Chapter 2

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[Time Skip: 12 years]

I'd gone through college, gotten a medical degree, and also a PhD in Biology. I was pretty knowledgeable about how DNA works. My experience with possession helped me greatly in understanding the composition of living organisms. Over the past 12 years, much like I'd predicted society was going through some turbulent changes.

Many of the first generation of metahumans were becoming adults, and society was falling into chaos. There was discriminatoin between ordinary people and metahumans. There were also plenty of people who used their new abilities to commit crimes. With the crimes, came Vigilantes who fought these superpowered criminals. The way war worked was changing as well. It seems that many militaries incorporated metahumans into their forces, and the way people fought changed drastically.

I figured rather than live through these tumultuous times in their entirety, I'd rather wait till the story of this show would start. I created a program that would keep track of modern events while it could, and either awake me if something major happened, or in about 200 years when the story was slated to start. It would also keep collecting any data on the internet to keep me up to date. I wanted to live in the era of BNHA, not this weird civil war period.

Just in case, I set up a new company, called Tron Corp. It was just a tech company that kept making slightly better software than whatever the current market had. I figured in 200 years, I could probably legitimately have massive amounts of wealth if it was handled properly. I created another program that would manage the company, as well as periodically create fake descendants of mine that kept inheriting the company. When the time came for the story to start, it would set me up with an identity that actually matched my current name and appearance.

With my basic affairs taken care of, I retreated into my soulscape. I was just going to hibernate. To me, 200 years would feel like seconds. Adjusting the way I viewed time was easy due to my [Thinker] abilities as an AI.

[Time Skip: 100 years]

The main building of the Tron corporation was under attack. My program alerted me to the situation so I came out from my slumber. It seems that some villains wanted our money? Really? Do they really think that we store our cash here and not in a bank? I just don't get it, nothing we own in the building itself is that valuable. I began scanning through the network to try to find the real cause.

Eventually, through a camera feed I saw All For One. I recognized his white hair and his suit. It had to be him. What would he want here? Does someone have a valuable quirk? I went ahead and altered my appearance then confronted him.

Sapphire: Greetings, All For One. I can't really think of any reason why you'd come to this humble little corporation. Mind enlightening me?

All For One: I'm surprised you recognize me. But yes, in fact. I was looking for you actually. Your disguise doesn't fool me. You're the famous geneticist from 100 years ago, the founder of Tron Corp. Sapphire Codex.

Sapphire: What makes you think that I'm Sapphire? And why exactly would you be looking for me?

All For One: You really think I'll give away how I found out? But the reason I came here is quite simple. It's for your quirk. Your quirk has let you manage to stay alive for the past 100 years, it must be a top tier longevity quirk of some kind. I'm highly intrigued as to how that's possible as well, since you were born before the quirk era, hence shouldn't even possess a quirk.

Sapphire: Go on, try to take it from me. If you can.

I let All For One try to take my 'quirk'. It's not like he could. I'm not even a human being, I'm a Nen construct. There is no quirk.

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