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//chapter nineteen//

if I could tell everyone how many fucks I gave about this mission I would tell them none

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if I could tell everyone how many fucks I gave about this mission I would tell them none

I don't give one fuck

but out of respect for Selene and all those innocent people outside of the wall of the kingdom, I know that this has to be done for us to figure out and fix every little problem going on within the supernatural world. starting my day bright and early I walk with my bag slung over my shoulder and down the stairs leading to the other side of the basement. a big sign read royal entry only written in big words along with a keypad underneath

no one gave me the code

'try 9 0 4 7 6 3 2 5 1 8 those were the numbers Chester last typed in" so I try them and load and behold it worked, who would have thought having a wolf would be useful. closing the door behind me I see a shit ton of weapons ranging from knives to all types of guns

"mommas in heaven"

to say that not having a wolf has made my first love weapons would be an understatement and luckily for me I've used every single one in here during training. I sit my bag on the bench by the door and start to fill it up with whatever I could. after I was done I put the folders on top somewhat hiding what was truly in the bag and headed out the room.

finally, I made it back to my room just in time to get ready. putting the bag back in front of the door I put on the clothes I had sitting out on the bed.

a black long sleeve turtle neck, a black leather skirt, a gold chain, and some high-thigh heels to cover up my thigh holster.

I thought the outfit was sick, very different from my normal soft look attire but hey to play the part you have to dress the part.I move to the bathroom to finish up the rest of my hygiene.

"aliyah it's almost time to go come to the front of the castle to see your fav guardian go" I heard Sadie yell from outside my room

"here I come" I yell back pining up some final areas of my hair before running out the room and speed walking to the front. Everyone stopped talking once I walked into the room and directed their eyes on me "am I late"

"no liyah but you look gorgeous babes" ebony said hugging me "you make me proud to be your mother"

Sadie hit her with her clipboard "ouch Sadie why did you do that"

"your hogging aliyah's hugs you creep," she said joining the hug

"ladies no fighting I already don't want to deal with you guys on the plane ride there and if yall don't hurry up we won't land in time to get you your chick fil Sadie"

"come on ebs I haven't had chick fil in days," Sadie said dragging ebony and their bags out of the castle "bye guys"

"bye," we all said in a unison

"good luck on your first mission remember to think things through it'll be your worst enemy if you don't," Matthew said giving me a big hug before patting his brother on the back and walking to the car. we all watched as the car zoomed off to where the jets were set.

"So Liyah you ready to type up this plan before we head out" Robin laughed "hell yeah I am but can we leave a little early I packed light but ill need more clothes"

"can do little sis can do"

"ok if there is nothing to add I would say we were free to start heading out"

"I think we are too Robin, has anyone ever told you that you were an absolute genius" i said closing my laptop and placing it in a different part of my backpack.

we both decided to part our ways and meet back at the front in ten. as I was walking to my room I ran straight into a wall. a big tall tingly wall that grew arms and wrapped them around my waist

"goddess no"

"no need to be embarrassed little mate lots of people get lost in their train of thought it leads them sometimes to run head on with people"

I stepped back hugging the folder I had in hand and fixing my hair with my free one

"damn" he whispered my head snapped up and my eye landed directly on his


"I'm so sorry alpha I need to watch where I'm going, did you get hurt," I asked worried that his foot made contact with my heels "no uh I'm fine I was just uh hoping to see you today I wanted to wish you well on your very first mission"

" thank you king Mcintyre you are very kind"

"I also wanted to say that since it is your first mission and you didn't go through kingdom training that is why ill  be dropping by at some point only to evaluate your progress so that way we could count that as your initiation into the guardians if all things end well"

"wow alpha I would love its an honor really" we stand there looking at each other for a minute before I kindly excused myself

"oh and Aliyah remember love I'm your mate please call me Chester"




we loaded the plane safely most of the ride we slept but towards the end, we talked until we landed.

once we got off the plane

a black motorcycle and a black Mercedes were nicely parked waiting for us with our names on both

"I call the bike" I yelled running over to it and taking the keys of the handle

"Liyah do you even know how to ride that thing" robin laughed shaking his head "nope but I'm gonna learn today!"

"well be sure to tell the king that if you get hurt I tried to warn you," he said hopping into the Mercedes

speaking of the king he somehow got my number and let me just say we texted the entire time. don't tell robin but half the time I wasn't really listening to him.

as I was putting on my helmet I saw Robin on the side of me rolling down his window

"hey I have the GPS on just be careful and if you lose me there is a Bluetooth inside your helmet just pull over and connect it but other than that I think we are good to hit the road"

"awesome just give me two-seconds"

he rolled back up his window and pulled off in front of me

have yall made it yet

yes just got on the bike about to head out

do you even know how to ride a motorcycle

nope but ill figure it out

just please be safe and text me when you guys get there

will do alpha

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