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"I don't care if it's too dangerous!" I yelled, my anger reaching another level. The men seated around the table stopped, their eyes falling on me. I hated it how they underestimated me, like I didn't know what I was talking about. I knew more than they knew about gang activity, even though I was just a little bit beyond 21. I took a deep breath and leaned against the mahogany table. "Listen, they will not shoot. We need to get the money whatever the cost. And I also need the leader. That's the most important aspect of this next mission."

"Mr. Styles, with all due respect sir, you don't know the leader of the gang." A small man said, his voice deep. I glared at him, my jaw clenching, my nostrils flaring as I took short breaths.

"I do know." I hissed. "More than I would ever want to, actually." The leader of the gang was someone that I despised with all of my soul, someone who I thought was dead. Sadly to my horror he was alive and kicking.

"How so?" The man, which name was Adam, raised his burly eyebrows with a slight faint smirk on his face. People like this makes my blood boil, my hands clench into fists. This job was beyond aggravating.

"He was and still is a major enemy in my eyes." I shot. "His name is Michael Scarcio and I want him in my office by tomorrow morning. You can hurt him but I don't want him dead, is that understood?" My eyes scanned the room, the men nodding in agreement. All of the men in this room, with the exception of the irrogant Adam, respected me beyond words. They did what I asked them to and whatever I asked was done in the perfect manner that I wanted it to be done in. I looked over at Charles, my main man who I gave the dealings and captures to, and send him a slight nod.

"It shall be done, sir." Charles said as he got up, grabbing the papers with his hands. "How is she?"

I got up and shoved my hands in my dress pants' pockets. "Good. I'm leaving here right now to go visit her."

"Has she waken up?" I shook my head, Charles stood there for a second before he nodded. "See you tomorrow boss."

The men slowly filed out of the room leaving Adam last to escape my wrath. "Stop." I growled, my hand gripping his arm. I yanked him back, his head hitting the wall. "If Michael doesn't come to my office your head will be off of your body. Understood?"

Adam swallowed, fear in his eyes. I grunted and let him go, rubbing my face as he quickly left the room. I sighed through my nose and leaned against the desk, my gaze staring out of the big window that adorned the room.

"You're even more tough when she isn't around." I heard Karl say from behind. I turned to him, giving him a faint smile.

"I don't know, she just calms me I guess." I explained slightly, not going into much detail. To someone else, it might have been weak and childish to say that my girlfriend calms me down. But to Karl it was acceptable. He never made fun of how I truly felt about Carli, I felt bad that he couldn't find himself a lover. Girls just ran away from him, maybe because his aroma is all about being bad. Didn't girls like that?

I had no idea.

I'm not a girl.

"Good news." Karl said, his lips lifting up into a light smile.

"Just spit it out Karl, I'm nowhere near a good mood right now." I said tiredly, my fingers running through my brown hair. Karl watched me for a moment, his eyes scanning my facial expressions. Thinking that it was best not to push me, Karl sighed and began talking.

"While you were gone Carli's doctor came by and shared some news to me. He said that her vital's are improving faster than before, meaning that she could possibly wake up any time."

My eyes went big, a grin spread across my face. I was beyond excited, I was finally going to see my baby girl awake. "But, before you get to excited he also said something else. If she wakes up too early, that'll mean that Carli will have to stay in the hospital for several days."

"What!" I yelled, my happiness turning to anger. "That is the most ridiculous and dumbest thing I have ever heard!"

"Harry, calm down." Karl warned, his eyes staring into mine. "She will be in a lot of pain and needs to be taken care of by professionals. Please don't make yourself look like an egotistical fool in front of the medical staff. They know what they're doing."

"I know that." I argued. I took a deep breath and let it out in a long sigh. "I just, I wish I could heal her so she would be back to normal. How long did they say for her recovery time?"

Karl shrugged and played with his Rolex watch. "They said a couple of months. Couldn't exactly put their finger on the exact time."

I nodded and fell silent. That was after all a good thing. I didn't mind her having to stay in the hospital, I just know she would be more comfortable at home- close to me. I walked past Karl and traveled to my big open office that once belonged to Liam, Carli's brother. I slipped on my suit jacket and grabbed my phone, my keys stuffed into my pocket. I downed the rest of my cold coffee and cleared my throat. My hands reached up and pulled my hair into a messy bun, my neck feeling cool once again. I walked down to my Black Range Rover, getting inside and starting it. The cool air hit my face, the smell of mint circling through my car. I turned on music, letting it play at a low level.

I rubbed my lower lip with my thumb as I drove to the hospital. I got my reserved parking spot and went in to see my love. I signed in as a visitor, clipping the badge to my jacket.

"Nice to see you again, Mr. Styles." The busty blonde said behind the counter, her fake eyelashes fluttering in an annoying fashion. I ignored her, my irritation turning towards her. She frowned at my reaction, turning her back to me. I smirked at my achievement, my long legs striding towards Carli's room. I lightly tapped the wooden door with my knuckles, my hand softly swinging the door open.

Zayn and Niall's head turned to me, their smiles making my irritation fizzle slightly. I had become close to the two dimwits and I know knew that they were no where near threatening towards Carli's and I relationship. "How are you two?" I asked them, sitting down beside Carli's bed.

"Good. Hungry." Naill said, smiling sheeplessly. I rolled my eyes and grunted.

"Aren't you always?" I retorted, my eyebrow raising. Zayn laughed, his hand clamping over his mouth to muffle his laughter. I silently laughed with him, Niall glaring at the two of us.

"Carli is going to hate you two together in the same room." Niall huffed, shaking his head. "You two are the most annoying people on earth."

"Ah you don't mean that." Zayn said, his faked shock expression making Naill even more grumpy. Niall cursed colored Irish words at us as he got up and stormed out of the room. Zayn looked over at me, then at the unmoved beauty beside me. "I can tell, she's going to wake up soon."

"You think? I hope so." I said, turning to study how beautiful Carli still is.

Erase Me (Color Me Book 2 H.S)Where stories live. Discover now