Chapter 2

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Later that night...
Louis is at home. He made dinner hours ago but Harry hasn't been home since this morning when he left. Louis's worry grows as he's noticed that Harry hasn't been himself lately. It's too late to wait for Harry any longer he decides. It's now one in the morning and Harry still isn't home. The only reason Louis has refrained from texting is because Harry did mention he would be at Niall's but he's usually home by now and he didn't say he'd be staying over.
*buzz buzz*
Harry's phone. He looks down at the screen Louis.
But Harry decides not to reply.
*buzz buzz* his phone vibrates again.
Still Louis but he still doesn't reply.
Then again Harry's phone lights up
Hazza bear
Please answer!
Where are you?
I'm worried!
are you okay?
Please come home!
Still no reply from Harry.
He doesn't want Louis to worry but at the same time he does. He wants someone to care. Lately he feels like no one cares or even notices what's going on.
His phone again * buzz buzz buzz buzzzz buzz buzz* this time Louis is calling. He decides to finally answer. When he picks up the phone he hears Louis's panicked breathing and what sounds like car keys.
"HARRY?!" Louis yells into Harry's ear
"Hi Lou." Harry says softly
"What the fuck?! Where are you?! Why haven't you answered me?! Are you okay?"
"Louis, I'm fine I'm just at Niall's house. We were playing video games." Harry says calmly
You can hear Louis's sigh of relief from the other side of the phone.
Harry lied to Louis though. He's not at Niall's well not anymore. He was earlier but now he's just laying in the middle of a flower field looking at the stars. He's about an hour out of town.
"Well can you please come home now? I miss you. I haven't see you nearly all day." Louis says wishing he could just cuddle with his Hazza.
"Yeah yeah I'll come home." Harry says
He hangs up the phone before Louis can say goodbye. He gets up from the field and walks slowly to his car. He drives the hour home and Louis is waiting for him on the couch when he gets there.
"Hi angel." Louis says sleepily getting up to hug Harry.
"Hi, love" Harry says hugging him back.
"You okay?" Louis asks feeling how skinny Harry was. He pulls Harry closer hugging him even tighter.
"Just a little upset is all." Harry says.
"Upset about what?" Louis asks all concerned. He looks up at Harry his chin resting on Harry's chest and his arms wrapped around Harry's waist. He looks like a toddler. So adorable though. Harry can't help but smile and bend over a little to kiss him before answering.

"I'm just a bit pissed about today is all." Harry says running his fingers through Louis's wet hair. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Louis asks hoping he can figure out what's wrong.

"Ugh. It's just fucking management and everything. I'm so tired of their bullshit." Harry says. Louis can hear the anger in his voice building up.

"Like I'm tired of them rejecting our songs. I'm tired of them saying we can't do things or meet with fans. I'm tired of them saying we can't be together openly. It's just so ridiculous. I fucking hate them." Harry is practically yelling. He's let go of Louis and his arms are flailing all over the place as he speaks.

"It is ridiculous. I agree, but we just have to deal with it for now I guess." Louis says unsure of how to comfort Harry.

"But don't we deserve to be happy?" Harry asks he now just looks sad. which makes Louis sad.

"Of course we do, angel." Louis says

"Then why aren't we? Why can't we just be happy? Why do they have to treat us like this? Why do they hi-" Harry stops mid sentence. Not wanting Louis to know what he was going to say next."

"Why do  they what?" Louis asks slightly angry  but mostly concerned.

"Nothing. Let's just go to bed." Harry says

"You don't want to eat?" Louis asks

"No no. I'm fine. I'm not really hungry." Harry says and Louis can't remember the last time he saw Harry really truly eat.

" are you sure? I made dinner." Louis says hoping Harry will change his mind but he doesn't.

"No I'm fine really. Let's just go to sleep." Harry insists again.

"Okay, love." Louis says. 

They climb into bed and Harry falls asleep quickly but Louis's anxiety keeps him awake. He can feel how skinny Harry is. He can fill all his ribs easily. He can feel how Harry squirms when Louis's hand brushes over a certain part of his tummy. He's scared. He's scared for Harry. He wants to know what's going on with him. He wants Harry to tell him everything. Make sure he's alright, but he knows Harry won't openly talk to him about it. Eventually Louis drifts off to sleep.

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