First Date

144 9 6

Hyejin POV

Byul constantly sends me a text every minute or every hour has passed just to check on me what I am doing. Strange to myself that I don't get annoyed by her but feel a little special. She also drops a call if it's her breaktime even it's just a text or call she makes me feel her sweetness and thoughfulness.

But at the same time I ended the call just in time my phone ring again and I automatically press my headset thinking it was Byul.

"Hey. You just said bye. Why are you calling again?"

"Hyejinah..its me."

"Ohhh..Wheeinah? Sorry I thought..."
I cup on my lips. Seems I got caught.

"Thought who? I've been calling you but your phone is always busy." Her voice has a hint of irritation.

"I'm sorry. I was just talking to someone. Why? Is there a problem?"

"Nothing here. How about you? How are you doing there aside from burning your ear from phone calls?" Wheein sounds so sarcastic.

"I'm okay. The Cafè is okay. Wheeinah. Do we have a problem? Why your threating me this way? Did I do something wrong?"

Silence has filled the line...

"If you have a problem with me. Let's just talk tomorrow when you get here. Don't ruin your vacation. I don't know what got into you. Why don't you just said what's bothering you about me?"

"It's you Hyejin! It's always been you!."

"What do y----(call ended)
"Hello? Wheeinah?" I look at my phone and the call has ended. It makes me feel anxious about Wheein gesture since last night or this morning either. We really need to talk.

This whole Sunday keeps me busy I need help with the selling area. As it is the weekend and more customers hangout. Others buy a cake and order online. Soojin pastries and cakes are really good and a best seller. One time she made me a wine cake on my birthday and I really liked it. It was good and you won't feel the taste of alcohol in your mouth but as you eat two slices you'll feel dizzy like you're drunk. It's been one of our best seller cake so far.

It was 10 pm just the staff had already closed the shop and I was about to get in my car When someone coughed behind me. I almost jumped on my feet clutching tight on my leather handbag. Ready to hit if there someone will try to harm me.

"Hey. Relax it's me. Byul" She also get shocked as her one arm raise to depend. I saw her other hands holding a bouquet of flowers.

"H-Hi...H-Here for you." She tacked hair on her right ear again. For the time being. I noticed it's her mannerism to tack her hair on her right ear when she felt tense. She's cute in her straight short ash blonde hair and her boyish outlook makes her look pretty handsome.

"Why you're here? It's late. I was about to go home."

"I know .I want to send you home if you allowed me?"

"Huh? Did you bring your motorbike again?" I look around to find her bike.
It was like classic motorbike but I know it was a pricey one base on its brand.

"You should not leave your bike anywhere I can't take responsibility for your bike if it gets carnapped. I know it was pricey." As I remember it was Ducati Scrambler was writen on the gas tank.

"Don't worry I wont let you pay for it." She chuckled..

"Tell me, Aren't you afraid to die on your motorbike?!" I was amused as she burst out laughing.

"Hyejin. Can you trust me? Let us take a ride just one round and I take you home. I won't let anything happen to you." She held my hand and stare directly on my eyes.

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