Not Safe

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(y/n)'s pov 

I pushed both Nishinoya and Hinata down, then peeking up again once I thought it was relatively safe. A fight had broken out on the streets between two parties who managed to get their hands on military equipment. "We're leaving now," I said when I came back down. 

"Why," Oikawa asked.

"There's a fight going on outside and we will not want to be caught in the crossfire. Let's exit out the back and get as far away from here as we possibly can," I instructed them, heading over to the spot I usually stayed by to take care of my belongings. 

"Is everyone ready to go," Daichi asked the whole group, standing on one of the tables. There was a lot of nodding and 'yes's,' so we decided to leave. We had just enough bikes so we biked through campus before going off. 

After having biked for maybe around an hour we stopped at an abandoned apartment building. Once we got inside, we left our bikes on the first floor which looked like a lobby. "Ushijima, Tendou," I called prompting the two males to look in my direction. I was standing by a large couch, "Can you help me barricade the entrance?" The two nodded and came over towards me, helping me move the couch in front of the door. 

"Smart thinking (f/n)," Ushijima commented, looking down at me. 

"Thanks," I smiled back up at the olive haired male. We were all still on the bottom floor, I handed out weapons to some people based on my judgement of their physical capabilities. I also showed a few people, Ushijima, Oikawa, and Daichi how to use a gun just in case.

"Now what should we do," Kageyama asked, it was already so we should be avoiding going out and looking for a better shelter. 

"Some people should get some rest and others can go check out the floors above for supplies and to eliminate any zombies," I suggested, looking over to Daichi for approval. He nodded and so we decided that Ushijima, Oikawa, Hinata, Shirabu, Semi and I would go check out the floors above. I had also recently handed out the walkie-talkies which would help with communication. Oikawa, Hinata and I stopped on the 2nd floor while Ushijima, Tsukishima and Shirabu went up to the next. We decided to alternate floors in our groups. 

"I'll be checking this room with Hinata, can you watch the hall," I asked Oikawa. 

"Of course (f/n)~" He winked at me, I smiled and sarcastically rolled my eyes before entering the apartment. 'It smells like death in here.' 

Hinata was holding the flashlight and walking just behind me while I looked at what was left. Once we got to the kitchen I opened up the pantry and grabbed a few canned goods, stuffing them into a bag I had brought up with me. "(f-f/n)," I heard Hinata whisper behind me. 

I turned around slowly to see an adult zombie exiting a room, I pulled out my knife with one hand and begun to approach the zombie quietly. Once I felt that I was close enough, I ran up behind the zombie and quickly took it out, "I'm sorry," I whispered after, gently letting the body down. "Hinata its safe now," I called to the slightly shaking boy who ran over to me. 

We continued this cycle with the rooms that were unlocked before heading up to the 4th floor, then the 6th and then the 8th. While I was watching the hallway for Oikawa and Hinata I heard a tussle on the floor below us. I told the two that I was going to check on the other group, Hinata came out to watch the hallway for me as I ran back to the stairwell. 

Upon opening the door quietly on the 7th floor I could hear a fight going on in one of the rooms and at the end of the hall I saw a larger-than-normal zombie. It had Shirabu cornered, 'Shit.'   It didn't look like it was attacking Shirabu yet but it could at any moment, 'All the other floors should be cleared by now since we were on the last room on ours.'   I pulled out my gun then yelling to Shirabu, "GET DOWN!" This drew the zombie's attention over to me now. I quickly loaded it as it began to go for me, I fired 3 rounds into it before it finally went down. 

I put away my gun and ran over to where Shirabu was, "Are you okay," I asked, concern filled my voice. I was standing above him, looking down, it seemed like he was in shock. I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Ushijima, Semi, Hinata and Oikawa in the hall. 

"Brat what are you..." Semi started before I waved my hand for him to stop. 

I turned to face the four boys, blocking them from seeing Shirabu, "I'll meet you guys in the lobby," I called. Hinata seemed hesitant on the idea of leaving us but Oikawa convinced him to leave. 

Once they were gone I turned back to Shirabu, "I thought I was going to die there..." He was looking off to his left at the wall. 

"But you didn't," I attempted to say with some positive energy but I was somewhat lacking it. "I don't think I've ever seen one that big to be honest," I glanced back at the now lifeless body on the ground several yards away. I turned back to the copper-haired boy and offered my hand, "I'm glad you're still alive." 

He looked up at me as if he questioned the sincerity of my comment before taking my hand, which I assume meant he could tell it was very much sincere/genuine. I let go of his hand after pulling him up, instantly missing the warmth.

 I was about to suggest that we head back down but I then heard a door open. I quickly put a hand over Shirabu's mouth before pulling him into a storage closet with me. He looked at me with confusion and so I pointed over at the open door and the man standing there. The two of us watched him quietly, he looked up and down the hallway before taking the zombie's body inside his apartment. The man then came back out and he walked down the hall, peaking inside each room, during this time I silently took out my gun. He then walked over to our end of the hallway, looking into each room again before standing in front of the closet door. I held my breaths for a few moments before the man left and returned to his apartment. "We probably shouldn't linger here any longer," I whispered removing my hand from over his mouth, he nodded in response.

We quietly opened the closet and booked it over to the stairs, shutting the door to the stairwell quietly and we headed down. I was up ahead, looking over my shoulder constantly to make sure Shirabu was still behind me and no one was coming. By the time we got back down everyone was already asleep. I holstered my gun and was about to head over towards where Natsu was before a hand on my wrist stopped me. I turned back, locking eyes with Shirabu, "Thank you, (f/n)." 

I smiled at him and said, "You're welcome," after the words came out he let go and we both went to our own areas.  


In the morning I filled in Daichi on what happened and it was decided that we had to keep moving. 

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