Too busy

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Heyy guys... Just wanted say something before the story starts.... You guys can keep on suggesting.... I will pick the ones I like... And I am writing all those ideas down... You guys will get them soon after some chapters... Thxxxx.
Y/n pov:
I woke up with a loud noise... Of course I knew who it was..... Jimin... Always the one who wakes me up.... In a bad way.
Jimin: good morning sister!
Y/n: the morning isn't really that good when you scream in my ears.
Jimin: well that's what brothers are for... I remember  when taehyung's room used to be beside mine... I would throw water on him EVERY MORNING.... We had the best relationship....
Y/n: Had??...anyway I see..... Now can you go... I will change and be down for breakfast.
He left my room closing the door I gave a deep sigh and went to start my morning routine... Nowadays I feel a little distant from my brothers.... I mean nothing really changed but then for the past month they have been going for missions mostly every day leaving me in the house.... And to be honest I also don't like the fact that they always say how much fun they had before I came... In my opinion I am the black sheep of the family.... My mom has blended in with the family well but I am stuck as an outcast till now.... Like first of all I am the only girl living with 7 guys... Isn't that creepy? And I still hate the spotlight while my brothers are completely used to it.... I also have different opinions than them..... Anyway it's breakfast time... I wore my uniform
I went down stairs for breakfast and saw them with their laptops discussing about something... I quietly sat beside them... They didn't even notice my presence let alone wish me morning... I ate my cereals silently and sat on the couch waiting for someone to drive me to school.
Jungkook: uh hey sister?
Y/n: hey oppa! Let's go ...
Jungkook: umm about that.... None of us are attending school today... So...
Y/n: so u want me to drive?
Jimin: of course not sister...
Taehyung: we are not cruel brothers... But we ARE cruel mafia.
I saw 6 others standing behind Jungkook.
Jin: Alfredo is gonna drive you.
Y/n: where are you guys going?
Namjoon: well... Mafia things....
Y/n: what things?
Jimin: aishhh why do u have to know everything???
Jhope: yahhhh she is our sister! Don't talk to her like that!
Y/n: ohh umm ok...
Suga saw my disappointed face and told...
Yoongi: guess what??we'll go to the ice cream parlour together after school.
Y/n: really?!?!?
Yoongi: yup... Now go to school.... We'll meet you later.
Y/n: ok bye oppa!!!!!
I hugged the goodbye and went to school .

-time skip-
-after school-
Right now I  am waiting for one of my brothers to come pick me up... I looked at a mercedes coming by the school gate and of course it's ours.... The car came and stood in front of me.. I opened the door expected for one of my brothers to be there..... But instead it was the butler again.... I asked him where are my brothers are but he said that they were busy.... Again.... But this time I wasn't having it.
Y/n: Alfredo we r going to their mafia lair... NOW!
Alfredo: sorry miss that just isn't possible!
Y/n: I don't wanna go home! I want to go to my oppas!
Alfredo: sorry but I am not allowed to do that!
Y/n: well then I am getting out of the car..... Bye!
Alfredo: no no no... Fine I'll take you there... But we r in the middle of a big problem so u might face some inappropriate things! And your brothers are not that chirpy and funny when they work... They r pretty intense.
Y/n: I don't care I am going!
Alfredo: *sigh* fine!
He drove me to bts's mafia building... I had gone there once.
We reached the main gate and something was different than last time. It was quite and  there was a lot of tension in the air. Not like last time.
Y/n: umm Alfredo why is it so quite here and scary.
Alfredo: well this how it's always been.... In rare occasions this place seems chaotic especially when kang siblings are here (TXT).
Y/n: where are they?
Alfredo: some of them are in a mission and the others are in school.
Y/n: are they bullies in school?
Alfredo: you see... The ARE blood related to your oppas... And they r quite feared in their school.
Y/n: well they r so cute and enthusiastic when they are with me...  Anyways where are my oppas.
Alfredo: umm it's probably not the right time to meet them.
Y/n: why not?
Alfredo: umm....
Y/n: Alfredo where are they?
Alfredo: sorry miss they might take my life if I disobey them.
Y/n: well they will take your life even if you disobey me.... So where are they?
Alfredo: i-in the b-basement.
Y/n: ok thanks and by the way don't worry I will make sure u are safe and sound... Bye!
Saying that I went towards the lift and to the basement... It was dark... Only a little bit of light.. This room looks familiar.... It is the one where they bought me when they thought I was stalking hobi oppa (part 6: the club) .... I walked closer and what I saw sent multiple shivers down my spine... It was a man... He was bleeding badly... Some of his teeth were missing... I saw him surrounded by people with guns in their hands.... Wait.... Oppas... I ran to them... And when their eyes met mine.... It was unusually really cold and mean.... It's like their glares were about to kill me!
Y/n: guys what's happening?
Jhope: what r u doing here? He said with a cold look on his face!
Y/n: I j-just came to s-see w-why you w-were so busy?
Jhope: that doesn't give you the permission to come her you are off limits from this lair.
I was about to reply when that guy pulled me and trapped my neck with his arms....
Guy: well well well what do we have over here.... Jhopes girlfriend...
Suga: aishhh she is too good to be his girlfriend, she is our sister! Give her back unless you wanna die.
Guy: I'd be careful if I were you.... One shoot and she is done for.
I could see their hesitant faces.... Oh no I have messed up again!... Why do I always have to be the damsel in distress! Ughhh!

