3. Trailers Part 1

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This is specified them reacting to the Falcon and the Winter Soldier trailer

Sam: Seriously I get a show with him?
Bucky: trust me...I'm not that happy about it either!
(Trailer: Mr. Barnes, why does Sam aggravate you?)
Sam: Ah yes, I would love to know!
(Torres: 15 seconds to drop!
Bucky: So what's our plan? H...great...)
Steve: it's weird to see you with short hair again.
Bucky: You've seen with it before
Steve: I'm used to you with long!

(Zemo: superheroes can not be allowed to exist. I have no intention to leave my work unfinished.)
Natasha: Wait how did he get out of prison?

(Bucky: the world is upside down right now. *Shows Sam throwing the shield and transitioning to Bucky catching it.)
Clint: I'm so confused. When did Steve give them his shield?
Steve: Long story...

(Sam: Where do we start? Buck, I have a plan
Bucky: Oh yeah? WHAT IS IT! *Sharon appears*
Sharon: Where we go again, huh?)

Tony: Agent 13?

(*shows Bucky hanging on to the bottom of the truck a little too close to the wheel*
Sam: That little girl kicked your ass!
Bucky: AHHH! )

Bucky: just to salt the wound.
Sam: I would love to see that

(Theorist: See that wasn't so hard...are you two having a starring contest. *Snaps fingers* BLINK...how old are you?)

A couple of them started to laugh at Bucky almost laughing in the trailer.
Steve: There's more?

(Bucky: Hi I'm Bucky
Sarah: Sarah
Bucky: Sarah *smiles while walking away with Sam*
Sam: HEY Don't flirt with my sister!
Bucky: No...*he shook his head making a face.* )

Steve: Same as always...
Tony: You've done it now Barnes
(Bucky smirked not saying anything.)

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