10. Alternate Ending P2

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    Tony: There is that girl again; what's up with her?
    Strange: It's hard to explain; in this alternate universe she's Zemo's daughter.
    Bucky: What?

    ( It showed her as a little girl running out of a school; she turned towards Zemo.
    Unknown: PAPA!
    She ran over to him as he picked her up.
    Zemo: Hongi, how was school?
    Unknown: Cool! We watched a movie and ate cookies!
    Zemo: That sounds fun.
    Unknown: Are we going to see Winter?
    Zemo: Yes.)

    Steve: Don't tell me
    He turned to Bucky who looked clueless.
    Clint: HYDRA did that to a little girl?
    He was fuming at their tactics.

    ( Unknown: Winter!
    She ran to him and wrapped her arms around his leg. He knelt to her height ruffling her hair as she laughed.
    Winter Soldier: Hey little Solat
    Zemo: Go easy on Nicole.
    Winter Soldier nodded.
    it showed him easily trainer her and then it transitions on her getting older. Her hair was now cropped short and was taller. She grabbed Bucky by the arm and flipped him on his back.
    Nicole: YES!
    Winter Soldier sat up smiling at her. She was a pre-teen and was strong.
    Winter Soldier: You did well.

    It showed her in one of her classes; she looked bored. She was sketching Winter Soldier.
    Friend: Nicole, who are you drawing?
    She teased as Nicole slammed her sketchbook shut.
    Nicole: N...no one
    Friend: You stutter when you're lying.
    Nicole: S...seriously, I'm not!
    Friend: Wait? Is that the guy you have a crush on?
    She snatched the sketchbook and stopped Nicole from grabbing it from her.
    Friend: Ooo, and he's cute too!
    Nicole was finally able to get it out of her hands. )

    Bucky was blushing his head off seeing this. In this universe, he had someone to remember that he liked as well as viewed him as a person.
    Sam: How do you feel about that?
    Bucky: Embarrassed...
    Steve: That's nothing to be embarrassed about though.
    Bucky: That's not it.

    ( Zemo: She's different...
    Winter Soldier looked at him confused.    
    Zemo: Something is off; she's been redder in the face.
    He gestured as Winter Soldier thought for a moment but wasn't able to speak his mind.
    Zemo: You may speak when you want you to, you know that; here you don't have to endure as you do with the others. I view you as a son Solat; here.
    He gave him something placing it carefully into Winter Soldier's hand.
    Winter Soldier: What is this?
    Zemo: I can tell there is something special between you two.
    Winter Soldier: Apologizes
    Zemo: No need; when she's 18.
    He got up and left the room; Winter Soldier opened his hand to see a diamond ring that belonged to Nicole's mother.)

    Pepper: Oh my god; that is...
    Shuri: Surprising?
    Pepper: I can't describe it.
    Bucky laughed harshly: If he viewed me as a son; why did he try to turn me back into the Winter Soldier?
    Strange: You'll get the answer soon.

    ( Nicole who was now 16 years old: YOU TRIED TURNING HIM INTO THE WINTER SOLDIER AGAIN?
    Zemo: Hongi, please breathe. It's my job if I don't;  I'll be killed, you know this.
    She was yelling at him while Zemo took it unfazed.
    Zemo: You have every right to get angry with me; I know how much you love him.
    Nicole: That's an understatement!
    She went up to her room to cool off.
    Bucky: Too bad I didn't see the full show
    She turned to the super-soldier who was standing in her balcony doorway.
    Nicole: What are you doing here?
    Bucky: Came to see you.
    Nicole: Duh...
    She rolled her eyes walking up to him.
    Bucky: You still have it?
    She looked down at her neck at the necklace that he made for her.
    Nicole: Yeah...I've never taken it off since you gave it to me.
    Bucky: I'm glad; what are you going to do?
    Nicole: What can I do? It's not like I can go the HYDRA officials and tell them. Hey, sorry I don't want to work for you!
    Bucky: You're too sassy; no, that's not what I meant.
    Nicole: Then what are you suggesting?
    Bucky: Run away with me
    She looked at him in shock.
    Nicole: Are you crazy?
    Bucky: If being with you makes me crazy then so be it.
    Nicole: Was that temptation of flirting?
    Bucky: Did it work?
    Nicole laughing: You're a hopeless romantic
    Bucky: Hey!)

    Steve: That's not wrong.
    Bucky: Come on!
    Sam: I don't know whether this is weird or what?
    Pepper: What's weird about it?
    Sam: I mean it's alternate universe stuff; I feel like we shouldn't be seeing this.
    Strange: Somewhat; you aren't affecting their world though so it's not like the time police are going to arrest you.
    Sam: There is time police?!

(Notice; this is probably going to get edited in the actually story My Dearest, Bucky.)

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