•||The Shirt||•

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Yudhishthira entered the chamber and saw Dhriyukti laying on the bed

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Yudhishthira entered the chamber and saw Dhriyukti laying on the bed. Her hairs untied, wearing a black saree, jewellery thrown away here and there, clothes here and there. The whole room was darkened, the windows were locked,  Curtained. She was sobbing in front of Yudhishthira. She was like half dead. The body wasn't showing any movement, just the sound of sobbing was proof that she is alive. Yudhishthira went near dhriyukti and shook her lightly saying, "Dhriyukti." He was sensing that he did unfair by not taking her with him. Dhriyukti suddenly stood up and went towards the window and said, "Go away Yudhishthira go away!" Yudhishthira went near her and asked, "Dhriyukti first tell me what's my mistake? Please tell." He said while forwarding his hands. Dhriyukti showed him his hand, gesturing him to stop coming towards her, and was covering his face with other hands, "You know your fault O! Prince, you forgot you gave me 2 wishes! You didn't fulfil them, king!" Yudhishthira stared at her in suspicion, "As far as I remember I didn't say I'll fulfil your two wishes, still if you want, tell me your wishes!" Dhriyukti turned around, "Yes you didn't say so, it was the line from the show where my friend was kaikeyi who spoke this dialogue. I thought I can fool you with this same act, let me think now from which two wishes I can replace kaikeyi's wishes" she said while placing her hand near her chin. Yudhishthira frowned and sat on the ground, "How many stage plays you performed Master of acting?!"
     She giggled and sat on the bed, "Did I scared the future Yuvraj?" Yudhishthira smiled and got up from the ground, went near dhriyukti and caressed her hair, "Yeah, scared me a lot mata kaikeyi!" She pouted and said, "You know I was gonna punish you but Sakha stopped me, or else you would have faced my anger!" Yudhishthira gave her a curious glance, "Who Sakha? As far as I remember other than Pandava you don't have any other Sakha." She smiled and answered, "I met him in a banquet held by Maharaj. I call him direction teller cause I don't know his name. He made me understand that I was going to do wrong by punishing you." Yudhishthira thought for some time that she was in kaurava's side so maybe that person is a kaurava. "So, how he looks like? If you could tell." She imagined his figure again and said, "Yeah, he was like umm what to tell, he was wearing two earrings, golden earrings. Wait! Did you saw that person with Duryodhana Bhaiya at the banquet right? He is my Sakha!" Yudhishthira smiled and said, "His name is AngaRaj Karna." Dhriyukti grinned, "Ohh! Nice name! Karna!" Yudhishthira said while joining hands, "That means I should thank him for saving me!" Dhriyukti nodded, "Yes you should! But that doesn't mean that I won't give you a punishment. Well, you have to fulfil my one wish" Yudhishthira smiled and mumbled, "I can fulfil your every wish, why just one." Dhriyukti smirked, "Ohho! Should I tell you my every wish?" Yudhishthira shook head in no, "One at a time! Tell now."
             They both were talking when other Pandavas entered. "Yukti we won!" Screamed nakul and hugged dhriyukti. "Yey! I knew you'll win. But I'm upset! You went without informing me." She pouted cutely. Sahadev hold his ears and said, "Sorry dhriyukti! Forgive us!" She pouted and looked away, "Only if you all will wear shirts." They all stared at her in amazement, "What's a shirt?" Asked the twin madreya in unison. Dhriyukti went towards the wardrobe and took out her top and went towards Pandava, "It's a top. A shirt for girls. Same pattern clothes but of choice of boys is called a shirt. Okay?" They nodded and bheemsen said, "So, you want us to wear girl's clothes?" She shook her head, "No! It's a girl's clothe but you have to make the same patterned shirt for boys. You are understanding na?" Nakul nodded, "Okay, you want us to wear girls wear?" She hit his head, "No! The top is girls wear but what I am saying to you is what men wear." Sahadev nodded, "Okay, you want us to wear gi-" before he could complete, she started hitting her head again, "Not girls baba!" Sahadev giggled, "Aree, listen to me. I meant you want us to wear a shirt which is like this girls wear right?" She nodded and sighed," Finally someone understood!" "Okay, we'll do. Give us some time." Said bheemsen. "Yeah, plus thank Keshav for the help." Said Arjun while showing her a box.
             "Who is Keshav?" Asked dhriyukti while grinning listening to the name. "What! You don't know who is Madhav?!" Said Arjun, panicked and guessed, "Don't she know who is Madhav? Is she sister of Vasudev Krishna or not?" Yudhishthira pinched her hand and murmured, "Madhav is Vasudev Krishna, Kanha, Mohan, your brother." She gasped and said while rubbing her back of her neck, "Ohh, I thought someone else cause... Cause... Cause Krishna isn't present here, so how can he help?" Nakul nodded, "Ohk, it's okay, don't explain. By the way, we should leave, let's go to meet a tailor now." Bheemsen nodded and asked, "Can we take your top? So that he can get an idea how to make shirts." Dhriyukti nodded and handed the top to bheemsen. Pandavas left except Yudhishthira. "So, you forgot your brother's names?" Dhriyukti smiled sheepishly, "His name is Krishna na? Then why Arjun was calling him Madhav and Keshav?" Yudhishthira sighed, "He has more than 1000 names balikey." Dhriyukti's jaw dropped, "1000 names!" Yudhishthira giggles and said, "Now go and learn those names yadavkumari!" Dhriyukti glared, "Fine! I'll learn. You go! Shu away now!" He went away laughing at her. After he went away dhriyukti went in search of Subhadra.
          After she found her walking through corridors she stopped her, "Jiji! Help!" Subhadra turned towards her and give her a delightful smile.