Guy: leave me and you'll get your precious sister back.
Jimin: you are messing with the wrong people.... You know that right.
Jin: shoot him!
Bts (except Jin) : WHATTTTTT!
Jin: I said shoot him!
Taehyung: hyung it may cost y/n's life!
Jungkook: hyung are you bananas!
Namjoon: think clearly hyung!
Jin: he has too many information!
Yoongi: hyung you might be older than us but WE are NOT LISTENING TO YOU!
Jin: if you want something right you have to do it yourself! Saying that Jin pointed the big gun towards me while the others were trying to stop him... They were trying to snatch the gun away but he kept his grip.
Jin: in 3 SECONDS you are going to meet your doom... Soram and dear sister... Just in 3 seconds!
"In 3 seconds" He was emphasizing those words while looking at me with a face that was pleading me to do something but do what?... I was shocked over there trying to understand his hint while I could see the rage in other bts members.... His eyes kept going on the roof... That weird guy called soram just tightened his grip on my neck.... When Jin pointed the gun towards me his face still had the pleading look which only I was able to understand.... I just kept looking at him... He started counting down then his idea just hit my brain.... As he said 2....1....the guys hands loosened because of fear and I pushed him hard while Jin opened fire towards the ceiling resulting the whole ceiling falling on top of him while I ran as far as I could from that guy until I hit jins chest and I did not leave it! While the others were staring at the lifeless body lying on the floor.
Jimin: you were about to sacrifice her!
Jin: aishhh... I guess my brothers don't know me well yet..... You see y/n and I have this special bond.
Y/n: somehow I could just read his face!
Namjoon: so the Jin we know since birth has a stronger bond with y/n.
Jhope: I am actually jealous.
Yoongi: but why were u here though?
Taehyung: your presence was literally about to destroy us!
Y/n: I just wanted to confront you... You guys have literally forgotten about me for the last few months and I feel really alone.
Namjoon: oh my god y/n I am so sorry you felt that way!
Taehyung: you could've just told us! We would give up everything just to spend time with you!
Jungkook: and our babygirl should never feel sad!
Y/n: yahhh don't call me that!
Jin: well now that this guy is dead all the work left is for dad.
Jimin: now I can scare you EVERY NIGHT!!!!

Guys this chapter has ended..... And guys do u want y/n to spend more time with a particular member If so plz comment... And also comment which member of bts u like y/n with more... Whenever I read your comments a creepy smile is always plastered on my face.... Anyways byeeee luvv uuuu!

My dear stepbrothers pt.2 {On Hold} (one shots) Bts ffWhere stories live. Discover now