Comforting Presence

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(y/n)'s pov

"Well on our way towards the city we ran into Terushima who was accompanied by Lev and Yamamoto," Daichi said. "And then the two we ran into at the mall joined us after you and Atsumu disappeared, Kita and Osamu, as well as another member from their team Suna." 

"I'm sure Natsu is happy you're back," Sugawara added. "And we happened to come by Fukurodani's managers with Johzenji's managers. 

"Yeah... I'm glad to see that she's doing okay," I sighed in relief. The four of us stood near the entrance, and a bunch of the others chatted in the main lobby area. I glanced around the room watching all of the volleyball players talking amongst themselves. Kenma was talking with Hinata while his sister stood near them. Akaashi, Bokuto, Kuroo, and Tsukishima were talking while Yamaguchi stood nearby. Eventually, my gaze fell upon Iwaizumi and Oikawa, Iwaizumi was asleep on a couch while Oikawa sat nearby with his head in his hands. "Iwaizumi's leg is doing better I'm guessing," I asked. 

"Oh yeah, Shirabu took care of that in your absence," Asahi replied. 

Sugawara must have understood what I was trying to get at because then he mentioned, "We ran into some zombies a little while ago and they happened to be students are Aoba Johsai." 

"Fortunately no one got hurt," Daichi added. 

"That's good," I was still looking over towards Oikawa, I never would've thought I'd see the male in such a sorry state. "Umm is there anything I can help you guys with at the moment?"

"Why don't you rest for now I'm sure you've dealt with a lot," Daichi said, Sugawara and Asahi both agreed with him. "You can help out later, we're just glad to have you back." 

I joined the other people who were down in the lobby, following behind the three third-years. Kiyoko approached me with Yachi following close behind, the latter ran straight at me. "Hey I'm back," I said, Yachi immediately ran over and hugged me. 

"It's good to see that you're okay," Kiyoko said, joining our hug as Yamamoto, Tanaka, and Nishinoya both stood and watched nearby. 

After that I made my way around the room, talking with everyone in the group who was downstairs. Hinata was telling me how Natsu was just waiting for me to come back. Kuroo and Bokuto had started to poke fun at Tsukishima, while Yamaguchi stood off to the side with Akaashi. Yamamoto, Tanaka, and Nishinoya swore to protect all of the 'beauties' in this group. Kageyama was talking with Kunimi and Kindaichi, it seems like they made amends. Atsumu formally introduced me to his teammates that were with the group. Shirabu, Tendou, Ushijima, and Semi were sitting off to the side talking amongst themselves. Goshiki was talking with Terushima, the managers from Fukurodani and Johzenji were nearby talking. 

I ended up taking a seat near the group of Shiratorizawa students. "Good to see you're still alive (f/n)-chan," Tendou told me in a slightly teasing manner. 

"It's good to see that you're okay," Semi agreed with Tendou, offering his words in a more caring tone. Ushijima and Shirabu both nodded to show they share the same sentiment. 

"Same to you guys," I replied, I was sitting between Semi and Shirabu. I turned over towards Shirabu who happened to already be looking over at me, "Thanks for taking care of Iwaizumi while I was gone."

"No problem," Shirabu replied in a cool manner. 

"Trying to take (f/n)'s job," Tendou ruffled Shirabu's hair, which annoyed the latter as he ran his fingers through his hair to try fix it. I chuckled at the sight, Ushijima and Semi both smiled over at me. 

I continued to engage in some idle chatter with them and at some point I must've fallen asleep. A little while later I woke up, Semi was looking down at me, and my head was resting on his lap, "How long was I asleep?"

"A couple hours." 

"Oh okay... I'm gonna go back to sleep for another hour," I joked, closing one of my eyes still looking up at him. 

Semi gave me a surprised expression at first, but he looked away from me and said, "Okay if you want." 

I sat up, resting my back against the cushions on the sofa, "That's okay I was just kidding, but I appreciate you for that." I decided to walk around a bit, eventually coming across all of the managers prepping food in the hotel's abandoned kitchen. "Let me help you guys out," I offered, Kiyoko accepted my help and introduced me to the four other managers who I hadn't met previously. After we were done we helped with serving the food, with almost everyone eating in the main lobby. 

I looked around the room, even those who had been in their rooms earlier had come out to eat in the main lobby area. Kiyoko walked over to me, "Are you looking for someone?"

"Yeah, where's Oikawa?" 

The girl with glasses sighed, "He's probably in his room again. He hasn't been the same since we ran into some zombies who were students of Aoba Johsai... I can take you to his room and show you to an empty one." 

"Okay that sounds good," I said as the two of us headed upstairs and down one of the hallways. She led me to a room that was empty where I could stay and then we continued to Oikawa's room. Kiyoko then left me once she had finished, heading back out to the lobby. I took a deep breath before knocking, "Oikawa may I come in?" I waited for a few moments and there was no response. I stood outside of the door contemplating for a few moments before saying, "I'm going to come in." Reaching for the door handle, I grabbed the cold metal with my hand and turned it, the door was already unlocked. 

"(F/n)?" Oikawa looked over at me as I opened the door, he was sitting at the edge of one of the beds in the room. 

"Hey I meant to check on you earlier but I didn't have a chance..." I softly closed the door behind me as I approached Oikawa. It was obvious that he'd been crying and hadn't slept probably since the last time I saw him. "What's on your mind," I asked him.

"Do you remember how Iwa and I got separated from some people before finding you guys?" I nodded in response, "We ran into them the other day... they turned into zombies..." Oikawa put his hands over his face, looking down towards the ground.

"I'm really sorry to hear that," I reached my hands out towards him, resting one on his shoulder and running the other hand over his hair. 

He had started to cry softly, his head in his hands, "Maybe if I did better they would still be alive right now." Oikawa's crying gradually had turned into a mix of sobbing and hyperventilating.

I wrapped my arms around the crying male, "Hey... I'm sure you did your best... Right now I need you to slow down your breathing okay?" The tears had started to soak into the fabric of my top, "I'm sorry. I know you tried your best and it didn't work out. And I can't possibly imagine the pain that you're in right now... but it wasn't your fault. You did your best and that's all anyone can ever ask of you." I moved my hand up and down over his back, "I may not have known your friends, but I don't think they'd want you to blame yourself."

Eventually he stopped violently sobbing, and the two of us had moved onto the bed. I sat with my back against some pillows propped against the headboard, Oikawa sat in front of me and laid back against me. He'd fallen asleep holding one of my hands, as my other arm ran across his chest with my hand on his upper arm. A little while later Iwaizumi walked in, "Oh (F/n)- Should I leave for you two." 

I shook my head, "Nothing really happened like what you're thinking." As Iwaizumi approached the other bed I reached out with one hand to grab his, "Hey I'm sorry about what happened to your guys' other teammates." 

Iwaizumi squeezed my hand lightly, "Thanks." I let go of his hand and he made his way to his bed, "I'm so glad you're back, (f/n)." 

Tomorrow Zombie Apocalypse au | Various Haikyuu x Reader |Where stories live. Discover now