Chapter 24: "Hidden Will to Fight"

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It had been years since Jiraiya had last returned to Konoha, and in his absence, Naruto had grown up. 

Taking a good look at him, the boy's resemblance to his father was astonishing. If it wasn't for the flaming red hair he'd so clearly inherited from his mother, Jiraiyathought it was his old student brought back from the dead.

 "What's going on here?" Shirakumo demanded, looking back and forth.Unfortunately, this was perhaps not the best time for a reunion between godfather and godson; the safe house Shirakumo had promised looked to have been compsingle sweeping glance, Jiraiya assessed the situation:Naruto, along with three other Leaf chūnin surrounded a bound female civilian in what could only be an interrogation. 

Beyond them, a young female genin comfortechildren cowering in the corner. 

"She betrayed us," said the blonde chūnin, his nostrils flared. "We stayed here to help her and she freaking betrayed us."An angry looking chūnin rounded on Shirakumo. "Where the hell is Mayu? Why is she not with you?"The jōnin shook his head. "I'm sorry. She and Tazuna were both taken. We don't know where, but we decided to first regroup to reassess the situation.

"Letting out a swear, the chūnin reached down and grabbed the bound woman by the scruff of her shirt. "Where is she? Where did they take her?!"To her credit, the bound woman looked calm. "I don't know.""What do you mean you don't – ""Who are you?" Naruto broke in.

 It was directed towards Jiraiya; the boy's gaze had been fixed on him from the moment they had reached the safe house. Jiraiya felt intrigue bubbling inside of himlooking this similar physically to Minato, he had to wonder whether he took after him in other aspects as well. 

Thrusting out a hand, he struck a pose for the second time that day. "Thank you for asking! I am Mount Myōboku's Monk of the Frog Spirits, also known as the ToadJiraiya.Naruto had heard the name before—there had been numerous records of the Sannin's legendary deeds from the Second World War.

 If he remembered correctly, theonce mentioned the name as well, in association with his father.In all the legends of the Sannin, however, none had mentioned a perverted old man who peeked in the women's baths. 

Naruto glanced at Shirakumo, but the jōnin's demeanor seemed unfazed around the man. Nor did he look as though he was being controlled by some sort of genjutman truly who he claimed to be—the great Sage, Jiraiya?

 Could they count this strange man as a potential ally?It may have been a comforting thought, especially in the light of recent events. But whereas he could see Team Shirakumo's members relaxing, Naruto did not jumpossibility. Instead, he maintained his distance. He would choose his own allies, he thought.

 "Does 'Akatsuki' mean anything to you two?" Naruto asked.As expected, Shirakumo shook his head—but Jiraiya looked intrigued. "Is this civilian involved in Akatsuki?""What is Akatsuki?" Naruto pressed.Jiraiya stroked his chin. "They're an organization I've been tracking for years now. For all intents and purposes, they function like mercenaries, taking on all sorts ofmissions the villages don't want to be associated with.

 But as for their final objective...well, that's why I'm still out in the field.""Let me say this, at least." It was Kaine, her chin jutting out stiffly. "The true reason why Gatō has been able to stay in power is because Akatsuki has been supportthe shadows.""Then how could you be working for them?" Rai exploded. "I thought you wanted to help this country!"

 "They made me a deal. I was to go into the Hidden Leaf, request chūnin bodyguards on a journey to Wave country, and delay their return for as long as possible. Inwould withdraw their support for Gatō, allowing us to overthrow him and take back the daimyō." Kaine's voice grew quiet.

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