Chapter 7(Part 1 of 2): The Long Goodbye

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Kevin clasped his hands down on the genius's shoulders. His duffle bag was grasped tightly between two pale arms that refused to loosen their hold. He could just see the tears that had started to form in his dorks eyes that stared down at the carpeted floor of the airport. "Edd…"

"Don't." The usually musical voice Kevin loved was now choppy and melancholy. Edd was doing everything in his power to keep from breaking down in the crowded airport, he was anxious enough to be separating continents from the man he loved; it would not help either if he had to be escorted out by security. "Seven hundred and thirty days Kevin…"

The smaller male took a shaky breath before continuing. "Seven hundred and thirty days without you. No waking up together, no sharing coffee, no arguing over something trivial." Edd sniffed trying to hold back the onslaught of tears threatening to break his decomposing demeanor. Finally, he raised his eyes to look back into the brilliant emerald ones he would miss dearly. Kevin could see now how hard this was for the genius. Those beautiful cyan eyes the redhead loved with all his might had turned into a dulled blue from the tears that had stained the beautiful face of his love.

Kevin sighed deeply; he had known saying goodbye would not be an easy thing for the pair. It had only been three months after a short engagement and a speedy wedding, and he figured Edd thought the redhead expected the two of them to just say goodbye. He, however, had made certain that goodbye had started one week prior to his departure, stretching into five dinners in the city, three museum tours that allowed him to listen to all the knowledge his dork seemed to hold and a round of cuddles each night. Yet it seemed that goodbye would continue for Edd well after he departed.

"Babe?" Kevin pulled Edd into a tight embrace, placing a kiss upon the black hat that adorned the others head. He gently ran his fingers through the wisps of raven hair that had worked their way from under the hat. "I love ya babe. You gotta know no amount of distance will ever change the way I feel about ya."

Edd nodded, burying his face into Kevin's chest. "I... I know. My brain understands that you will come home to me. But a small part says that you won't. Something may happen that keeps you from making your return. It scares me Kevin…"

Edd pressed himself tightly against the others body, his hold became an iron trap. An announcement over the P.A. system signaled it was time for Kevin's departure. Edd took a deep breath before slowly pulling himself away from the arms that had become his security blanket. Kevin had protected from so much over the years that Edd was not sure what would happen to him while his husband was away. He knew that Kevin had made Ed and Eddy as well as Nat and James promise to keep him company whenever they could as well as promise to be his eyes and ears while he was overseas.

"Promise me you will try write once a week at least, and if they have Skype that as well." Edd gently placed the worn duffle bag in Kevin's hands before flinging his arms around the others neck. The action caused Kevin to chuckle as he returned the hug. When Edd pulled away at last, he was caught in a surprise kiss that elicited a small squeak. Kevin smiled as he released the smaller male from his hold. He cupped his husband's cheek. "I love you."

"I love you." Edd replied, a small smile forming across his features. "Now to forever."

Kevin's smile grew. "Now to forever." He turned to take his leave, but quickly retreated. "Oh I almost forgot." He pulled an envelope from his jackets pocket and placed it in Edd's hands. Kevin gave him a final kiss before running off to catch his flight.

Edd looked down at the white envelope; he moved it between his hands before finally slipping it open. He took a shaky breath as a letter was removed from its confinement. Carefully, Edd opened the letter as though it was his only lifeline to the world that held Kevin in it. He started to read the first line, but got as far as Dear Babe, and had to leave the airport. It was not until he was safely in his car the Edd tried to read the letter once again.

Dear Babe,

I know ya aint happy that I gotta leave. You're reading this now as the plane leaves and I gotta say I love ya. There ya are probably in the car so no one can see you blush when I tell ya that last night was amazing, the way ya use your mouth and tongue-

Edd tore himself away from the letter; a scarlet blush had crept its way across his face. After a moment to collect himself Edd returned his attention back to the letter in hopes of finding less graphic accounts.

Anyway, you're a gem for reading this with all its grammar bound errors that I know will bug the shit out of ya ;) but that's one of the reasons I love ya so now look while I'm gone ya aren't allowed to skip any class, and yeah I know you would never but unless you're sick ya need to give it your all and show people that ya aint someone to push around cause the man I love aint an easy pushover.

And about my first care package. I don't care about what ya send so long as I get pictures. Of everything. But especially of you.

I love you Eddward Barr with all my heart.

Your Kevin.

P.S. Don't forget I love ya Double dork.

P.P.S. Look in sock drawer for present. WINK WINK

Edd smiled contently as he read over the sloppy handwriting, true to his word Kevin made sure the letter was full of grammatical errors that made Edd cringe each time he found one. His favorite was a paragraphed run on sentence. Once he was done reading the letter, he carefully placed it back in the envelope and tucked it into his pocket. He stayed in the parking lot for a while longer before making his way slowly home, the thought of being alone caused dread to spread through Edd's being.

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