Chapter 4

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*buzz buzz* Louis's phone. He grabs his phone and keys and gets into the car he's running late for Harry and his breakfast date.

you on your way lou?-harry

yes, lovie.i'll be there in 10 minutes.-louis

okay you know where to go right?-harry

yes, harry we go there all the time.-louis

okay, because sometimes you get lost-harry

I know where I'm going.-louis

okay, lou.-harry

 Louis starts up his car and starts driving but about two minutes into the drive he realizes he doesn't know where he's going. Harry usually drives, and even though they've been there a lot he never knows where he's going.


yes louis?-harry

can you send me the directions?-louis  when harry sees this message it makes him laugh because he knew that louis didn't know where he was going. 

of course, my love-harry

*google maps location*-harry

Thanks! see you soon!-Louis

Harry rolls his eyes waiting in his car for Louis to arrive at their favorite cafe "The Anchor". They used to all go as a band at the beginning of it all but since then they've all got a lot busier and don't actually get a chance to sit witch each other and hang out other than when they record at the studio.

Louis finally arrives at the cafe and they get out of their cars kiss good morning and walk inside. They have about an hour before Harry has to go to the studio. Louis has an interview later with Niall so they aren't going to the studio today.

They are sitting at a table by a huge window that looks out on a beautiful garden. Harry wishes he had a garden. It reminds him of his mum's house. "I want to plant a garden, Lou" Harry says staring out the window. "Well then do it." Louis suggests. "I will as long as you help me. It can be like our little project." Harry decides "Okay, angel. Whatever you want." Louis says looking up from his window to meet Harry's green eyes. Louis is always ready to give Harry whatever he wants even though Harry doesn't ask for much. Louis knows Harry would do the same for him.

"What can I get you?" the waiter asks she looks young probably a teenager. First job maybe. Harry wishes that could be him. Wishes he was at uni. Of course he loves being in the band with his best friends and boyfriend but it would've been nice to still have more time to enjoy his teenage years. He doesn't regret anything he's decided to do. He really does love making music with his four best mates. It's just different and lately things haven't been great.

"Erm I'll have waffles with bacon, and scrambled eggs. And an orange juice." Louis says. "And for you?" she asks Harry. "I'll just have a coffee and a croissant." the waitress nods and takes their menus. "That's all your having?" Louis questions "Ya. not that hungry." Harry says softly. Still thinking about the garden. "Are you alright? You seem a bit off lately." Louis says feeling his anxiety rise. "I'm fine Lou. Really don't worry." Harry can tell when Louis is anxious about something and he never wants Louis to be anxious about him. 

They finish up breakfast. Well Louis does. By the time Harry needs to leave he's barely touched his croissant and only lightly sipped his coffee. Harry pays even though Louis insisted he do it. They kiss goodbye then Harry is off to the studio and Louis is going  back home to rest for a bit. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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