Chapter one

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16. Today is my 16th birthday. Hi I'm Marinette Neptune. Daughter of Poseidon. My father is the king of the ocean making me princess.

One golden drachmas cost a thousand on the surface. Because I am Poseidon's daughter I have powers. I can control water and any liquids. I have ice powers and I can turn human because of my human mother. She turned into mermaid so that she could be with her family.

I am swimming around just watching little fish swim around and looking at the multi-colored, beautiful corals in my favourite place. Where I can think by myself. Away from the kingdom, the princess duties, the arranged marriages and such. A huge net then captured me. I was tangled. I tried shaking the net of but no use. It took me up. On the ship I saw a white face with red lips then everything went black.

I woke up in a tank full of water and there were artificial plants too. I swam around to take a look. The tank was fairly big. It could hold a whale and the whale could swim around.

Screech! I covered my ears. The sound of nails scratching glass deafening. Screech! It sounded again. I swam towards the sound and I saw the same white face with red lips. As i looked closer I noticed green hair too. He had a wide grin on his face.

"Well, well, well looky what we have here," he said. He was holding a weird looking weapon uhh what was it again... oh right a crowbar. Oooh.

I swam back a bit scared for my life. He laughed. And I flinched. I swam forward angrily gaining confidence. I knocked hard on the glass. Screech. He  scratched his nails on the glass. I covered my eyes to block the sound out.

He laughed again. "Now listen here girly your powers will help me take over Gotham," I whimpered scared. "Sleep tight you will need it," he left and switched of the light.

I looked around and swam into the plants to hide. I started crying as I realised that I will never go back home.

The next day he came back and threw dead rotten fish into the tank. I swam away disgusted. I went back to my hiding spot.

For days this guy the Joker or whatever continued to abuse me. He continued to feed me the disgusting, rotten, dead fish. He wouldn't give me anything else. I dont think I will ever escape.

Jason's POV

Ugh! I live in my apartment by myself. I recently had a fight with Bruce about killing criminals. I walked out the batcave, out the manor upset.

I punched the wall. Why won't Bruce understand that I'm not him. I walked out the door and started on the street to clear my mind. I passed by one of Joker's abandoned warehouses. I ignored it and continued to walk.

Trying to forget what happened to me with Joker. How he beat me up with his crowbar. Then he ble... so much for forgetting. Sigh.

After a few days later I left to meet up with Conner. We were going to ***** cafe to hang out. As we were walking back Conner suddenly stopped. "Wtf conner?" I asked. "I see a girl in water she has a fish tail!" He said probably using his x-ray vision, looking inside the same warehouse I passed a few days ago.

"Wtf a TAIL!!????" I exclaimed. "Yea" he replied. I rubbed my head. "Okay i'll check it out tonight," I said.

Well I hope you like this book.

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