Waluigi: The Tale of the Most Unexpected Hero. Chapter 6

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Ladies and Gents, Fans of Waluigi!! I sincerely apologize for such a late update to the story. I honestly kinda lost interest in writing and forgot about this story. I found a dusty old notebook with ideas about how to continue the story and I felt a wave of inspiration to see it to the end! I hope you all enjoy! Praise WAH!!!

Bowser came crashing down to the floor while giving off an intimidating roar towards the violet crusader. The Koopa King's sheer body mass made the earth quake before him. Waluigi raised his head slowly to stare into the hateful red piercing eyes of the menacing king. Full of malice, full of arrogance. It would be Waluigi's final battle. A final struggle to save the Mushroom Kingdom and be regarded as the hero he always dreamt of.

He raised his sword to point at the incoming threat. He could not help but feel a slight tremble in his sword arm. Partly from exhaustion from fighting battle after battle. The other part was from the horrifying thought of what will happen if Waluigi was to fall to Bowser? What would happen to the kingdom? To his friends? To Rosalina?...

The thought of the beautiful princess struck a cord within Waluigi's heart. Rosalina. The main driving force on why Waluigi wanted to stand up against Bowser. To show the entire Kingdom that he is not just some B-rated side kick. That Waluigi has what it takes to become a hero just like Mario. Thoughts swell in his head about what Bowser has done to Rosalina forcing his face to grit in anger. Bowser see's the sudden change in emotion on his foe's face.

"Oh??? What's this?? You really think you can stand up to me? To the mighty Bowser??? You're just a joke! A nobody! No one knows you! No one cares about you! What can you even do??? Besides run away screaming???? BWAHAHAHAA"

Bowser's taunts only fueled the violet fire swelling deep inside Waluigi's heart. His eye's fixated on his final foe with a unwavering gaze, full of determination. With the single purpose of bringing down the villain of the Mushroom Kingdom. The grip on his sword tightens, his eyebrows furrow down with furious intent.

He takes short breaths to prepare his body for the upcoming battle. He raises his blade pointing directly at bowser with his expression unchanged. Bowser's face drops in anger as he scoffs at the pitiful wannabe hero in front of him. "Bah! You've chosen death then...? SO BE IT... HERO!!"

Bowser starts his charge with a slow arrogant strut before putting his head down to build up to a sprint. Waluigi crosses his Star Sword in front of his face to get in a defense stance. Bowser was charging in at lightning speed. His quickness caught Waluigi off guard as the Koopa King closed the distance almost in an instant to quickly to strike at Waluigi chest.

Luckily the razor edge of the sword held strong deflecting the mighty claw attack. Bowser lets off a smirk before a returning a low strike to Waluigi's right leg, catching him off guard.Waluigi was able to lower the blade low enough to stop the piercing claw attack from reaching his flesh but the sheer weight behind bowser's strike caused him to lose his balance. Bowser spun around to deliver a hard spin kick to Waluigi's stomach. The force of the attack blew Waluigi back a few yards as he stumbled backwards.

"He is fast.." he thinks to himself before shaking off the blow. He lowers his hand to cover where he was struck. A trickle of blood streamed down his bottom lip from the impacting force of Bowser's mighty claws. With his free hand he wipes the crimson blood off. He tilted his head up to see a gleeful Bowser with his hands on his hips in an arrogant pose.Bowser reels his head back taunting the hero. "Is that all you got??? I haven't even gotten serious yet!"

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