Chapter 3

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After the Sports Festival, we had to have our work studies. I managed to work out part of my agility problem. If I used my [Thinker] abilities that let me think as an AI, to boost my processing abilities, I could slow down the world in my perception. It was kind of like this one pro hero's quirk, called Overclock. So at least I could see hits coming even if I couldn't react to them yet.

Our first order of business before we got shipped out to our work studies though was picking our hero names. I called myself Codex. Yagi was All Might, Peter was Spider-Man, Barry was Flash, James was Wolverine, Pam was Poison Ivy, Kara was Supergirl, and Ororo was Storm. After that was decided, I decided to intern under a current popular pro hero, Iron Man. In this world, his quirk was technopathy and he used it to control his iron suits. So we got along pretty well as tech-based heroes, with my digital abilities and his technopathy.

I learned a lot from him about Artificial Intelligence. This guy was way beyond the rest of the world in his research into so much tech. He didn't share it with most of the world because he knew it could be weaponized against quirk users, much like how the Sentinel Robots were in the United States currently. Even what he did share with me helped me improve my capabilities by a lot. As I was studying under him, for some reason I felt this strange feeling of dread the whole time. As if something bad was going to happen. It got worse and worse each day, and I even felt this strange pull towards somewhere far away.

One day, the dread seemed to increase to full on panic, as if whatever it was trying to warn me of was happening right now. I scanned my area, I didn't seem to be under attack. I figured I should probably check on all my friends too. They all seemed to be alright, but Yagi wasn't responding. Having a sinking feeling of what might be going on, I quickly tried to find Nana Shimura through the web, or even All For One. They all seemed to be strangely radio-silent.

Are they battling right now? I thought the big battle was after high school. This is too early. I thought I had years to prepare for this. I couldn't find them either. How do I help them if I don't even know where they are. As if to answer my plea, the pull I'd been feeling grew stronger. It felt almost as if it was asking me to let it guide me. I surrendered myself to it, and soon I felt my surroundings shift and suddenly my head was blown straight off in place of Nana Shimura.

Damn, talk about a dynamic entry. I noticed my old enemy All For One, who recognized me right away after he saw my body regenerate.

All For One: You're still alive I see. How are things doing?

Sapphire: Oh you know, I was having a great day till my head was blown off.

All For One: Ah yes, that does tend to happen in your line of work. Why are you interfering?

Sapphire: Blondie's my friend.

All For One: It seems this won't end well.

Afterwards, the fight resumed. I could tell Yagi, Nana, and Gran Torino had many questions, but we had a bigger problem to deal with. I unshackled all my processing power and felt the world slow down to a crawl. I thought about the best way to deal with All For One. But it turns out, the answer was pretty simple. I wasn't quite strong enough yet to take him down on my own. But that's the key point. I'm not alone. I never really considered cooperating with people, but it would make things a lot easier.

I went ahead and possessed All For One. He was strong at resisting, so I couldn't gain full control of his body. But he just needed to be hindered enough to be killed by the others. I held him back, and seeing their opportunity, all three of the others managed to land a killing blow. All For One was dead at last.

I finally left All For One's body and began talking to the others.

Nana: Who are you young lady? Why did AFO seem so familiar with you?

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