Chapter 30: "The Road Continues"

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The Great Toad Sage was waiting for Jiraiya in a shallow pool of water surrounded by giant scrolls. "Here it is revealed... In my dream, despite your perversions, yoto become a splendid shinobi. 

You will come to stand on your own two feet, acquiring disciples... One such disciple will one day bring about a great change to the wThis I saw in my dream."

 "A great change?" Jiraiya repeated."Either great stability or great destruction... The likes of which this world has never seen before. One of those two changes."

 "One of those two...? What do you mean?"The Sage's right eye opened a crack; the dark pupil stared straight into what felt like Jiraiya's soul. "You will guide that revolution. And eventually, there shall comeyou will be forced to make a critical decision. That choice you make...will decide which way the change goes."

 His mind churned with questions, the weight of the prophecy already bearing heavily on his shoulders. "I... what do I do? In order to make the correct choice?""In my dream you walked the world, writing books."

 "Books...?"A flash of red sparked brilliantly in the puddle by his feet. Naruto's eyes narrowed, but he didn't stop moving: The fox had been following him all morning, making nconceal its movements. He had a feeling it had been on his scent for longer than he'd realized.As soon as they'd crossed from Rice country into Hot Water country, Jiraiya waved Naruto off with a conspiring glint in his eye.

 "I think it's about time I took off."Out of consideration for each other's sanity, they had taken to occasionally splitting off for a day at a time. 

Naruto usually spent the time training with his clones, an —well, he assumed the older man had his own needs to take care of.The path Naruto chose took him through a bamboo grove. Green bamboo trunks shot up from the ground, crowding the sky; rays of sunlight filtered through, reflectrunks and lighting his way through the forest.Crack.His gaze shot to the source of the sound, but there was nothing there. 

While it was clear the fox was still on his trail, it was maintaining its distance, making it difficits current location.Naruto wondered whether his previous summons attempt hadn't been as unsuccessful as they'd thought. The only question was, why had it not revealed itself to hithe lack of hostility, it didn't seem to have any malicious intent, notwithstanding its previous attempt at a prank. 

When he decided he'd had enough, he stopped. "Come on out already."A summer breeze blew through the grove, and he heard the bamboo trunks crackle. In the distance, a bird whistled.Then with a rustle, the fox emerged from the thicket. 

In the daylight, Naruto was able to get a much better look at it: It looked like an ordinary red fox, albeit dresshaori coat.To his bemusement, it lay on the ground and let out a yawn. "What's for lunch?"Judging by the tone of its voice, it was a male fox—though, the fact that it was talking at all meant that it wasn't an ordinary animal.

 "Why are you following me? What is it that you want?" When the fox didn't respond, letting out another yawn instead, Naruto raised a hand to the handle of his tanThe fox was back up in a flash, his tail swishing in the air.

 "Alright, alright! I'll tell you, so calm down!"Folding his arms across his chest, Naruto looked at the fox expectantly.With a delicate cough, the fox bent his forelegs in a stiff bow. "My name is Amakurō.

 You summoned me here with that pitiful offering, and I've been following youyou're worthy of signing my contract."That confirmed it: His natural affinity was for a fox. The irony of the situation didn't escape Naruto and he had to wonder whether his being the jinchūriki for the pufox had anything to do with it."So why did you turn into my teammate? How do you know who she is?"

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