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(y/n)'s pov

We continued through the streets, trying to avoid those with many zombies on them and things were going pretty well... too well actually. "It doesn't look like there are a ton of zombies around here... why don't we split up into groups and see if we can find anything useful," Tanaka suggested, it wasn't a bad idea but definitely not the brightest.

After a bit of discussion, we did end up deciding to split up into two groups. In my group was:
Yachi, Semi, Goshiki, Natsu, Hinata, Suga, Daichi, Kageyama, Iwaizumi and Nishinoya. The other group had the remaining members.  

"We'll head towards the mall over there," I told Kiyoko and the rest of their group.

She nodded, "We're going to check some of the stores around here and then we'll meet you at the mall."

"Stay safe," I called to them as my group left. As soon as we got to the mall, we checked around the parking lot to clear any nearby zombies. Since there was no longer power being supplied to the structure, the automatic doors were shut. "Aye Kageyama could you come for a sec," I whisper-yelled from the entry, Natsu standing right behind me. He nodded and ran over, the two of us then pulled open the doors so we could enter the mall.

After we all got inside, Kageyama and I pulled the doors so it was shut again. Over the walkie talkie, Yachi then said, "When you guys start heading to the mall let us know so we can open up the front for you guys."

On the other end Tanaka said, "Willll do."

"Want to split up into 2 groups," I asked, "We can cover more ground in here." Everyone nodded, with a couple verbal answers.

"Big sis, I'm staying with you right," Natsu said from standing below me, I nodded and smiled down at here.

"I'm guessing you're coming with now Hinata?" He nodded and came over by Natsu and I.

Suga and Daichi were standing over by each other, Yachi and Kageyama were also near each other. Nishinoya was harassing Goshiki while the two third years stood on the side talking. After a few moments Daichi spoke, "Iwaizumi should probably go with (f/n) since she's the most capable and he's injured."

"I'll go with her too," Semi said.

"Alright it's settled then," I said, "I'll go with Natsu, Hinata, Iwaizumi, and Semi, and the rest of you can group together."

"Should we seal off the other exits first," Suga asked before the two groups parted.

"That'd be a good idea," I replied, "so we'll both seal off the two other edits before rummaging around then?" The other group nodded, "meet back here after then. Stay safe," I called as our two groups parted.

We started walking towards the opposite end of the mall. Fortunately we didn't run into any zombies heading to the exit we were responsible for. "How odd," I muttered under my breath as we approached the exit. 'I would've though we'd run into at least one heading to here.' 

"Hey, maybe we can use this to block the door," Hinata called from a nearby information desk. 

Semi and I walked over towards the younger boy, helping him move the information desk in front of the door. I took some zip ties out of the desk and put them on the door handles just for good measure. I went back to where Iwaizumi was sitting, running his hand over the bandage on his leg. "How's the injury doing," I asked him, standing in front of him. 

"It's a little better I guess," he responded, watching Natsu who was looking at some plants that had started growing in the mall. 

"Why don't you hang out here with her, while I check some of the nearby vendors," I told Iwaizumi as I put down a knife by him for just in case. 

"Stay safe," he called as I walked off. 

"You too," I said back to him, heading upstairs and into a store nearby. I took this opportunity to change out my shoes since the soles had worn down, to some (shoes of choice). There didn't seem to be anything else of much use in there, but I did grab a couple hoodies since it was thicker. I could probably use it later to wrap something so zombie attacks won't go straight through.

As I walked into the next store over, I glanced over the railings, chuckling at Hinata annoying Semi. I continued on, entering what seemed like a snack shop. I knelt down and rummaged through some of the packages that had fallen to the floor. I pulled anything of interest, that likely wasn't expired yet closer to me to separate it from the other goods. 'Ooo there's some (favorite snack)'  I stuffed (favorite snack) into my bag and then continued on. 

crunch crunch

I stopped at the sound of someone or something walking on broken glass, pulling out my knife and staying low to the ground. I slowly brought myself closer to the end of the display case, (behind the counter), moving my fingers along the handle of the knife. Once I could see the figure's shadow meet the nearby wall, I sprung up and lunged at the nearby person? 

I tackled the yellow haired male to the ground holding the knife at his throat. My legs were on either side of him preventing him from using his arms and getting up. "Who are you," I asked, leaning over him so my eyes could clearly meet his. 

"Who are you" he asked me, squirming around under me, to no avail. 

I groaned, sitting up, still holding the knife to his throat, "I asked firstt..." 

I felt a gun to my head, and slowly turned to see another boy, who looked similar to the first standing over me. "Get off of him," he said. 

"Why should I," I asked, snaking my other hand to my gun. 

"I'll shoot you," He responded. 'His form is terrible, ain't no way this man is gonna shoot me.' 

I looked more closely at his gun noticing the safety was still on. Instead of reaching for my gun I grabbed the end of his. He pulled the trigger a few times, nothing happened. "Why doesn't the stupid thing work," he muttered as I snatched it from him. 

I took off the safety and aimed just over his shoulder, firing a single shot. I put the safety back on and tucked it away. I got up and offered my hand to the male I tackled earlier. I thought for a few moments, before taking the other boy's gun back out. "Here," I said putting it back in his hand and taking out my own, "I'll show you how to use it. I don't need you adding to the number of zombies there are." 


I nodded, standing closer to him and showing him how to hold and use the gun. "Alright you should be good to go now," I said, putting my gun back. "See you." 

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