We Won't Lose You...Ever Again

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A/N- HEY YOU GUYSS!!! So- this part is for KillerWolf693They requested a part and I was hyped cause gah- who wouldn't be? If you all wanna request things as well- don't be hesitant too! I WILL get them done! That's all i wanted to say- Thanks friend for requesting! Here it is!

SPOILERS FOR THE MANGA AS WELL! IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE MANGA- I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND READING- unless you wanna get spoiled- then I can't do anything- yeehee! And there is death...so if you're triggered by that..don't read please! Thank yous!

Green's P.O.V

||Suddenly Vaati was deflating like an air balloon. "Nooo! I was SO close!" Vaati then poofed and Vio yelled. "Was that you! Why'd you do it!?" I ran over to see what the others were yelling at. Then I saw it. Shadow, on the ground and with a smashed Dark Mirror next to him. I went up to him and kneeled down. "Is Vaati gone..?" Vio nodded and smiled. "Yea, and it was all because of you!" Shadow looked up. "You're thanking me?" Vio nodded and so did I. "You saved the day!" Shadow had a dull look on his face. "Oh...you're welcome." Shadow began to close his eyes and Vio snapped him back awake.

"A shadow...usually only ever follows it's body. It never gets to lead the way. Today I faced the enemy...on my own. It felt pretty good. But that still doesn't make me part of the body.." My eyes widen at that. "Of course it does! You're our friend! You're a hero too!" Suddenly Shadow smiles and he's wrapped in a light...and then he's gone..."Shadow Link was never truly bad. He just did all those bad things to get noticed. He wanted to be with us, to be with his family."|| 

(End of spoilers)

A few months went by after we defeated Vaati and Ganon...and Shadow...I kept thinking about him. Over and over and over. Blue and Red were as close as ever and that was amazing to see! I just wish...I wish Shadow were here. With us. The words he spoke are all in my head and. I can't stop thinking about him...then I thought about Vio. How it must have hurt oh so much to see him die...then I came up with an idea. I ran to Vio's room and forgot to knock. Vio was at his desk and working on something. But then his eyes widened and he faced me. "Green!? What do you need? Are you alright?" He sounded worried, but more...like he was caught doing something. But that didn't matter to me right now.

"Is there any way that YOU know of to get someone from the Dark World back!?" He looked surprised and then looked back at his paper. "Yes...but why?" My eyes widen and I feel giddy.   "C-can we maybe bring Shadow back!?" He turns around and stands up. "Close the door, and let's talk." Suddenly my body felt cold and my chest tightened. "Okay.." I closed the door and sat on the bed. "Why?" Vio just stared at me after that question. I nodded slowly and explained. "I...I keep thinking about him! I can't stop thinking about him! It's the words he said and just everything! But I dunno why!! Maybe it's the fact that he would visit me sometimes and give me that hot, smirky smile! But you seemed closer! A lot closer! And...I just feel horrible that I- WE couldn't save him!" Tears were running down my face, but I didn't care. I wanted Shadow back.

"Hmmm..I see." I looked up and saw Vio thinking. "Well, there is a way...but we'd have to see the princess.." I nodded and ran out. "Thanks Vio! I'll get ready!" I ran to my room and got my stuff ready. Then I went back and saw Vio already ready to go as well. "Ready?" He nodded and smiled. "Yeah, let's go."

We went out the door and right as we did Vio laughed. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "What?" He just smiled. Brightly. The brightest I've seen Vio smile since his death..."I'm happy, Green." I smiled back and asked further. "What about?" He chuckled and looked at me straight in the eyes. "Thank you. I saw how you were acting. I was going to ask you to help me bring him back myself, but I was a little anxious to. But it seems you came to me. Thank you." I smiled and looked at Vio. "I..I miss him. A lot. And I was scared to tell everyone, so I opted to just tell you." He nodded. "I miss him too Green, now. Shall we get him back?" I nodded and smiled. "Of course!!"

