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Author's pov
"Gahd, I fe-feel sick" Jennie mumbled rubbing her templss gently, she was currently in the dorm she and her brother shared with yoongi and both the guys were sound asleep while Jennie felt her headache increase everytime she breathes. She cursed under her breath while getting up from the bed and standing up with the dupport of the wall. "Stop moving!" She whispered to the walls, "okay, I am going insane" she tilted her head and slowly walked towards the kitchen.

Not bothering to turn on the lights, she oppened the fridge door and closed it again after taking out a water bottle.she blinked her eyes few times to kick the dizziness away but no use. Oppening the bottles cap she tossed the cap on the counter and placdd her right hand on it to prevent herself from falling while she held the water bottle from the other hand. She brought the bottle mouth closer to her lips before taking a sip, her thrat burned from the cold water, it felt like tequila shots to her.

Yoongi just woke up after hearing some voices from the kitchen and here he sees Jennie struggling to stand straight. "Is she hight or what" he mumbled leaning on the door frame and crossing his arms. Tapping his foot imaptiently and sighed realising jennie is not going to notice his presence any time soon. He slowly walked towards her but stopped when he heard her mumble something. "I shouldnt wake them up, they must be tired" as these words eft her mouth, yoongi looked at her in disbelief, he doesnt know why but the words just didnt fit right for him. Before he could process further, the bottle slipped from jennie's hands, landing on the floor wigh a bang and the watter spilled everywhere.

Yoongi's eyes travelled to the water that was now spilled, as soon as his gaze fell on Jennie, the girl was already falling, he caught her by her waist and turned her around causing her to bump in his chest. Jennie felt the familiar body scent fill her nostrils making her muscles relax. Instead of pulling away as yoongi expected , she leaned in more and clutched on his T-shirt with both her hand. Yoongi hesitated but wraped his one arm around her waist and used the other to gently pat her head.

"What happened?" Taehyung came lazily rubbing his eyes but in a second he was wide awake after watching the scene infront of his eyes. He smirked and leaned on the door frame "looks like i am not needed here" Yoongi debated whether he should tell the younger about Jennie's headache but he felt jennie shake her head against his chest so he pulled a smile and faced taehyung "absolutely not" he replied as Taehyung shrugged his shoilders and moutged a small 'blah' before leaving for his room. "Can you walk?" Yoongi asked softly making the younger girl shake her head again. Yoongi clicked his tongue and picked her up bridal style. 

He layed her gently on the bed, and covered her with tge sheets all set to leave but Jennie held his wrist. Yoongi looked back to see her looking at him, his eyes met hers and none of them had to say anything, yoongi understood what she meant. So he sat dow next to her and gently stroked her hair backward causing Jennie to lean in his touch. Yoongi felt his heart tk summer saults, he wasnt exactly aware of this new felling while Jennie felt her insides going wild. Taehyung on the other side just couldnt stop about Rosé.

"Is this where you live?" Lisa asked the younger boy as he nodded and pressed the '3' butyon on the elevator. Lisa pressed her lips in a thin lime and let her mind wander, why is she here? What will she say to Rosé? The small elevator dinged open as Lisa snapped back into reality. Haruto's vision was still pretty blur so he walked slowly. Lisa looked around and scrunched up her nose, you cant blame her, she is nit used to living in such packed places. Ding-Dong Harito pressed tge door bell and waited for Rosé to open the door.

Rosé's sobs were disturbed by the door bell, she weakly stood up and sniffed before oppening the door, expecting Jungkook again but her eyes went wide after seeing Haruti  so lost that she didnt notuce Lisa. "Haru-ya!!" she charged and him and engluffed him in a tight hug as her tears continued to folw. Haruto hissed when he felt is wonds being pressed, Rosé furrowed her eyebrows as she backed away and her eyes fell on his busted lip, and overall appearance. "Oh my god, who did this?" Haruto looked down and timidly replied. "Some guys just broke in while i was watching TV and the next thing is remember is getting beaten up before she-" he ppinted at Lisa making Rosé finally realise her presence while Lisa looked at her with blank eyes. "-she saved me" Haruto completed making Rosé raise her eyebrows "she did?" She asked as Haruti nodded. Rosé slowly looked back at Lisa "please come in, its cold outside" she said making Lisa bite her lower lip and nod.

Rosé served Lisa a mug of hot coffe and went to ckean Haruto's wound. Lisa's eyes wandered around as a small smile tugged on her lips. Small and simple but pretty  thats how she describes her apartment. Rosé had tears dwelling jn her eyes everytime she pressed the cotton against his wound. After few minutes she was done and Haruto was asleep so she went back out to see Lisa. She smied at her, as she sat on the couch next to the younger girl.

Thankyou, Thankyou very much.


*awkward silence*

Rosé, you knew Bambam. Right?


How was he?

A guy any girl would kill and die to have all to herself.

Why didnt those murderers think the same-

Yo-you think it was a.....murder?

What do you think?

I...I dont know.

Lisa nodded and looked at the untouched coffe mug, she stood up  and turned around, walking straight to the apartment's door and leaving without turning back.Rosé watched her leave, what else could she do? Rosé knew she was being selfish, she could just tell everyone that Bambam used to get bullied but she was worried that the exams might get cancelled and she will have to wait another year to enter SU. She sat back down and thought, will she be happy after getting into SU even after Bambam doesnt get justice?

 She sat back down and thought, will she be happy after getting into SU even after Bambam doesnt get justice?

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