- { Good Morning } -

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It was a calm morning and Phil had decided to go on a morning stroll through the nearby forest before his son Wilbur would wake up. The day before it had been storming all day which was noticeable by the tree branches lying all over the place.

As Phil had been walking his normal morning route, collecting anything he might find useful in the future, he sees movement in a nearby bush. He instantly stops and gets into a defensive position preparing for someone or something to jump him.

Instead of being jumped, he sees a small boy crawl out of the bush,  the boy's pink hair highlighted by the morning sun. His clothing seems to be tattered and ripped in places, scratches and bruises litter across his body. 

When the boy sees Phil he freezes and starts preparing to run away from the strange man. Phil takes notice of this and kneels down putting down his basket next to him, "It's alright, I'm not gonna hurt you," he says trying to reassure the boy.

The pink-haired boy looks at him for a few seconds contemplating whether or not to trust the man. Before deciding that after spending last night outside in a storm he wouldn't mind some company. The boy gets out of his running position and takes a step towards the man.

"Hello there, what's going on buddy? Are you out here all alone?" Phil asks the little boy. The boy looks at the ground trying to find an answer to the strange man's question.

The pink-haired boy nods at the man's question. "What's your name?" Phil asks the boy. 

The boy thinks for a bit still not trusting the strange man, but he decides to answer the green-clothed man, "Technoblade," 

"That's a unique name, I like it," Phil answers happy that the small boy trusts him enough to tell him his name.

"Where are your parents?" Phil asks the small boy, concerned about what he might be doing out here all on his own.

Techno not knowing the answer just looks at the damp grass at his feet as he shrugs his shoulders. Phil instantly feels empathetic towards the boy.

"Do you need a place to stay?" Phil asks the small boy wishing he could convince him to come with him so he could make sure the boy is alright


"Here you go," Phil says as he sets down a bowl of chicken soup in front of Technoblade. 

"Thank you, sir," Techno says thanking the kind man. As he says that a small brown-haired boy walks into the dining room rubbing his eyes, he is wearing a yellow T-shirt and some pyjama pants.

Techno looks at the boy in confusion, the brown-haired couldn't be much older than 3 years old. He seems to just have just woken up. Phil now also seems to notice the toddler.

"Oh, good morning Wilbur," Phil says to the toddler Techno now knows as Wilbur, Phil looks at Techno for a second. 

"Wil, this is Technoblade, he is going to be staying with us for a while," Phil says to his son, "Techno, this is my son Wilbur," Techno nods at Wilbur as the toddler starts to waddle over to him.

Wilbur sits down on the chair next to Technoblade and lifts his small hand up to the pink-haired boy's hair, "I like your hair," Wilbur says, a small smile crosses Phil's face as he watches the two boys make small talk while making Wil some breakfast.


Phil opens a door and leads Technoblade inside, Wilbur follows them curious what the others are up to. Phil shows the boy around the moderately sized room. 

There was a closet, bed, desk and a small chest of drawers, the room might need some decorating. 

"I'll be right back," Phil says quickly walking out of the room to go fetch something, leaving the two boys alone.

"Here, you have this," Wilbur says laying down his small pig plushie on Techno's bed.

"Thank you," Techno tells Wil as he sits down on his bed as he picks up the small plushie, looking at it and holding it not wanting to let it go.

Phil walks back in holding a hoodie and some shorts, "Here you go, let's get you a nice warm shower, okay?" Phil says to Techno as he stands in the doorway.

He had bought the clothes earlier this week at the local market, thinking they were too cute to leave behind and thinking that Wilbur would grow into them eventually.


After Techno finished his shower he made his way back downstairs to see Phil setting the table for lunch, the clothes Phil had given him were a bit too big but he didn't mind, just happy to wear something nice and warm for one.

Phil walks to the stairs as Techno sits down at the table, "Wilbur, Lunch" He calls out to Wil upstairs. Shortly after the small toddler waddles over and stops next to Technoblade.

"I made something," He pulls out a yellow paper crown from behind his back, "For you," Wil says as he holds it out to Technoblade. Techno hesitantly picks it up and then sets it on top of his head. 

"You look great, your majesty," Phil says to Techno as he hands him a sandwich. Wilbur sits down at the table and starts eating some apple slices with a little cinnamon on them.

"Techno, I was wondering, how old are you?" Phil asks Techno while wiping some cinnamon off of Wil's cheek.

"5 years old, I think, I know I was born at the start of spring," Techno answers a little embarrassed that he didn't know how old he was for sure.

"Then you must have just turned 5 a little over a month ago, congratulations," Phil says to Techno quickly calming the pink-haired boy's nerves.

"Happy Birthday," Wilbur says quite loudly when he hears about Techno's birthday. Phil and Techno both chuckle a bit at the toddler behaviour. 

"Happy Birthday, your majesty," Phil says shortly after.


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