Chapter 2

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*Sorry, I don't have a name for this chapter*

Bella's POV
I rushed to my bedroom so angry I could knock somebody out. They think I can't survive out in the world without their help? They think I'll end up in the streets like the rest? They think I'm hopeless? I'll show them. I will show them. I'm capable of living on my own and even being able to cater for myself.

With that, I packed my clothes and left home with my weekly allowance that i had saved up for 3yrs to start life in the big world.

Life was tough, just like the way my parents had told me but my ego kept me going. I was not going to end up running back to my parents' house. Well, that was how I got up in this tangled life.......

All of a sudden, I had something fall down next to my bed.

I flattered my eyes open and was greeted by the morning rays shining down my face. I gave a small smile and sat up and stretched. Then something hit me.

Morning reality and realisation
"Oh My Gosh!!! Where is my Star Bestie??" I said jumping out of bed and checking on my bed. It was not there. I almost had a heart attack and I only had one hope....... Under my bed.

I gave out a long sigh and went down to my knees. I bowed my head and found my Star Bestie under the bed. I heaved a sigh of relief and picked him up with a smile.

'I thought I lost u,' I mumbled as I hugged it closed to me. 'From now on, I will not let u out my sight,' I mumbled again bumping him teddy bear nose and laughed.
I put him on my left hip like a baby and carried him to the kitchen with me. I placed him of the counter and started to prepare breakfast. In no time, I was on my chair with a cup of tea and eggs on a plate.

I was done and even went to shower to begin another crazy Saturday. Yep, I rarely have time to rest. Only work and work and work.

I looked at my Star Bestie and felt like I shouldn't leave him at home. But then, wouldn't it be crazy to be a grown up adult with a Teddy bear on my hands like a baby. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

I took my Star Bestie in the air and said, " Hope u will be okay home alone." I hugged it again as I headed to my bedroom. I placed him on my bed and said goodbye and took my bag. I gave him one last look and ran back to him and kissed him head. "Don't get lost again," I said then left the room.

I made sure I locked the house and ran to the post office. My first work of the day for 5 hours.

When I got there, I checked in and got to my locker. I changed and left my stuff except my phone and ear pods and ran to the front. I got my first order to pass out and packed them on my motorbike. I swung my leg over the bike and started my best motorbike and raced across the road to my first order.

5 hours later

'Oh.....My.......Gawd!!' I groaned inwardly when i finally got off the bike for the last time of the day and dropped tired on the floor. I was so tempted to sleep on the floor but....It was my fault in the first place when i decided to watch movies at night than sleeping. 10 minutes of utter silence, I heard someone clear their voice. I opened one eye and what I saw made me jump to my feet and literally salute. (Which I'm not supposed to but I was so scared....I almost thought I had seen a ghost)

In front of me, was the manager's son.....Well, the manager of the post office I usually work for. He usually treats me like crap so I had to be on my best behaviour or one word from his mouth, could lead me to my firing point. He (Cole) began to laugh then stopped as i slowly dropped my hand from my head. 

"What's up chubs," Cole said. "The sky dummy," I said and smiled at him sweetly. His smirk dropped before he turned around and I knew perfectly well that if I didn't stop him, it would mean losing my job. "Cole...wait," I called behind him but he didn't listen.

'Crap....I wish he could just forget what happened,' I said to myself and just then, Cole stopped on his traces and faces me. I was shocked to see his face all confused. "Chubs? Why are u following me??" he asked. 

Well heck. What just happened? "Do u need anything?" Cole asked rubbing his head. Was he serious? Or was he just pulling my leg? Gosh....What is happening?

"Nothing Cole," I said without thinking. "My shift is done and I need to be going now," I said then he screwed up his face. He took a look at his watch then left cursing under his breathe saying he was so late for a meeting.

Still confused, I chose to ignore it then go my second spot of the day.....The KFC Chicken restaurant. I got my apron and went to the front as a tired Asher passed me and went to the locker room. 

It was about lunch time and that's when the line could be crazy long and hungry costumers and most of them without patience. I took out my sticky and my pen and began to work. The crazy day went on with the same crazy speed and intolerant customers. I hated every bit of it  but another crazy incident happened. 

Another customer got his meal mixed up with another person. He was breathing fire....Literally. He was about to throw his food on me when then....I wished my manager would show up and save me and the exact thing happened. The manager came storming into the room and stopped the customer from making me get covered with food. Me heart almost stopped when I realized that my wish came true....Again. 

How the heck did that happen for the second time during the same day. Maybe it's good luck, I told myself as I left for my last job. The usual small cozy shop till late at night.

I hitched a car to the shop and after thanking the kind lady, I got into the half filled shop. Jennifer was almost everywhere helping the customers so I quickly got into my uniform and helped Jennifer even tho my shift had not began. The line began to move until there was nobody else in the area. 

Jennifer and I got to sit down and when I got both of us cold drinks, we began to talk. Even though Jennifer was so weary, she still had the energy for a chit chat. She began to go over the same same story of her and her boyfriend and how he was just sent from heaven. Jason, is his name and he surely is a sweetheart. He was just perfect for her and they were both perfect. I was happy for her but when it comes to me, I'm broke af.

Why...U ask. Well, that's just simple. "Not Interested." I tried before and even if I tried my best, it just didn't work out. So, I just gave up. Jennifer tried to make me on blind dates but it ended in one way. In AN EPIC FAIL. I hugged her goodbye after some time and I began my shift. The shift went on perfectly until it happened again. 

An old lady, a grumpy one to be exact, thought I was ignoring her. The thing is, I had my ear pods in and was jamming to my favourite song and just then, I felt something hit my back. I yelped and turned around to find the old lady. I removed my ear pods and it was then that I could hear how loud she was. "Kids this days, just ignoring the elderly. Young lady, You are in big trouble," she said and my mind ended up wishing she could change her perception of the young people and take her order and just leave. The next thing I heard almost gave me a heart attack.

"Kind lady, how are you this night?" she asked with the sweetest smile on her face. I decided to follow with the flow. We actually ended up chatting until she left. The thing that was still making me almost go crazy is that....My wish was granted....Like....AGAIN!!

I packed up and left for home. I got home and immediately went to my bedroom. I heaved a sigh when I saw my Star Bestie on my bed with his cute smile. I ran to bed, too scared and tired to do anything else other than hug my Bestie. I tried to wrap my mind around what happened during the whole day but couldn't manage it. All that thinking made me so tired that I ended up drifting to sleep.

"Don't worry. I'll explain everything when I get the chance," somebody mumbled. I was too tired to move and was still drifting to sleep. I hugged my Star Bestie tighter as those words...wherever they came from, made me at ease and sleep soundly.

Author's note

Well, longest chapter I have ever written. Sorry if there are any mistakes and I hope you love my book.

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