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"Halloween's a magical holiday, all about family, friends, and the thrill of getting to be someone else for a day," Malthe says, talking to the reader, "Wrong! Halloween's about candy. And scaring people, but mostly candy," Caelum says, correcting his brother.

"Where's your costume, Caelum?"

"This is my costume. I'm the cool twin," Caelum informed his brother who was wearing a cape and headband, "What does that make me?"



The boys walk through the house, "Whoa!" Malthe whisper yells at the reader, "A dorksaurus rex," Caelum rolls his eyes at his sleeping uncle on the couch.

"Not a real dinosaur," Malthe smacked his brother in the back of the head.

The twins walk in the room where Pietro is snoring, "Man. He even snores cool. I'm gonna go wake him up," Caelum whispers to his brother, "Don't!" Malthe protests, but Caelum laughs at him, "You scared?"

"He's our uncle. Why would I be scared?"

"'Cause it's four o' clock in the afternoon and you're secretly afraid he's a vampire."

"No, I'm not!"

"Blood is thicker than water! I'll show you!" Pietro shot up from the couch and scared the kids, they immediately started screaming, Y/N heard their screams and shouted, coming down the stairs, "Oh, somebody better be bleeding, broken, or on fire!"

She came down the stairs and smiled at her kids and 'brother'.

"Whoa, Mom! Are you old Red Riding Hood?" Malthe asked, amazed at her costume, Pietro snorted.

"I'm a Sokovian fortune teller!"

"Wow. That is so.."." Pietro started, "Rad!" Caelum finished, "Lame," Pietro said instead, to which Caelum restated, "Lame."

"Worse than the costumes Stark made us wear for that one 'scary' Halloween party."


"Stark. Where's the rest of my costume?" Y/N asked, wearing only a sports bra and a pair of short spandex shorts.

"Pietro has it."

Pietro stood frozen, holding a single face mask, he immediately dropped it.


"That's not exactly how I remember it," Y/N recalled, "You probably suppressed a lot of the trauma," Pietro simply stated.

"Mom has been weird since Uncle Pietro got here. I think it's because she hasn't seen him in a long time, and he's what you call a "man-child"," Malthe said to the readers.

Loki sighs wearily as he walks down the stairs into the living room with the rest of the family, "Whoa! Sweet costume, Kind-of-Bro-Best-Friend-In-Law! Let me guess, uh... Traffic light!"

Loki sighs and rolls his eyes, "Half-shucked corn. A booger!" Pietro kept guessing and Loki just got annoyed with him, "Yes."

"Yes!" Pietro fist bumped the air. Y/N turned to her husband, "Well, thank you for humoring me and wearing this ridiculous get-up, honey."

"Well, there were no other clothes in my closet, so... You are incorrigible, darling! I know you have a thing for Mexican wrestlers."

"Me gusta mucho."

"Chilli con carne."


Loki turned back to the kids, "What do you say, boys? Who's ready for that first hit of high fructose corn syrup?"

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