κεφάλαιο δέκατοέκτο

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//chapter sixteen//

So the book was right he did have a kid

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So the book was right he did have a kid

slowly and slowly I started to see the little girl drift into a deep sleep, his hands slowly loosening around the pink frog's neck.

the king took a deep breath before standing up. he walked to a white shelf filled with what seemed like a bunch of kid books before putting the book he was reading in a designated spot. to the naked eye, some would think that it was in color order but I could tell that it was in some sort of alphabetical order.

'παλιά γράμματα του λατινικού αλφαβήτου, it means the roman alphabet maybe he's teaching it to her or maybe he has it written around the castle as a hidden language due to it not being used nowadays'

oh I guess that makes sense

he kneels near the book self for a while I'm guessing to make sure everything is in place before getting up and turning to the door. but he stopped


well because I'm there watching him duh. I thought he already knew I was here and was just waiting until his "daughter" I assume was asleep, but the way his breathing hitched when he turned showed me otherwise.

I back up a little so he could fully shut the door as he continues to advance towards it.

"how long have you been here," he asked shutting the door

"well, we arrived this morning and-"

"no how long have you been in my wing, standing at the door," he asked looking deep in thought. He voids his emotions very well but I caught the quick flash of disappointment written on his face before it completely vanished.

Time passed and I still didn't answer why does how long I've been standing here matter just tell me why she called you her dad. 'You're not the only one who thought that please don't tell me someone has had his first child' my wolf growled stomping her paw. "Ju- just follow me" he motions as he starts walking down the hall the opposite way I had entered. We go deeper and deeper until we reach a huge door at the end of the hall when he opened it i see from what I had assumed was his room.

His room was nice, very very organized but then again I read most alphas are like that.

The room was identical to the hall with a red, black, and gold theme heavily set upon it also very different from the little girl's room where there is was full of rainbows but equally as organized especially for a children's room. We passed through the room to a glass door which he slid open revealing and nice candlelight dinner on a semi-large balcony.

"Please have a seat," he said pulling out a chair.

I quickly but cautiously sit down and after I was fully seated he slid me in and took his place across from me. "I hope you like Gyros, Keftethes and Moussaka they my favorite meals the kitchen offers they may be a little weird looking and have weird names but I can assure you it'll be the best thing you'll ever taste," he said throwing on a pair of gloves then after putting one of each food choice on my plate and then his.

"Also my apologies I didn't remind my beta to tell you we were going to have a more spaced out dinner than the other when he dropped off your note"

"It's ok I guess"

I looked down at my hands wondering if I should ask him about the whole daddy thing, I mean we all make mistakes. Not saying the angle was a mistake I mean he would have had a first mate like I did they had a child and she died that happens all the time in the books I've read.Or maybe he got rejected, but that wouldn't make sense because who would reject the king.

"Was that your daughter?" I ask praying that it was a long-lost niece or a child he adopted secretly. "Yeah, yeah she is I could tell you about it but some other time I can guess what you are probably thinking"

"Nothing bad but I can only assume that-"

"you can begin eating if you want but I wanted to start a little conversation if that is alright with you?" The alpha said cutting me off

"that fine" I replied putting a napkin over my lap while picking up a fork and digging into what seemed like dressed up chicken

A kings favorite

"so I'm not sure if you are up to date on the prophecy circling our species but my wolf informed me that you that you are our ότι"

"yes my wolf decided to show up and inform me"

'talk about no tea no shade' i rolled my eyes mentally at her

he took a bite of his food before continuing "Ah perfect so you know that you are deemed to be the queen of wolves then since in terms we are true mates"

"that doesn't make sense I've already had a mate how can I have another"

"Selene works in mysterious ways being that both our mates died-"

I never said-

"We are now free spirits also being that we are both alive and not dead decomposing right now means we are way up in the species chain power-wise making us-"

"half lycanthrope" i whispered remembering one of the many books i read

"also making us practically-

"immoral" I whispered



(ps the chapters are written in greek along with half of the language in this book)

Love y'all thanks for 7k+ reads

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