8. Alternate ending

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    This is a little introduction to my new fanfiction for Bucky. There's not much to this chapter due to it's a self-promotion to " My Dearest, Bucky."

    Tony: Alternate Ending? What's that supposed to mean?
    Wanda: Shh...

    (Bucky stood alone under a street lamp. His nose was in his phone; his face lit up from the bright light.
    Unknown: Bucky?
    He turned his head to the voice of the unknown person.)

    Sam: This is going to turn into a horror movie.
    He was on edge of his seat waiting for a jump scare.

    ( A woman with short black hair...her face glowed in the streetlamp light.
    Bucky: It's been a while.
    He laughed his eyes seemed to well up in the corners.
    Unknown: I'm sorry...
    Bucky: Don't! Don't... apologized for something you couldn't control.
    The woman sprinted towards him wrapping her strong arms around his waist. His hands shook before he wrapped his arms around her.
    Unknown: I love you; I love you; I love you...
    She kept repeating. Bucky stiffened above her.)

    Pepper: Do anyone know this girl?
    Strange: She's from an alternate universe.
    They turned to him in shock; the woman that calmed to love Bucky was in another world. Most of them turned back to the screen.

    ( Bucky kissed the woman's forehead.
    Bucky: I love you too...please, don't ever leave me again.
    Unknown: I wasn't planning to leave again
    She laughed as Bucky placed his forehead against hers.)

    Natasha: That's sadly sweet.
    Wanda: The way he looks at her
    She whispered so only Natasha could hear her.
    Natasha: Very different...

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