Midnight Walks (Blue/Red version)

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Red's P.O.V

I couldn't sleep. It was 11:30 at night too! Blue's gonna get mad! We were gonna take a walk in the morning...I was excited! Green and Vio were gone for a short mission and Shadow followed Vio- just because he wanted to make sure they were safe. I got up and walked to the kitchen, I opened the fridge to get some milk. I poured some in a blue cup I found. "Red? What're you doing awake..?" 

I looked behind me and saw the cutest thing. Blue was standing there in his- tunic!? 'Maybe he never changed?'  His  hair was disheveled, his eyes droopy and he was slightly leaning forward. "Blue! I...I couldn't sleep, sorry.." He mumbled something and walked over to me, and sat down at the table. He gave me a dazed stare. I giggled and drank my milk, and by the time I was done with it, Blue had his head down on the table, breathing steady. Asleep. "Blue, c'mon. Let's get you to bed." No response, as expected.

I still didn't feel tired and it was around midnight at this point. I put on my boots and went outside. The breeze was nice and it was cool out. I walked around town, then went back inside the house. Instead of being asleep on the table, Blue was now on the couch. I took off my boots, and not bothering to change, I slid right by Blue. It was easy to fall asleep after he put his arms around me, the chills from outside tingling around my body, and slowly fading away.

"Night Red..."

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