'Time Skip'

We arrived at the castle and the guards, already knowing who we are, let us in. "Zel...do you know anything about bringing people back from the Dark World?" She gave me and Vio a look that she knew. She knew what we wanted exactly. "Yes. And I think I may have what you need." She took out a box and it was wrapped. "Here. It's a piece of the Dark Mirror and one of my own mirrors.  All you have to do is- here." She gave us a small hand mirror, but instead it's glass in the Dark Mirror's own. "Vio, I assume you already know what to do." He nodded and left, and closed the door. "Thank you Zelly...so much." She smiled and looked at me. "If I may, can I see him as well when he gets back?" I nodded and hugged her. "Cya later Zel!" She waved, and me and Vio went on our way. 

We got back to the house and Blue was awake. "mmm..where'd ya guys go.." Vio chuckled at him and ruffled his hair. Unusual for Vio, but it was nice to see. "Zelda." Blue nodded and yawned and went back into his room. I laughed a bit, knowing that Red was probably in there too. I heard him go in there last night...poor Red. Him and those nightmares. 

Me and Vio spent the day together, him telling me what we needed to do, and good thing to. It was supposed to be a full moon tonight! Exactly what we needed! We waited, and waited and waited. "Green. Maybe we should bring everyone. So let's explain..." I nodded and knocked on Blues bedroom door. "Hey- Blue, Red. Can we talk to you...?" There were mumbles and shifting sounds, and then Red came to the door. "Yeah! You can. What's going on?"

We explained everything, and Blue seemed annoyed, and Red was really happy. He was also the one that got Blue to be fully okay with it. "Bllluuueeeeee, c'mon! He DID help us!" Blue shook his head. "F-fine. But he BETTER be a good person. Or...well...better than he was." We all laughed and spent the rest of the day together. Then it was time...time to FINALLY bring our shadow back. My Shadow.

We made it to the place he died at...and Vio made a circle, and put the hand mirror in the middle. "Alright...blood, everyone?" Blue put his in, Red then Vio and lastly me. 'What am I gonna say to Shadow...? What will he do? Will he cling to Vio? What if he hates us? What's gonna happen...? What'll happen if that mirror breaks? What-'  "Green...?" I looked at Vio and he nodded at me, understanding. "It'll be alright Green. We got this." I put my blood in, and Vio read some words. Suddenly the light glowed out of the mirror, and then we saw a hand pop out of the small mirror. We waited and finally...a cute purple haired gremlin was standing there. Looking at all of us with wide eyes. "I-I'm back...I'm back I'm back I'm actually back!!!" Then it hit me. Vio. He went right to Vio...then Red, then Blue. But then? he just started talking to the four of them. Vio, too concentrated on him, Blue fighting with him and Red hugging him, they all just seemed to forgot about me...

~Time Skip~

It was morning time and still...nothing. I stayed in my room until I heard a knock on the door. "Go away..." Then there was silence. "So...you don't wanna see me?" It was Shadow! As much as I wanted to open that door...I felt weird. "So, now you want to see me?? That's nice...nice to see you too Shadow. Nice to know..nice to know you're alive again and well. Nice to talk to you." Silence. The door opened anyways and then closed. "Green-!" I looked up at Shadow who was already hugging me tight. "I have a surprise...that's why I wanted to wait. Me and you. No one else. I missed you~" Then he kissed me. Square on the lips. "M-mh!!" He closed his eyes and kissed me. "I love you..."

We spent the day together and no matter what, everytime I looked at him, he would full on kiss me! "Sh-Shadow!!! Stahp!" He laughed that hot laugh. "I can't help it Green~ you're adorable~"

"I missed you Shadow. A lot.."

"Same here Green bean."


"Of course~!"

A/N- Hey you all!! This- was LONG- like- LONG-

But we did it! I really hope you enjoy this everyone, and especially you KillerWolf693!

Thank you again for requesting this! It was so so fun to write! Make sure you all read the top, cause yes, there are a bit of spoilers! But if you have gotten to this note, then you would have seen that- so oop. But yeah! Enjoy you all and thank you again! It means so much! I am still taking requests!! Please go ahead! It can be a ship with the boys, or a reader insert!

Cya guys in the next one! Love you all and bye!


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