Well I'm going to tell you a story about time and the gatekeeper Harry Evans That's me 17 years old and, I was born April 1990 as a normal person. Basic job, average grades, and an average life. One day while I was on my way to school being late like always. Suddenly I here someone calling my name but no one was around, confused I yell who's out there. The voice once again speaks and says my name. Harry, Harry, come to me Harry. At this point I'm freaked out, but I couldn't help but follow the weird voice calling my name. I didn't say before but I like a little adventure as I walk to school. But As I'm walking toward the voice I find a strange portal. I realize that the voice is coming from the portal. I look at the portal and said nope not happening! And I turned right back around. Ive seen the movies I'm not doing this shit. I start to walk to school but decided to go back home since I was already late. But as I start walking the portal starts sucking me up and when I woke up I was in this strange world field with clocks .