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"Demon! I won't spare you!" Arjun exclaimed as he holds the sword and went near the fire to melt it

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"Demon! I won't spare you!" Arjun exclaimed as he holds the sword and went near the fire to melt it. "Not fire Arjun not fire!" Shouted dhriyukti. "You know me! You were stalking me?!" He said as his face was covered with a shocked expression. "Silly boy! Who will stalk you?!" Shouted dhriyukti? Angry Arjun makes spear went near fire more. "Ahh! Don't Arjun I beg you!" She shouted as her energy got full and she turned into a woman and Arjun was holding her, shocked that she is a woman. Suddenly he got his senses back as he realised she is no other than her friend, dhriyukti. "Dhriyukti! Yo-you are a monster!" He said as he stepped backwards. "Arjun! I am not a monster. Listen to me." Said dhriyukti while coming near him. Arjun stepped back and took a knife nearby and shouted, "Don't come near you monster! How dare you spy on us?! I bet you are sent from Kauravas! I won't spare you!" He said and was gonna stab her but someone came between them.
"Arjun!" Shouted Yudhishthira holding the knife, the blood droplets flowing from his hand as a scared dhriyukti hold his shoulder from behind trembling in fear. "Jyestha! Don't protect this monster! She becomes spear and then human!" Yudhishthira pulled the knife from him and said, "Arjun, Calm down. She isn't a monster. She is a weapon spirit. Spirit of my spear Dhriyukta." Arjun looked at Yudhishthira, horrified. Yudhishthira told him about gopika, dhriyukti, her parents, her origin as a weapon spirit and her mission to be Yudhishthira's sakhi. Arjun stared at dhriyukti who was still trembling in fear. "Uh, I'm sorry dhriyukti. I shouldn't react like that, I was just, you are understanding na, I was insecure. I mean I was afraid, jyestha was close to you and I thought you are a monster. Sorry." He said and hold his ears. Dhriyukti wiped his tears and pouted, "One wanted to burn me second wanted to kill me. Wow, Pandavas! Hope bheemsen don't fry me." Yudhishthira glared at her whereas arjuna giggled and said, "Don't worry, I'll tell them you are a weapo-" before he could complete Yudhishthira and dhriyukti put finger on their lips and said in unison, "Don't tell others about this." Arjun nodded and said, "Well, weapon spirit too feel hungry?" Asked Arjun while passing a bowl of kheer. Dhriyukti took it and started eating, "Yes of course! They need energy!" She stuffed some kheer in Yudhishthira's mouth. Arjun said while thinking, "Magical spirits have magical powers. Powers? Which ones?" He asked and Yudhishthira glared at him, "Go and sleep now." Arjun got up and went away while giggling. Now it was dhriyukti's turn to get scolding, Yudhishthira got up and went to his room followed by dhriyukti. After reaching Yudhishthira closed the door, "Now you'll get scolding" he shouted. Dhriyukti gulped.


Yudhishthira's POV

Another pillow hit my face. "Are you done?" I asked. "No! 3 more left!" She said while throwing another on me. Oh, God! I shouldn't have scolded her.


I went towards my bed. "Wh- what are you going to do?" She asked as her voice tremble. "Why you left?" I asked while facing the bed. "You throw me. I was hungry so I went?" Said dhriyukti? "How many times I told you to know go alone!" I shouted, I could feel she got too much scared. I turned towards her and started scolding her. "You should come inside then na! Didn't you see there are fruits here?! Why you always make things complicated?! Why you do this?! I am tired of your behaviour!" I was scolding her when I accidentally stepped on her foot. "Ahh!" She screamed. "Oh no! Sorry sorry! I am sorry berry." I was frightened I sat down and examined her foot. "It's paining! Bad coco! Why you stepped on my foot?!" She yelled at me. "Sorry, berry. Please forgive me. Come, sit on the bed. Let me see if it's hurt a lot." I made her stand and we went near the bed. She sat on the bed and started sobbing. "Bad coco! Bad coco! Now I'll punish you!" I was busy massaging her foot that I said, "Okay punish." Then when I realised what I said I looked up at her and she was giggling. "I tricked coco!"

Flashback ends

Then she punished me by throwing the pillow 15 times. Well, now only 12 is done. "Three is reserved. I'll do it when I'll want now sleep. Tomorrow is your coronation right?" Said dhriyukti. How she know?! "How did you know? I mean did Duryodhana told you?!" She shook her head, "Why will tell you?" She said and laid on the bed and slept. So fast. Well, I laid on the bed and caressed her face, "Good night berry." I said and slept.

Next day

Dhriyukti's POV

I went towards the court after getting ready. I woke up at 4 just to get ready before Yudhishthira and reach the court before him so I can help with decoration. When I reached court I frowned, "Not red and orange, please! Coco won't like this. He'll love it if you have some white flowers." I said while grinning. "So you came finally!" Said Subhadra Jiji while holding my hands, "I thought you'll get late. Okay, I'll get some white flowers, check that everything is here. Here is the list." She handed me a paper. I smiled and looked at it. Oh no! It's Hindi! Whatever, I'll make someone else read it. As subhadra Jiji left, I went near a dasi and said,"Sister, can you read this? Please." She nodded and read the list. "Okay, so everything is here, get the turmeric and water. I'll make paste. And yeah, get the clothes for him." She nodded and said,"Rajkumari. The clothes will be sent by maharani." Okay, i'll go to mata gandhari then. As she left I went towards the chamber of mata gandhari with two dasi who were holding two plates full of clothes. I knocked and said,"Mataji! Can I come in?" She got up and smiled,"Dhriyukti? Since when you started to take my permission? Come in." I smiled and went inside and hugged her,"Mataji I want you to select some clothes. Will you help me?" I asked while keeping my head on her shoulder. "Of course putri. Did you brought the clothes with you?" She asked.I nodded and called dasi to bring the thaal. "Mata this clothes." I said while taking one blue cloth abd handed it to her. "Its of blue. What do you think?" She touched it as if feeling the design, maybe she is imagining coco in that. "Its good but design won't suite. Give another." I took the angavastra and put it aside. I give her a yellow clothe, "What about this yellow one?" She frowned and said,"No no putri, yellow will never suite! Remove yellows." Well, she is right, I never saw coco wearing yellow. I put all yellow side and took a pink one,"What about this pink one." I giggled and give her. She started examining. I thought she'll say pink won't suite coco. "This is perfect!" She said. "What?! Mata its pink!" I exclaimed. "Yes,so what?" She said while turning to me. "Mata we are selecting clothes for Yudhishthira, he won't like pink." I said. Cloth piece fall from her hand. She whispered, "Yudhishthira? I thought, I am selecting for you." She ordered dasi in a stern voice,"Take this all clothes away! His clothes are selected by kunti, I don't have right to replace them!"

To be continued
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