Chapter 1 The beginning (childhood)

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Kevin stood on the ottoman his mother had given him for a place to sit while he read. He watched the house across the street, a large truck sat in the drive way. He wanted to ask his mother is she would take across the street so he could check it out. He liked knowing how different automobiles worked.

A small car pulled up next to the truck, a couple left the car and opened one of the back doors. Kevin found his attention was pulled to a small ravenette that climbed out of the car. He stretched up onto his tip-toes to try and get a glimpse of the boy as he walked calmly around the front of the car.

When at last the child across the street came into view, Kevin pressed his nose against the glass. The boy across the street had walked to the middle of his front yard; he sank down to his knees and stared at the grass.

Kevin could only stare for what seemed like an eternity. He knew his mother would scold him for smudging the window, but he deemed it okay; especially when the boy across the street looked over at him. Kevin was met with a gapped grin and a small wave. In return, Kevin smiled widely and waved back.

They did this, waving back and forth game for a full five minutes before the boy across the lane's attention was pulled away from the redhead in the window. He cast one final glance out at Kevin before lowering his head, and following the tall woman into the house.

It was almost a full week before Kevin saw the boy outside again. Almost a full week of playing hopscotch and jumping jacks with the other kids of the Cul De Sac, but at last the raven haired boy had made an appearance. Kevin watched the boy attempt to carry a large basket cross his lawn.

Slowly the other children had stopped what they were doing, and followed suit in watching the small boy. The group continued their on looking as the ravenette began to set up a blanket. Once he seemed to be satisfied with his positioning under a large oak tree, the boy settled himself down and took an oversized book out of the basket.

At seeing this, the spell over the other children broke, boredom had set in and they continued with their playing. Kevin, on the other hand, hovered with his interest in the boy. He looked around before running around the circular sidewalk; he did not notice that the boy whom held his attention had also noticed Kevin and was intently watching him from behind the large book in his small hands. When Kevin was close enough, the ravenette closed his book and folded his hands across his lap.

Kevin scratched the back of his head nervously before holding out his hand. "Kevin." The overly simple introduction was greeted with that same gapped smile as before. The other boy rubbed his hand over his shorts before taking hold of Kevin's hand.

"E-Eddward St Vincent." The soft sound of his voice caused Kevin's cheeks to redden.

"W-would you like to come play with us?"

Edd tilted his head slightly, contemplating and calculating the benefits of engaging in play with the other children. When at last his deduction told him that making friends with as many of the children surrounding him as he could would prove beneficial, he opened his mouth to provide an answer but was immediately interrupted by his mother's voice.

"Eddward, dear it's time to come inside." Edd's smile disappeared, he gathered up his items carefully placing the book and blanket into the basket.

"My apologies. Perhaps next time I can join in? If it would is not too much of a request…" Kevin could not help the light blush that crossed his cheeks as he listened to the way Edd spoke. Edd offered Kevin the smallest of sad smiles before trotting across the yard. "Farewell Kevin." The ravenette waved gently before disappearing into his home.

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