chapter two

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That night red hood and superboy left on patrol. They both went towards the direction of Joker's old abandoned warehouse were Conner saw a mermaid.

They busted in and looked around. They walked around looking everywhere. Conner used his x-ray vision to find the girl.

They heard a screeching sound and Conner covered his ears. The sound stopped and they continued on their way. They faintly heard the sound of water and an all too familiar laugh. JOKER.

They quickly ran towards the sound. They bust in and the sight before them was unbelievable. Joker was standing outside a tank and a mermaid was in it.

She had a really beautiful tail but it was kind of dull. She had scars all over her body. "Well, well, well lookie who we have here," Joker said with that sickening smile of his. "Let her go!" Superboy shouted. "Hmm what about no" Joker said. Jokers minions came running in with weapons. They got into a fighting stance ready to fight.

"Get the minions I have Joker," Red Hood said. Superboy nodded. He used his super speed to beat all of them. Red Hood shot Joker but he dodged and it hit the tank. It shattered and water spilled out along with the mermaid. Red Hood ran towards her. Joker tried running to her but Red shot him. He clutched his stomach and retreated.

He checked the girl she was barely breathing. Superboy picked her up and flew away. They soon reached Jason's home. Red immediately turned on the water in the tub. Superboy placed her in carefully. They were both fascinated that they found a mermaid.

The next day

Marinette woke up in a tub of water. Her wounds were bandaged. There wasn't much space to move around, but there was enough room for her to swim 8 be able to breathe. Her stomach grumbled she was hungry. "Aaaah," she heard causing her to scream too.


Jason woke up that morning. He had a weird dream the night before. He dreamt that he rescued a mermaid and bandaged its wounds. He also dreamt that he put it in his tub which was full of water. He decidedto go into the bathroomfor good measures to. To make sure. He walked in and the sight before him scared him. "Aaaah," he screamed. And she screamed right back.

There in all her glory was the mermaid. She swished her tail and the water splashed him, she was tryingto get away. She was scared of what he would do to her. "Hey, hey I'm Jason and you are real," he said. She only tilted her not really understanding a word he said but she was still scared. "Jay-son," he said slowly. She just stared at him. "Okay I will be right back with some food," she just looked at him. "Oh right you can't understand, right I'll just leave,"

Jason sat in bathroom eating pancakes with the mermaid. He didn't want to leave her alone and wanted to gain her trust. Conner was out doing who knows what. After some time he tried to see if she knew any words but she didn't. Conner and Jason then decided to teach her.

It took time but they think they are making progress. She was slowly getting comfortable with them. Her scars have healed completely. They once found out that she has legs when they saw her sitting in front of the TV.  . She had such an innocent look in her face. "*bleep* *bleep**bleep*" They bought her clothes and shoes since she was naked. Conner decided to move in so that they could help her together. Marinette now saw them as her big brothers

"Okay, okay let's start again, I'm Jason,"

"I'm Conner What is your name?" Conner asked. Marinette just looked at them with a smile on her face. They sighed. "I-Im Marinette," she said. They gasped. Marinette then hugged each of them and giggled. Completely unaware of what she just did. Conner and Jason hugged her back proud of her and happy that she finally spoke. "That's a nice name,"


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