"Jiji Krishna have 1000 names!" I told her with a shocking tone

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"Jiji Krishna have 1000 names!" I told her with a shocking tone. "Ohh, you got to know it now? Yes, he has many Krishna Vasudev Govinda Gopala kanhaiya kanha." Dhriyukti sighed and said, "Jiji wait! I don't know all names of kanha, help me. Or else I'll make fun of myself!" Subhadra smiled and said, "Krishna and Shyam, this both word's meaning is same. This means most of Krishna's names are synonyms of each other. Okay?" Dhriyukti thought for some time and asked, "Okay Di, but see Madhava, Keshava, these sort of names whose meaning we don't know then? I mean like we know the meaning of Shyam and Krishna is black so we know he is called this cause he is black but Madhava?" Subhadra grinned, "See you caught the point, cause he is black he is called Krishna, cause he wore peacock feather is he called??" Dhriyukti grinned, "Mor-mukut-sir-dhari!" Subhadra pulled her cheeks, "It's easy to remember his name after you start loving him. Okay?" Dhriyukti nodded and started thinking about Krishna. As much she thought, Krishna starts getting more fascinating.
       Suddenly a dasi came and told dhriyukti Rajkumar Arjun is calling her in the backyard of the palace. "Why he is calling you?" Asked Subhadra. "Come with me and see yourself!" Dhriyukti smirked and hold her hand and run outside. When they reached the backyard of the palace they saw Arjun had covered his torso with white clothing. When he saw both of them he gets angry and said, "Why you bring your sister too?!" Subhadra looked down, "Sorry Rajkumar. I'll leave." She said in a soft voice. Arjun felt bad, he smiled, "No no Rajkumari, it's okay. You can stay here." He clutched the white clothe tightly. Dhriyukti grinned and pulled the white clothing away, and revealed that Arjun is wearing a shirt. Arjun because of shame, because he never wore a shirt, tried to hide his torso by his hand, "Give back my angavastra dhriyukti!" Dhriyukti showed him her tongue and said, "No way!" Subhadra's jaw dropped. She was starting at Arjun. "What are you wearing Rajkumar?!" She closed her eyes thinking what type of dress he is wearing. "Aree, Rajkumari! It's just a shirt. It's menswear only, don't cover your eyes. Seriously it's menswear!" Subhadra peeped through the partings of her fingers, "I don't think so. Who made you wear this? It's honestly not suiting on you." Dhriyukti pouted, "Jiji he is looking cool in this!" Subhadra removed her hands from her face, "What?! Cool!? You caught a cold!?" Dhriyukti laughed," No! Cool means good-looking! Where are others?" Arjun looked at Subhadra for a second as if they are exchanging thoughts or talking using telepathy power, Subhadra smiled and left the place and Arjun smiled. "Come with me." Arjun leads the way, Dhriyukti followed him.
  After dhriyukti reached she saw Pandavas wearing shirts. "Oh my God! Oh, God! I never imagined you all will look this funny!!"

 "Oh my God! Oh, God! I never imagined you all will look this funny!!"

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(ignore the mistakes in the pic, please 🙏 )

To be continued
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