κεφάλαιο είκοσι επτά: μέρος δεύτερο (X-Rated)

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//chapter twenty-seven: part two (X-Rated)//

"It is completely fine, everything you do is absolutely perfect" he replied sliding off his shirt

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"It is completely fine, everything you do is absolutely perfect" he replied sliding off his shirt. Chester rebounded back to my lips, eroding from my touch. My hands magically traveled from his chest down to his well constructed stomach.

'Mmm abs, our mate is so sexy'

He started massaging my breast through my bra. If he asked it was my wolf who took over a little curiously exploring his body down to tracing the edge of his jeans.

'Yeahhhh my wolf' i hissed at her to shut up before tugging more at his waist.

"Aliyah look at me" he ordered forcing my chin upwards so that now i was flushed with him "Are you positive this is what you want, we can always wait?" His eyes were now black and gold beautiful

I nodded watching in the reflection of his eyes as my eyes shifted from its normal color to a dark red and gold.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

"We'll go slow i promise" Chester said sliding a condom out from his wallet and placing it right by my gun

I promise my ass

Everything faded away as his mouth ravaged mine. In nothing but my bra and thong I decided to push him under me, unable to resist i then blindly climbed on top of him deepening the kiss. It was like i was going crazy as my pelvis continued to make contact with his, he groaned lifting me up by my waist but still not breaking the kissed and sliding his unbuttoned pants off throwing them onto the floor.

Now leaving him in just his boxers. I was now feeling Chester erection, the one i had caused oops.

"Aliyah you're driving me mad.." I didn't respond, i replied by grinding my hips up and down against him moaning as his erection continued to please my clit. Me and Chester's underwear were now soaked. Noticing this made Chester groan into my mouth. He stopped the kiss making my whimper a bit, Chester's hand came down on my ass hard before lifting me up, uncovering my breast and putting one in his mouth.

I felt faint moaning and relying on the wall behind the bed to hold me up. He continued a flicking motion with his tongue to both nipples, dragging his tongue to the sweet spot on my neck before going back down. Making me let out a frustrating moan which echoed around the room.

His hand land hard on my ass again while his free hand glides from my hip to my flat stomach. I grind on him slightly before his hand came down again on my bottom half. All in one motion he unclips my bra and slides off my tong inviting them to join the rest of our clothes on the floor.

He rolls be back onto my back and starts to leave a trail of kisses down my stomach to my inner thighs "my goddess Chester" he looks up at me with a smirk then down at my damp clit. My eye roll to the back of my head as his tongue goes to work.

In and out

Later he added a finger to his devious pattern then two. It seemed like he was going in slow motion, though I hated it I knew he was trying to wait for me to adjust. "You like that my love" he asked letting out a low growl making my legs shake, he was turning them into jelly.

My first orgasm hit me in waves

He pulls his head back a little and lets out an attractive low grunt. coming down from my high i watch as he slips his underwear off revealing his rock hard dick. He shoots me a dirty look licking my juice off of his mouth and fingers.

Chester grabs the condom, while i laid and watched he slides it on.

He climbs on top of me positioning himself at my entrance. Slowly, he eases into me making me scream a little but shuts me up by slamming his mouth on mine. "Oh my god.." he gasp throwing his head back, the feeling of my walls tightening around his dick as he attempted to slide all the way in. Once he felt me adjust Chester began to slide himself in and out slowly getting deeper and deeper each time. I claw into his back as another as i come to orgasm again and again.

Chester sucks and kisses each side of my neck I soon felt his teeth elongate and penetrate into the sweet spot on my neck. My soft scream after a while turned into a moan my hands soften around his neck with his teeth still in my neck. After a few more seconds he pulled out and licked the wound, his dick at the same time was still slowly pacing inside of me.

'Mark mate back' my wolf growled, without thinking i did as she said and sunk my teeth into his neck feeling us become one. I relaxed licking away my mess. Chester pecked my forehead as his strength gave away as he took off the condom and released onto my stomach.

Our mating was complete

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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