Chapter 1

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As I returned to consciousness again, I noticed that I seemed to be in the normal world, albeit somewhat in the future. Would I really be sent to a normal world though? I feel like there's no point giving me these super-abilities if that's what's happening. The fact that I'm in Japan makes me think this must be some sort of Anime world. I was a ghost it seems. Perhaps that's part of learning how to live. I'll have to likely conjure up my own body with [Conjuration]. I'm not really sure what makes up who I am though. I lost most of my memories after all. For now I guess I can just wander around observing what's going on with this world.

A sad truth was that I didn't speak Japanese, and thus did not understand almost any of the conversation going on here. I tried to see if I could perhaps possess people, but I just passed right through them. So I guess I can't get a body or knowledge of this world through that shortcut. Being intangible and invisible means there's not many ways to affect the world. Something I did manage to figure out though was that it was the year 2048. So not too far in the future.

I tried to mess with everything I could, hoping I'd find some sort of way to interact with the world. Eventually I realized I could mess with the world by using my Nen. I'm going to use numbers to describe it since that's the easiest. But currently I seem to have like 10 Nen, let's call them Nen Points (NP). If I used a point, I could briefly affect things by slightly moving them. If I used 10 points at once, I could possess a small object. I think that's using [Manipulation]. From what I gathered, my Nen seemed to never truly reach empty, there seems to be a hidden piece of Nen that never disappears. So even if I'm at 0/10 NP, it's more like I have 1/11 NP and it never goes below 1. Anyways, I seemed to regenerate this NP at like 1 point per minute. Again, these numbers will probably become meaningless as I grow stronger, but for now it's the best way I have to describe my abilities.

The reason all this matters is that if it costs 10 points to possess an object, then it costs about 1 point per minute to maintain that possession. So I could just barely possess small objects. I suspect that if I increased how much NP I had I could probably possess people, animals, or larger objects too. I first possessed a rock. And let me tell you, it's absolutely bizarre being a rock. Rocks are alive. And they barely think. It felt like I was high or something with how peaceful it is being a rock. I guess the goddess wasn't lying about everything in this world being alive. Did you know rocks have dreams? This rock dreamt of sinking deep into the earth and reaching earth's core. I swear people were not meant to comprehend what it means to be a rock.

With that bizarre experience out of the way, I tried possessing a few other things. I possessed a coin, a drop of water, even some wind. I was kind of intoxicated in realizing the life that lied in everything. It made the world feel so much more vivid than I'd ever known it to be. I decided to be a little more daring after this. I figured, if I could possess small objects, why not a phone? They seemed to have these out here, and maybe I'd be able to access the internet.

I went up to this random person's phone and tried going in. It worked, and suddenly I understood so much. The insane amount of information a phone contains is nothing to laugh at. I knew how to communicate across various protocols like SMS or the Internet, I knew so many languages, I knew how to interpret binary data. It was insane. It took a while for me to integrate everything I learned, but I realized with this everything would become easier.

With this new knowledge, I understood Japanese finally. The things people said around me made so much sense. I could use the phone's internet capabilities to surf the web, sort of. I still didn't feel like I was any closer to learning what was special about this world though. Another side benefit was that I seemed to be smarter. I'm not sure, but I think I internalized some of the processing abilities of the phone into my own soul, and probably advanced the [Thinking] aspect of my Nen.

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