Chapter one; when will I see you?

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Just a heads up to those few people who are actually reading this. This is yaoi. If you don't like it then don't read it. I'm always open for criticism as long as it's not too mean. I don't own Naruto otherwise sasunaru would be canon. And the pictures I use aren't mine unless I say so. I've talked long enough let's start the story now.

Hashirama POV- Age 30 years old.

Senju Hashirama, God of shinobi, could be seen lying on the cold, hard battle field. His being held by another male and the rest of his body resting on the dirt. He was covered in blood and scraps of flesh that belonged to those he killed. His brother, who was know as Senju Tobirama, was quietly crying rivers above him. "Why are you crying Tobirama?" He mumered in a gentle somewhat fatherly tone. Ever since they lost their father to the Uchiha's, Hashirama has gained the role of a parental figure and began to take care of his little brother.

"B-brother you're dying, what else should I do? I feel lost without you," Tobirama muttered in a slurred mix of words and sobs. This was the first time he had lost his composure. He always thought he would be the first to go. Luckily, Hashirama understood him perfectly.

"Ototou, we will all die sooner or later, it's only a matter of time before the next generation takes over anyway, but for now I want you to take over and protect Konoha. Senju Tobirama, I, Senju Hashirama, name you the second Hokage, otherwise known as the Nindaime." The now, newly named hokage widened his eyes at Hashirama's speech. His breath hitched.

What does he mean!? I couldn't possibly take over. I- I'm not strong enough nor do any of the Uchiha's trust me! That's like sending a sheep to a wolves den! No, no, no! Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up.

Tobirama felt his stomach go queasy at the thought of taking over. He couldn't. It was a drastic change to his life.

What Tobirama didn't realise, was he was a having a panic attack. His breaths were coming out, short and fast, whilst his hands tightened their hold on Hashirama's armoured fabric. Hashirama was lost on what to do. All he could think of was spreading the last of his chakra to his brother. It's the least he could do before his death.

Tobirama could feel the warm chakra slither down his spine, entwining In his own chakra network. He began to relax, his breathing calming down and his grip loosening.

He replied in a breathy, disheveled voice.

"I couldn't nii-Chan, I'm not ready nor powerful enough. They don't trust me plus the Uchiha will-,"

"Brother listen to yourself, you can, I *cough* believe in you. I'm dying right now. I don't have much time left, so these are my *cough* last words. Trust yourself and don't always blame the *cough* Uchiha's, they are merely trying to *cough* live like the rest of the clans. Goodbye Ototou." Taking one last deep breath, the god of shinobi, Senju Hashirama, died in an almighty battle. Trees, plants and flowers shriveled up. The sky seemed like it was crying itself, for the death of the Senju. I guess I really won't ever see my soulmate then.

Fast forward a century (still Hashirama's POV)

Where am I? The Senju asked himself. I seem to be floating into nothingness. Is this what death is? It is very relaxing compared to all the war and fighting in the shinobi world. The dead male, decided. I wonder if I can water any pla- Hashirama's train of thoughts were interrupted by a bright, purple light that seemed to suck him in. I don't ever get a break do I? He asked himself in self pity.

It took a few seconds, but Hashirama awoke to feeling confused and slightly dizzy. Firstly, I shouldn't be awake. I was dead and hold on a second. Before Hashirama could muse further on the matter he gained back his hearing. He was able to hear a hissing noise that seemed to be speaking. A snake? Or perhaps a snake summoner? He deduced.

After gaining his hearing, his sense of smell came crashing in like waves. So much so, his nose began to slightly burn in agony from the nasty smell that filled it. Burnt trees and oil was what he smelt.

Whilst his nose was still in agony, his sense of taste came back. All he could taste was ash and iron. The taste of iron must be from blood. After gaining his sense of touch, he also gained his sight. What he saw, truly baffled him.

There stood Saru in all his glory. The man had gotten extremely old.

I might delete this story as it's not up to my standards but we'll see how this goes. I plan for Hashirama and Naruto to meet at the 4th great shinobi war. The only reason I did it at the chunin exams was because I want Hashirama to fall in love with Naruto at the first glance which would be at the chunin exams.

Hello! Thank you for reading this but we also wish to let you know that, us weebs who are into multiple naruto ships (and also other ships that are not naruto's) have created a server on discord! We would be overjoyed if you joined us here! The server is still in the middle of devolopment. But thank you for everything.

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