Chapter 3 day 2 part 1

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Hey I'm back love's I'm sorry I haven't been active again I've been trying to get back into a school routine after Easter break and I've been stressed about next year cos it's almost summer break and I start my 3 year and I have to pick gcse options :(

Enjoy xx

That morning Harry and Louis where cuddled up together after a stressful night and Ashton and Luke along with Niall, Callum and Micheal went to wake the two boys up ready for breakfast.

"Lou...Haz..wake up lads where going to get food come on." Luke said and shook them both awake and once they where fully awake they got dressed and went to wake Liam and zayn up.

They first went to Zayn's room knowing that would be way worse. "ZAYN" Louis screamed and he shot awake and they all laughed as he looked at them with annoyed expressions. "Where gonna get breakfast lad hurry up and get dressed where gonna go get li and go to the restaurant." They all soon walked out the room and into Liams room.

"LIMA BEAN...PAYNO." Harry said and Liam slowly woke up and agreed to get breakfast with them.

All nine headed towards the elevator and got in and pushed the button. "So what's the plan for today?" Micheal asked looking at everyone. They all shrugged apart from Callum who said "We could go to the aquarium I heard it was really good or we could go early surfing." They all agreed to go surfing and then go to the aquarium later in the day.

"Hi I'm Jack your waiter and what would you all like to drink" Jack said in a posh British accent.

"Umm can we have 4 cokes,3 beers and 2 waters please?" Zayn said as Jack had written the order down and walked of.

"Ok so...have you guys did the dirty yet?" Niall said with no embarrassment to Luke and Ashton who blushed and looked down at the table so they all knew the answer.

Soon enough all the drinks came back and they where given to the person who it was for.
"Would you like food" the waiter smiles and says when he released who they where "oh my god u guys went to Doncaster high school I'm jack, jack whitehall I was in all your classes!" They instantly rember the tall boy with amazing humour and always loved hearing jokes from him.

"Yea jack that would be great. Can we all just have a full English please? Also you have to come sit with us once your shift ends we all have to catch up." Liam kindly says and jack agrees and walks away. They all instantly reminisce about school and soon get into a conversation.

"Who remembers jacks stand up comedy show he did back in year 11...funniest shit I've ever seen." Louis says and throws his head back in laughter as Harry secretly blushes. "But remember his dad Micheal who was the head of school....he was so boring though." Zayn continued as they all nodded and agreed.

"Here lads also I talked with the boss and it's on the house for my mates." Jack said and they said thanks and he went to finish his shift while they all ate.

"Hey why don't we ask Jack if he wants to go early smurfing. Sumrufing I mean surfing." Ashton said as they all laughed and earned a few weird looks from other people. "Yea I heard Jack was really good at it but I don't know." Harry replied They shrugged and ate waiting for the tall boy to return.

"I'm back boys" they exchanged hellos and reminded Jack about school days and he politely said no to surfing however but they agreed to hang out again at some point.

"Well I have to say I didn't think Luke and Ashton would end up together but I knew Larry would there a power couple." Jack replied to Ashton who was cuddled into Luke's side and Harry was sat practically in Louis side.

"I have to go do my job but it was nice seeing you guys again and we definitely need to hang out again maybe a movie night at my place?" They agreed and exchanged goodbyes and Jack walked to the restaurant and the boys walked towards the beach hopeful to go surfing and not fall in the water to much.


Sorry it's a short chapter but I should be publishing the next chapter and next part of the day next week at some point but soon my friend i will be publishing her third fiction so please check it out and I'm going to update the texting story today aswell so keep a look out

Hope you enjoyed keep safe tpwk

-r xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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