A wish that saved my life

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Waking up with StarBestie was just perfect. It was just like he was just what has been missing in my life. He filled a certain gap in me. As much as he was just a teddy bear, I could feel a certain warmth that he gave me. Also, as much as I sound weird right now or not, I felt like I had a connection with him and he was my best friend.

I groan when the alarm clock rang and I actually had to wake up and start another day. I just sighed then got out of bed, holding StarBestie close to me. I made breakfast then sat down. In no time......(Who am I kidding) After a whole hour,  I got out of my seat and cleaned up. I was to get to work at 11:00am, that was one one hour away. I quickly prepared myself then and then, left StarBestie on my bed and left. I got to the post office and checked in. I got my packages ready and packed on my bike and start off my one day part-time job.

I really don't know what got into me that I chose to plug my ear phones while riding the bike. I delivered around two of them. Then the worst almost..... ALMOST.... happened. I did not notice the green light change red in a matter of seconds, nor the cars that were hooting all around me. The next thing I know, I'm on the opposite side of a speeding car.

Last words I said before the whole world began to spin was.... 'I just hope that everything will be alright'


' Hold on. You can make it.'

I slowly fluttered my eyes open and saw StarBestie, my teddy bear, actually having a worried look on his face with a small smile on his face.

'Hold on...... Just hold on. I'll be there for you, Nothing bad will ever happen to you, ever again. Never. No on my watch,' he said and I gasped.

Was he really talking to me?

Was it really him?

I then looked around and it was all pitch black. All except for the amazing light that StarBestie emitted. Just then, I noticed the light darkening. I looked back at StarBestie's directon.... Only to find him slowly moving backwards, still with a smile on his face.

'Wait....,' I called to him but he kept on moving.

'No, StarBestie, wait for me,' I said again as I tried to reach out him but it was useless.





" She has come around," someone said. That's when I opened my eyes ad found myself along the street with a crowd of people around me.

'What's happening?' I asked myself, but the minute I asked myself that, everything came rushing back to me.

'Oh......Gosh. I.... i-..... I almost died!' I freaked out then began to shake as my heart began to beat in my chest harder and furiously.

Someone passed me water and I took it slowly to calm myself. But around such a huge crowd of people, it felt awkward. When they asked how I was, I just said I was okay. Well......Isn't that a lie that most of us say?

Gosh, the crazy headache and great feeling of exhaustion was the only thing I felt. And to add up to my worries, what was the weird dream I had just now? Just then, as if all the feelings I had weren't enough, I felt another wave on uneasiness crash over me. Was it really him?

"I don't think she is okay. Her face seems uneasy and she is spacing out a lot," I small girl, I presume, 10yrs old, said, pointing my face. I plastered a smile on my face and called the little girl. She came to me timidly and when she got close enough... I pulled her into a hug.....Earning me a squeal of shock and excitement from her.

"Thank you cutie, but I'm really okay," I mumbled to her. I felt her face stretch into a smile and her little hands snaked around my neck and hugged me back. I smiled back as we pulled away. "Okay miss. And you think I am cute?"

I gave out a small laugh, so did the now small crowd around me. The little girl in front of me was cute... No joke. Light blue eyes, plump cheeks, beautiful small body and blond hair. She was just beyond cute."

I bumped the tip of her little nose and smiled widely before I said, " Of course cutie. You are so beautiful. I think you will be a model when you grow up." Her face lit up the minute I said that then she said to me, " Yay!! I really want to be a model when I grow up." She then left to her mother, one of the witnesses of the accident, with a skip in her walk. She held hands with her mother and left.

After confirming that I was okay to all the other people who thought I had to go to the hospital, I got onto my bike that was beside the road. I guess some of the witnesses cleaned up the small mess I made on the road. I also checked if I had everything and that was a check. The only problems at hand were;

1. I was behind scedule

2. There was a big scratch on the side of the bike....

Gosh, I was doomed.

I tried to hurry things up a bit but when I got to the post station again, I was behind schedule by one hour. I was already on my way to my boss to explain but I guess, it was already solved. My boss had already received the news of the small accident and also decided to give me the rest of the day off. That was actually the best idea he had ever had and also the biggest and greatest thing for me.

I don't think I would have concentrated with my work at all anyways. I had many... many questions running in my mind.

Was that StarBestie back there?

Was he really smiling and talking to me?

How did he know of my past problems and the dark secrets of my life?

And was he still the one who said that he would explain everything when he gets the chance?

Those questions ran wild in my mind as I slowly made my way home. When I got home, StarBestie was still on my bed with his usual smile. I dropped my bag and moved to him slowly. No reaction all the time. I sat on my bed and took him into my hands. I dropped to the ground and started to cry.

Well, that was the only thing I would do when the world was just difficult to me.

I literally almost died today and I ended up living in the end. Even though I just smiled it away, I was so scared of my encounter and also the bad memories of the past. I cried it all out, just as I knew I would and as usual, it would clear up my minds and reduce the pain in my heart. I slowly stopped crying as the world around me became black.

Then before I could miss it..... I heard, 'Hold on...'

Author's note

So, chapter 3 done. Hope u loved it.




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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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