Chapter 7.2 (Part 2 of 2): Reunited

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Kevin watched the other officers grumbling about the inches of snow they were sure to miss. He couldn't help the smile that crept up into his face; Peach Creek always had a few inches of snow in the beginning of December and by the end of February there would be two feet of cold white fluff to enjoy until April.

"What's the smile for officer? Finally decide to accept my Christmas gift?" A rather short blonde took a seat next to Kevin, she bat her eyes at him as seductively as she could muster. He tried to hide a laugh that was caught in his throat, but ultimately couldn't help himself. The woman gave him a dirty look, slapping his arm as hard as she could. "Oh, ha ha. You know it's your loss. Plenty of other men in this army that want some of this."

Kevin had to bite his tongue not to tell her to go find one. He rose from his spot in the mess hall, taking the crappy cup of coffee they served with him. "Marge, if I weren't married, were into women, wasn't being sent state side, I still wouldn't accept."

Marge offered an angry huff as she got up and went off in search of more favorable company.

With that Kevin made his way out of the mess hall, and back to his quarters. This was it, after a whole year and six months he was going home. A party had been held in his honor the night before; the company had enjoyed the celebration but many made it clear how they felt about the redhead leaving them. Disappointment still hung in the air as he made his final round through the camp. He would have been lying if he had said he would not miss them as well.

"Hey Kev, if you're ever in Clear Park maybe you and that husband of yours could have dinner with the missus and me?" One of Kevin's bunkmates asked as he shook the red heads hand.

Kevin offered a smile in return. "We'd like that."

Edd shifted from one foot to the other. He chanced a glance down at his watch. 6:31 pm. He was getting antsy. 'This is the first time in six months I have been away from home for a recreational cause.' He sighed gripping the stroller tightly as he glances around the building. "Where has she gone off to this time?"

He looked down at the infant snuggled in the stroller and felt a swell of happiness rush through his chest. Kevin was scheduled home in just a few months, and he could hardly wait to see his love again. Edd reached down and swept a few straw strains of hair from the baby's forehead. "He's beautiful Edd."

Edd glances up and smiled at the blonde he had moments ago been looking for. "I conquer." Edd hesitated for a brief moment before continuing. "Nazz we really need to leave, Its nearly time for his supper and—" Edd was cut off by a husky voice that brought a slight blush to his cheeks.

"And leave the party before the man of the hour got to you? I don't think so dork."

Edd turned around, eyes wide. Two of the most brilliant emerald eyes he had ever seen in his entire life shone back at him, a twinkle of humor hiding in the smile that reached them. For a moment the rest of the world was forgotten as Edd reached up to touch the face he had come to know so well. A rough scratchy near beard cheek rested in his hands. Quickly Edd pulled back and pinched his pale soft arm, extracting a yelp from his lips. Tears filled his eyes as he realized this was not a dream. He flung his arms around the redheads' neck.

'This is real…' A sob escaped the ravenette's lips when he felt the others arms wrap tightly around his waist.

They stayed in the embrace for a while longer before finally pulling apart suddenly at the sound of an infant cry. More so, Edd ripped himself away from his safe haven to console the fussy infant in the stroller. Kevin watched for a moment before speaking up.

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