Story #1

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Disclaimer: I don't own the avengers or any of the avenger/ marvel concepts I reference. 

So this is the first part in this book, which is basically what the title says, the stories from the snap that we didn't get to see. Now with more of the 5 year period being explained, some of my stuff might eventually become inaccurate, sorry. Anyways I hope you enjoy these stories. 

"Hulk Smash!" Jamie yelled and Lila rolled her eyes at her younger brother. The Avengers broke up and the Hulk disappeared long before that. Why her brother still obsessed with that giant green guy was beyond her. Lila was laying on the couch, thinking about her brother.

"Quiet Jamie!" She snapped, their 10 month old baby sister was sleeping down the hall and Lila preferred for it to stay that way. Jamie frowned but continued running around screaming in a whisper. Lila loved her brother, she really did, but she just wished that she wasn't in charge of watching him and Sylvia. Lila wanted to be out with her friends, not at home with her siblings.

"Hulk smash!" Jamie whispered loudly. Lila groaned, Jamie was one when aliens invaded New York, and all normal in Lila's life ended. That was back in 2012 when Lila was only eleven. Now she was newly 17 and bored of being asked to babysit her annoying eight year old brother and the baby. Jamie knocked some books off a shelf while playing his Avengers game. Directing her attention back to her phone after telling Jamie to clean up, Lila scrolled past the instagram posts of the latest battle in New York. She was so glad her parents moved, she was glad to be unaffected by whatever the Avengers were up to. Lila's phone buzzed with a text: Your parents are downtown giving speeches on the company's new tech right? Can I come over? Lila smiled at seeing her friend Gabby Smith's message, and instantly said that she could. Gabby didn't live far away, and so Lila knew her best friend would be by any minute. Lila looked back at her brother wondering if he'd tell on her or not, but then she decided that she didn't really care. Lila didn't want this kind of burden, she just wanted to be a teen while she could, and her parents just couldn't seem to understand. Gabby was coming over whether it got her in trouble or not.

After a few moments the doorbell rang, Lila cursed under her breath, hoping the sound didn't wake Sylvia. Looking at the baby monitor screen Lila was relieved to see that her baby sister was still slumbering peacefully. Lila stood to answer the door and their dog Sparky lifted his head, wondering what was going on. Lila opened the door and Gabby grinned, embracing her friend.

"Hey girl, thanks for having me over." Gabby squealed, a mischievous smirk on her face. "I brought a little something for us to have fun with!" Lila's smile grew as she saw the bottle of booze sticking out from Gabby's purse. Sparky's head lifted again when he saw Gabby and Gabby knelt down to pet the dog. "Sorry bud, my brother wanted to walk Juno, so I didn't bring him." Sparky whines and Lila laughs.

"It's fine Gabby, I'll bring Sparky by tomorrow for a puppy playdate." Lila suggests.

"Sounds like a plan." Gabby chirps back, moving to the living room and flopping down onto the couch. "Now, how bout you get some glasses, cause I need something to take the edge off after the day I've had. My brother is such a pain in the as-"

"Gabbs!" Lila cuts her off, gesturing to Jamie.

"Oh crap. Sorry Lila, forgot that you were stuck with him for a moment." Gabby brushes her forgetfulness of Lila's brother aside like it was nothing. Lila is a little annoyed cause she knows that Jamie already doesn't like Gabby and this incident won't help. Still, Gabby is wild and fun and has been Lila's best friend since preschool, so Lila let's it slide. Lila goes to the kitchen and comes back with two glasses. Gabby pours some of the booze and Jamie begins to pout. Lila looks at her brother, knowing exactly what he was about to say.

"Mom said that you two weren't allowed doing that anymore." Jamie whined. Lila sighed, she knew she shouldn't drink, especially while watching her brother but she just wanted to have fun and she was stuck at home.

"Leave us alone squirt." Gabby snapped and Lila looked between her dearest friend and her younger brother.

"Lay off him, he's just a kid." Lila decided to say. Jamie frowned more and ran to his room. Lila felt a little guilty but went and sat next to Gabby anyways. What was the kid going to do? Wreck his room, that wouldn't be her fault. 

Lila looked at the room still feeling slightly bad but she picked up the glass and was about to take a sip when a loud screeching noise came from outside and a car swerved onto the front lawn in an attempt to avoid a car with no driver. It kept going and crashed right into Lila's neighbours house, Lila jumped up from the couch.

"The Johnsons!" She shouted. Gabby stood next to her staring at the car inches from the window and the other empty car lodged in the side of the Johnsons' home.

"What the hell, why did that car have no driver!" Gabby yelled, looking at Lila, shocked. Sparky jumped up and began to bark. Lila whipped around to face her dog and watched in horror as he crumbled to dust in front of her.

"Sparky!" Lila gasped, staring at the pile of dust that moments ago used to be her beloved dog. Gabby was gripping onto Lila's arm since they saw the car crash into the other house but suddenly her grip seemed to vanish. Lila turned to face her childhood friend and stumbled backwards, eyes wide and already brimming with tears. Gabby looked terrified, as she watched her own hands disappear. "Gabbs?" Lila breathed out, staring at her friend. A couple tears gracing her cheek. It looked like Gabby was turning to ashes but right before her face fell away she whispered Lila's name, her tone desperate and scared. "No." Lila said as she moved forward and the last of Gabby turned to dust and fell through Lila's outstretched hands. How could she have just disappeared. "NO!" Lila screamed. Then it hit her and she bolted to Jamie's room. She threw open his door and once seeing her brother she sprinted to Sylvia's nursery. The baby was there too. But what about everyone else, their parents. Lila pulled out her phone nearly dropping it due to her rush. She quickly logged onto the livestream version of her parents presentation. She got there just in time to see both her mother and father disappear and whatever was left being blown into the winds. Others in the crowd were disintegrating as well but Lila was lost in her own thought. She fell to her knees, her phone mindlessly dropping from her hand to the floor. Jamie came out of his room and went to his older sister's side. He shook her, trying to get her attention but Lila was crying and she couldn't think, she could hardly breathe, she felt broken and lost. What had just happened. Gabby? Sparky? Her parents? Were they really all gone?

"Lila!" Jamie screamed at the top of his lungs and finally pulled his sister from her trance. She looked at him and pulled him into a tight hug. Taking a shaky breath, Lila picked her brother up and took him to Sylvia's room. She was crying now, with all the yelling and the sobbing and the sound of the crash next door. Lila put Jamie down and told him not to move. She gave him her phone and said, for maybe the first time ever, that he was allowed to play her games. Then Lila picked up her baby sister and rocked her back and forth but one thought kept repeating in her mind. What the hell had happened. 

Hope you liked it. I will probably come back to Lila and her siblings to show the end of the blip and their reactions but first I have to tell more stories from the snap that occurred in infinity war.  Still all these stories can basically be stand alones so don't worry about cliffhangers. Thank for reading. 

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