Chapter ten; How they fell in love (part 5)

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Uh, hey- It's been a while.. I haven't updated in so long. You readers honestly deserve an apology. That apology will obviously come in form as this new chapter. I seriously have no more excuses for being late to update other than being extremely lazy.. Uhm, enjoy, I guess- Keeps your heads up for a hashinaru one-shot I may or may not post. I don't know how long I want to drag this out. Anyways, enjoy, I guess.

"Izuna, how is our dear patient?"

A strong aroma filled Tobirama's nostril, making it twitch in agitation. He didn't know where he was, but he knew enough to understand the man who had just entered was not playing any games.

Crap. He actually seemed quite powerful. One wrong move and it could be over for him. Tobirama shuddered at the thought.

"He's doing fine, Madara." Izuna replied, tilting his head backwards, suddenly finding the ceiling patterns quite interesting.

Why is he nervous around this Madara man? Tobirama thought in confusion. What this man a threat? Of course he was a threat! Or perhaps Izuna wasn't meant to be interacting with him? But why would this be? He was clearly welcome here with all the luxuries he kept receiving.


Perhaps he misread everything? Is he truly welcomed here?

The albino's mind raced with all the possible conclusions of what could possibly be the current situation. His eye-brows furrowed, and his eyes squinted.

"Senju, stop thinking before your brain explodes." Izuna, pointed out, smirking when Tobirama scowled at his way.

"What makes you think, my head will 'explode' as you so eloquently put it?" Tobirama remarked, staring at Izuna as though he had lost his mind.

"Well, honestly, I could go on and on and on, but that would lead into tomorrow and some of us actually need sleep." Izuna uttered, smiling as though he were lecturing a child.

"I don't need sleep."

"Everybody needs sleep, red eyes."

"Don't call me that, you peasant."

"Really? Peasant is the best you could come up with?"

"Yes. Yes it is."

Whilst the two carried on bickering, Madara observed in interest. He had only seen them interact this once and yet they were closer than he had been with Tobirama. Why was that?

His heart sparked in fury. Why was he mad? Shouldn't he be happy the Senju didn't like him? Instead he feels as thought he should be in his brother's place-

You may want to stop that line of thought. Madara mentally nodded with himself. That question would be better if it was left unanswered.

"Adara- Madara!" Izuna practically shouted.

"Yes?" He replied, slowly bringing his eyes to stare at Izuna.

"I've been calling you for years!" Izuna pressed, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"Yes, and I've been asking you to actually style your hair properly for past few years, yet you never listen." Madara rebutted.

He would not lie, he felt a slither of pride make its way into his heart when he heard the Senju snort and Izuna place his hands on his hair feeling scandalised.

He adored being the older sibling.

"Anyway, what was it you wanted to tell me?" The long haired, Uchiha asked, lifting a precise eye-brow in question.

"Ah, right. Me and red-eyes are hungry." The younger Uchiha stated.


"Huh? What was that?"


Izuna felt his cheek twitch.

"Madara, I don't know if its taking long to process but we're hungry. That normally means you have to feed the people who are hungry. You know, food."

"Izuna, I know what food is."

"Izuna's right, you looked constipated trying to think what to do when he said we're hungry." Tobirama helpfully butted in.

Both Uchiha's stopped their squabbling and turned to the albino.

For a moment there was a tense silence.

Izuna's eyes lit up whilst Madara's darkened.

"I knew you favoured me!" Izuna shouted, prancing around the small compact room. Spreading his arm every time he jumped.

Madara silently squatted down, staring at the floor in annoyance. He was meant to be the favoured one.

People always favoured him.

Looks like he was going to have to gain the favour of a specific Senju.

No matter what.

Madara's eyes shown with want and he could only think of one thing.

It was as though he were living in his own different world.

Am I going to end the chapter here to make it more dramatic? Yes. Do I feel bad? Slightly. Anyway, this had to be short. I am trying to write more because I'm slowly regaining more inspiration. Yay, for me! Anyways, I'm not saying expect more chapters but I'm saying, have faith in me. The one shot is an idea. Its the matter of being a nice person and writing it then posting it, or being a mean bitch and writing it but not posting it. I honestly don't know. Insert evil face. Anyways hope you enjoyed this little chapter. IM BACK TO WRITING BABIES, YAHOO-

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