Chapter 2

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(Sakusa pov)

It's been about an hour since Miya tried talking to me maybe he's alseep. I roll over to see him sleeping peacefully. cute. wait. There's no way I just though the Miya Atsumu was cute.....but I mean....."NO, no I am going to sleep and I'm going to forget all about this" I say rolling back over to fall asleep.

{Time Skip}

The next morning I woke up and got dressed for volleyball. I noticed Atsumu wasn't there so I assumed he already left. I Wash my face and then put on my mask. I walked down to the gym to see Atsumu practicing sets. I walk up to him but somehow he still doesn't notice me "Hey uh Atsumu?" I think I scared him because the ball he was about to hit, hit him square on the head. "Ow~, oh hey Omi  Omi what's up!" He said picking up the ball. "I was wondering if you wanted to toss me some sets?" His eye's widened and the he smirked "Omi-kun did it hurt?" I rolled my eye's. "Let me guess when I fell from heaven?" How unoriginal. "No." "wait what?" I was pretty confused now which made him grin even more. "When you fell for me." I just stood there mouth hanging open. As soon as I came back to my senses I felt my checks flush. "W-where the hell did you get that idea!" He just looked at me and smiled. "So are ya gonna hits some tosses or just stand there admiring me?" he asked cheekily "Damn it Atsumu" We practice for about half an hour when the practice matches started. We played all day with only a small break for lunch. By the time we finished our last game everyone was exhausted. I was the first to head to the showers as I walked in I saw a familiar face. Great. "Oh, Hey Omi Omi!" Atsumu smiled. "Hi" I got in the shower and washed and scrubbed myself everywhere until I felt clean. When I got out I could hear Atsumu singing in the shower. To be honest he wasn't that bad. I walked back to our room and laid on my bed. A few minutes later Atsumu came in. "Hey Omi Omi!" "What do you want Atsumu?" "Well My friend invited me to play some games with some of our friends would you please come?" He said giving me the cutest puppy eye's. "Ok fine." I grumbled. "YAY! your the best Omi Omi!" I didn't have time to react when he pulled me into a big hug. Normally I would push whoever touched me away and sanitize myself but for some reason I didn't feel the need to do that. Instead I actually wanted to stay in the hug a little longer. After a few seconds Atsumu came to his sense and released me. "OMI I'M SO SORRY,  PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!!! I just forgot you don't liked to be touched please I won't do it again!" He said on his hands and knee's apologizing. "it's fine, now let's go meet your friends." He thanked me over and over again on the way to wherever we were going. We stopped in front of room 516 and Atsumu knocked on the door. A short boy with orange hair opened the door and lets us in. We sat down in a circle with everyone and I took a chance to look around. I learned the names of these people from Atsumu but here's who all was there; Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Sugawara, Nishinoya, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Bokuto, Akashi, Kuroo and Kenma. I had played a couple of the people here today actually. Hinata the boy who let us in closed the door and joined us all as we sat in a huge circle. "So I invited you all here to play truth or dare!" The small boy said. "And anything is allowed right?" Kuroo the boy I meet yesterday asked. "Yes now who wants to go first?" He asked and a another small boy jumped up "Ok you can go first then Noya". "Hmmm Bokuto truth or dare?" another boy that kinda looked like an owl answered "Dare!" "Hm you have to kiss the most beautiful person in the room on the lips." Noya smiled evilly. "PFT that's easy!" Bokuto said as he stood up. He walked over to a smaller boy with dark black hair and gave him a peck on the lips, The other boy looked shocked while Bokuto just walked happily back to his seat. Everyone was giggling at the other boys reaction and the game continued. "Hmmmm bro truth or dare?" Kuroo answered. "Dare cause I'm no wimp!" "Ok um Take kenma's game and keep it for at least two more rounds." Everyone's Jaw's dropped. "W-wait your not serious right Bokubro?" "Hey what happened to not being a wimp?" he said in a sassy tone. Kuroo just sighed and Reached over and  quickly snatched Kenma's game, Kenma who hadn't been paying attention glared at Kuroo while He desperately tried to explain. "Ok Kageyama Truth or dare?"Kuroo asked finally giving up on apologizing to Kenma "Truth" "Tsk how lame, anyways do you like anyone here?" Kuroo said smirking as Kageyama looked very nervous. "Uh yeah I guess..." He said quietly but loud enough fro us all to hear. "Wait really!?! why didn't you tell me? I though we were best friends!" Hinata said and pouted. "Shut up boke! Um Iwaizumi, Truth or dare?"  He asked the spiky headed spiker responded "Truth" "Hm what's one thing I'm better at than Oikawa?" He said smirking as Oikawa's face grew pale. "Hm I'd have to say your better at blocking obviously." The whole room started laughing and Oikawa looked as if he had just died inside, I have to say it was pretty funny. "Hm hey Atsumu Truth or dare?" I looked over to Atsumu who seemed exited "DARE!" He shouted. "Ok um I want you to go give your phone number to a girl and if she doesn't accept then you have to drink a shot of this" He said pulling out a bottle of very strong liqueur. "Ok follow me and watch how it's done guys." We all stood up and follow Atsumu down the hall and we spotted one of the female managers. "Ok stay here and watch" Atsumu walked up the girl who looked quite surprised to see him. "Hey can I give you my number?" We all mentally face palmed at how simple that was. "Um sorry I have a boyfriend" She said and we though he would just give up but no not Atsumu he said "Oh that's cool but I thought you might need a husband so here's my number." He said and the girl actually accepted the paper with his number on it! He walked back over to us with a proud look on his face. The boys were congratulating him as we walked back to the room while I had a strange slightly painful feeling in my chest. We saw Daichi standing at the door when we got back with a couple bags in hand. "Hey guys sorry I was late Suga asked me to pick up some drinks!" He said showing us the contents of the bag. This was going to get messy.

(A/N: Next chapter is going to have a little bit of ✨Spice✨ so be prepared 👁️☕👁️)

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