Date Take 2

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I woke up the next morning before Fushiguro, and I took a moment to stare at his form. His hair was a mess, the straight locks crowding his eyes and spread out crazily on the pillow. His arms were secured around my waist, our legs tangled together. I leaned back slightly to look at his face. His normally furrowed brows were smoothed out, and his face look relaxed, his mouth slightly opening when he exhaled. He shifted, pressing his face even closer to my chest, and I smiled. He was so cute. I pressed a small kiss to his forehead. His eyelids fluttered, and he opened them groggily.

"Mhm, what time is it?" he groaned; voice thick with sleep.

"It's seven in the morning." I whispered, drawing random patterns on Fushiguro's back.

"Too early." he grumbled. I laughed.

"C'mon, I'll make some breakfast. My Uncle probably already left anyway, so we have the house to ourselves."

Fushiguro cracked open an eye. "What kind of breakfast?" he questioned suspiciously.

"You in the mood for omelets?"

"Sure. Now, I want a kiss." Fushiguro tilted his head up expectantly.

"Of course." I leaned down, pressing my lips to his softly. Apparently, Fushiguro didn't want that, as he pressed harder into me, throwing a leg over my hips and hoisting himself into my lap. He broke the kiss and looked down, his hair falling into his face. I reached up to brush it out of the way, and he leaned into my hand. I licked my lips, drawing his eyes down to watch, and he kissed me again, tongue lapping into my mouth. I opened for him, tongue meeting his halfway, moaning into the kiss. I grabbed his hips, squeezing lightly. I broke the kiss, staring at the raven-haired beauty.

"Good morning." I whispered, breathless.

"Good morning Itadori." Gumi said just as quietly. I moved my hands from their resting place on his hips up to his waist before wrapping my arms in a vice-like grip around him, pulling him close. I held him for a few minutes, just breathing. Fushiguro's stomach gurgled.

"Food!" he whined; voice slightly muffled from being pressed into my chest. I chuckled.

"Okay, okay, let's get some food." I agreed easily. I sat up, and Fushiguro got off my bed before scooping me up, wrapping my limbs around him like I weighed nothing.

"Um, Gumi? What are you doing?" I questioned, tightening my legs around his hips. I felt his heartbeat beating on my chest, and he gripped my legs with his hands, smiling innocently.

"I'm going to make breakfast."

"It's okay, I could make something for us-"

"Itadori." Fushiguro stated, shoving open the door and walking downstairs and into the kitchen, "You are injured, and you shouldn't be walking around all that much. So, just let me take care of you." he pleaded. I stopped talking for a second, trying to process. I know I'm hurt and all, but I can still do stuff. Is Fushiguro just being protective or something? I smiled, he's such a softie at heart.

"Fine, you win." I conceded, "by the way, how the hell are lifting me like I weigh nothing?" Fushiguro stopped walking, tilting his head.

"Because I work out. You aren't the only one who is strong." he teased, and I felt my face heat up. He gave me a small peck on the lips before setting me down on the couch and tossing me the remote.

"You know," I called as I turned on the news, "I've never, ever seen you in a gym."

"That's because I go to a dojo. I don't need to go to a gym because of that." Fushiguro replied back nonchalantly. My draw dropped; Gumi can fight? I would've known about that; I've been in MMA for years, not to mention I've gone to the underground fights for years now, even participated in some of them. It started out as a hobby, a way to detox and work through the stress of my life, especially after my parents died when I was five. My body became my escape, and I honed it into a weapon, taking care of it and making sure it was in peak health at all times. I hated whenever I got injured like this, because that meant I couldn't escape reality like I wanted to. Anyway, maybe he isn't into the underground scene. That could explain it.

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