go back upstairs.

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