Riding Horse

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  Eli had grown up in a large loving family, she was what people referred to as over weight. She had large boobs, thick thighs, round arms and her belly was anything but flat, she had it all but an ass. She knew it, it was barley noticeable and guys loved to point it out.

  There wasnt a man in her town that had yet to point out that if she had a little more ass or if she lost a little more weight she would be fuck worthy. She didnt need or want to be fuck worthy she wanted a man that sure would want to fuck her but also one that would want to love her. Her friend Melissa said to not worry, apparently there was a man out there for every women and mine would show up at some point. But what if there wasnt, or what if I was the one to have to look.

"Alright the plan is to bar hop on Sixth Street, we get an hour in each bar and there are 6 bars, at the end of the line a limo will be waiting to take us to the club where we'd meet up with the guys and finish our Bachelorette/Bachelor parties!"

The house was full of women, married, single, dating there was no discrimination in this celebration and sadly Eli was the host.

  There were women doing their hair, make up or getting dress all around how things got so out of control was beyond her. There was food, wine bottles and confetti -which Eli had no idea where it had come out of- everywhere. But it would be worth it. Her friend would get married in a week and live happily ever after.

It would be a fun night, the women had to search the bar for specific pennis accessories in divers colors and present them to the bartender who would gift them with cocktails like Sex on the beach, A blow job, Wet pussy, Suck bang and blow or what ever she thought was appropriate. 

  The bouncer would be handing anyone who would like to help an accessory and by the call Eli had gotten earlier the accessories where moving and fast. Everyone in their group had a bracelet that said with the bride all except Melissa ofcourse hers said Bride.

The first four bars had been fun the girls were a little more then tipsy and enjoying them selfs, they'd done body shots, karaoke, lap dances and some of them had already disappeared with strangers. It was 10:00 pm and only 2 more bars and a club to go.

  "Hey, your the first to find one." The bartender at this bar was a beautiful red head with soft brown eyes.

"Im sure im the only one still playing!" She said back, her voice loud to make sure she was heard over the music but ofcourse right when she said it three of the girls came next to her all with yellow penises around there neck.

"Hit us!" Sammi yells while the other two giggled.

  "Wow, you all move fast I see." The bartender sat 4 diffrent shots infront of and explaind what they were before we all downd and moved to try and find anymore of these bad boys. Free booze couldn't be waisted.

The club was full, loud and in full swing, their last stop, this was where Eli could really let go. They spotted the guys and moved that way with her leading the group of very drunk very annoying women ready to hand them over to their respective other.

  "Jesus, Eli i said tipsy not black out drunk."

  "I have no control of what your fiancee does Rick. I did my part got them all here safe and sound." She sat on the long booth that coverd the wall and watch as the rest of them stumbled and zigzaged there way to the table aswell. "Or as sound as I could. I'm sure most of them have no idea where they are." The guys chuckled and moved to help the ladies sit.

"Hey, I'm Horse. I was told I was your other." She shook his hand and looked around the table.

  "Oh, the other lonely."


   "The other lonely, Meli told me there would be a friend of Ricks who wouldn't have a date and would keep me company. She said we were labeled The Lonely."

  Horse had a tight button down red shirt on, one that hugs his muscled arms and chest perfectly his jeans were dark and he had boots on. His brown hair was styled long on the top, short on the sides and back and it was tussled perfectly.

  "Want a drink?" With a nod of her head they made their way towards the bar where they proceeded to drink, laugh and talk for a little over an hour.

  "Come with me." Eli grabbed his hand and pulled him over to where the bathroom sign was before pulling him into the woman's bathroom and into a stall.

"What are you doing?" He questioned as she unbuttoned his shirt and pants.

"I've been babysitting all evening and  you were my designated date so we are going to fuck in this stall and then I will call a cab and never see you again." Horse nodded his head and helped her lift her dress and turned her towards the stall door.

"Sounds good to me."

He pulled the top of her dress down and cupped a breast while pushing his hip foward and letting his dick rest between her ass cheeks. It started off slow she was sure shed had to finish herself with the way he was moving. His lips caressed her shoulder and neck his teeth nipped on her earlobes and his fingers danced around her nippel and clit his speed increased slowly, her breath started to become more labored he pulled away from her pussy and positioned himself at her entranced before pushing in all the way with just one thrust of his hip.

"Son of a bitch" she murmured slamming her hand on to the stall door. He wrapped his hand in her hair and began to thrust his hips, like everything else he started out slow as if testing the waters and then slowly increased his speed makimg sure to not push her limits his other hand toyed with her nipples and his mouth sucked and nipped on the skin of her neck and back. Eli knew she'd have marks all over the next day but she couldn't and wouldn't care.

Her first orgasm hit quickly making her throw her head back on to his shoulder giving him better access to her neck and while coming down from her orgasm indused high his hand traveled down to her folds his finger runing over her clit just once before he raised his hand and tapped her lips with two fingers. Eli opend her mouth and sucked on them couting them in her saliva, humming at the feelimg between her legs loving the anticipation of knowing what was coming next. Her dress was bunched up at her stomach her breat bare and thighs wet and she loved it all. His fingers popped loudly out of her mouth causing some other girl to giggle and Horse grunt, his fingers decended towards her clit again but stopped at her breast to coat her nipples before pressing on her sex. He pushed her upper body to rest on the stall door the cool of the metal making her nipples harden with one hand still wrapped in her hair and the other on her clit he began to pound into her faster, harder.

Her moans were drowning out the soft thumping of the music that managed to travel through the bathroom door. And the squeaking of the stall door only added to the effect her body was having. Horse could feel her walls tighten around him. Her inner muscles moving like waves with his thrust taking him in and holding him tight almost to tight as if trying to keep him tucked inside her. The sensation was to much, his jaw was set his teeth locked tight his eyes closed and his head facing up he could feel every muscle in his body cramping with how hard it was getting to control himself and right before they relaxed and he let go she screamed with pleasure squirting around his cock so hard his dick was almost pushed out of her. With her coming again he finally let go of himself releasing a stream of cum into her grunting and sigh-ing at how good it felt. The door to the bathroom opend the music flooding the room making Eli quiet down.

  "Get it girl! Bless that mans soul, we could here you guys outside!" Some one yelled from the next stall. Horse chukled and kissed Eli's shoulder before fixing her dress and tucking himself in his pants. He grabbed toilet paper and wipped her thighs while she rested against the door trying to catch her breath.

After cleaning up Horse walked Eli out of the club and waited with her until her uber arrived to pick her up he handed her a card with his name and number and told her to call any time. He hoped to repeat their actions again and watched the car drive away before mounting his bike and heading home.

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