☯𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷 ☯

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"So you wanna ask this said person to the dance. "

I mumbled taking a bite of my burger right afterwards.

"Yeah, and don't ask me who he is."
"That's none of your business!! "

Kacchan yelled.
He was continuously sipping on his apple juice, before he decided to raise his voice.

He said HE!!!
Is it me?
Is that why he wanted my help, because he's trying to trick me into saying what I'd like to happen!!?

"Ok.... So what do you need help with? "

I finally asked tapping my leg anxiously and twirling my ring necklace.

"All of it. "
"I don't know any thing about being romantic and your well a fucking nerd so your probably hopelessly romantic all the damn time. "
"I'm sure you thought of a lot of romantic scenarios."
"So just give me one. "

Kacchan ordered.

"And how is this gonna help your memories return? "

I asked grabbing a handful of fries and stuffing them in my mouth.

"Because when I'm around this person memories just seem to return, slowly but they do. "

"The only thing is they're also blurry, so sometimes I wonder if it's memories or a day dream."

"But I don't fucking day dream! "
"So the only logical explanation is there my memories!! "

Kacchan half yelled throwing his juice box on his lunch tray.

"Yeah ok.... well can you tell me one of them maybe I can tell you if that happened your not. "

I explained with a small smile.

If he's getting his memories back then he must remember me.
So my theory is correct!!

"I... uhmm... well. "

Why is he stuttering??
And his face is so re- Omg what if he remembers a time we.... ohh that would explain his reaction.


"Why the fuck are you laughing!!? "

"I-It's nothing. "

I mumbled drinking some of my apple juice now as well.

"Look nerd, it's doesn't matter what I remember just that you fucking help! "

Kacchan demanded with a determined look.

I slowly got up grabbing my tray and walked closer to him close enough to where I could whisper in his ear.

"Ok, jeez whatever you say......puppy. "

When I felt his breathing hitch that's when I decided to make a run for it.


I. am. going. to. kill. that. Nerd!!!

"𝐃𝐞𝐤𝐮 get your ass back here! "

I yelled jumping from my seat and chasing after him.

"Sorry but my ass doesn't really wanna be close to you right now!"

Deku yelled picking up his pace.

Mother fucker is using his quirk.
Fine two can play at that game.


"Fine.... But I get to come with you today! "

I yelled standing up but falling right back down.

"Ow! "

That fucking hurt!

"Pfff are you sure you can walk there? "

A blurry figure asked with a slightly teasing tone.

"Fuck you! "
"It's your fault I'm like this! "

I yelled trying to stand back up.

"I'm sorry? "
"But I'm not the one who begged me to go harder. "

The blurry figure whispered getting up and walking into the bathroom right afterwards.

"łⱫɄ₭Ʉ! "
"I'm gonna kill you when you get out of there

𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛.

I stopped in my tracks, not even thinking about Deku anymore.

I almost heard that dudes name!!
I said it!
Well in my memory anyway!!
I'm pretty sure I said shitty hair.

" What happened did you give up? "

Deku asked running over to me.

"Tch, no but my favor is more important then beating your ass right now. "

I grumbled.

This time I grabbed his hand and started dragging him to the library, he dragged me to lunch so now it's my turn to drag him somewhere.

"Uhmm kacchan my next class starts in ten minutes. "

Deku mumbled yet he was still letting me drag him.

"Skip, this is more important. "

"Kacchan!! "
"I missed a lot of school last week.... I can't afford to miss more! "

Deku complained.

"𝐃𝐞𝐤𝐮, if you really had a problem with it you wouldn't be letting me drag you. "

"You made it a point to prove earlier that I can't force you to do shit any more. "

I commented stopping just for a second to look at his shocked face.

"I-Well..... you said please so of course I can't disagree. "

"Especially if it means getting you back. "

What does he mean by that?

"Tch, what are you saying nerd?"

"Wa-Was I n-ni-nicer to you before all this? "

" yeah I guess,you can say that."

Iz-Deku muttered out.


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