The Globe Cup part 1

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"Welcome Beyblade Fans to our final tournament the Global cup, this year will be a little different as we will start in individual matches" Señor Hanami said "First up we have Delta VS. Lee , Our mysterious Shadow Blader VS. Xavier Bogard, Clio Delon VS. Naru Akabane, Roy Shirosagi VS. Loy Hakanari, Just to name a few of the hundreds of Bladers in this tournament".

First Up is Lee VS. Delta

3...2...1... Let It Rip

Flarius Flew all over the stadium And then Finally landed at the Bottom of he stadium But before Lee could call out a move Devolos Came right out of the Beyblade.

"What do you think of my Hellbringer Devolos" Delta said Proudly.

Flarius then Came out of the Beyblade and the Two Beyblades clashed and caused Hurricane force winds. Suddenly a Mini-Bey came right off of Devolos and Both Beyblades were attacking Flarius. Flarius then started to spin faster until it raced across the stadium. All three Beys kept on clashing none giving up.

"Devolos, Hyperflux shine" yelled Delta.

Suddenly Devolos and its' mini-bey became Golden. Devolos Kept on barraging Flarius until The mini-bey flew out of the stadium.

"Uh, Flarius Hyperflux Shine" yelled Lee as Flarius became a glorious Gold.

Both Flarius and Devolos kept on attacking neither Gave up ground until suddenly Flarius Crashed right through Devolos.

3...2...1... Let It Rip

Lots of other Bladers battled those who won Had achieved their Bit Beast Others achieved Hyperflux. Bayron destroyed his Opponent.

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