chapter three

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Marinette and Jason walked into a store looking for bedroom decorations for Marinette's room. They moved out into a bigger apartment so that they would have space for the 3 of them. They passed a poster of the ocean and Marinette stopped walking. She stared at it longingly. Jason realized that Marinette wasn't behind him and saw her looking at a poster of the ocean. He understood she wanted to go home.

She looked at him and back at the poster. 'Oh no' Jason thought. He had completely forgotten about that. And she was about to cry. Tears started rolling down her cheek like a river. He quickly hugged her. She buried her face into his chest making his shirt wet but he didn't mind. She stopped and got up sniffing and rubbing her eyes. "Sorry," she mumbled.

"Its okay, I should have noticed sooner. I'm sorry I forgot that I needed to take you back home. I broke my promise. I will take you home Pixie pop," Jason said. Marinette nodded still sniffing. That night while Marinette was asleep Jason had a talk with Conner. "She cried, she wants to go home." Jason stated. Conner nodded accepting the truth and understanding what Jason meant.



Jason woke Marinette up the next morning with breakfast. After breakfast they sat in the living room. "We have come to the decision that we are taking you back home," Conner said. "Really?" Marinette asked excitedly. Jason nodded. She smiled widely and hugged them and ran of. "Pixie pop!" Jason shouted. She came running back with a big smile on her face. She hummed. "We are leaving tonight," she nodded again.

That night

The drive to the beach took longer than expected. There was a heavy silence in the car. They all felt it. The tense air. They couldn't believe that Marinette was leaving. They had both come to see Marinette as their baby sister. But they had to let go.They had bought a boat the night before. They boarded the boat and sailed.

The boat came to a stop after some time. "I'm gonna miss you Pixie pop," Jason said. "You will always be my little sister blue," Conner said. Marinette nodded and hugged them. She jumped into the water.  She came back up after some time holding 2 shells. She gave one to Jason and the other one to Conner. "You can call me with this," she said and gave them one last hug and swam away.

With Marinette

Marinette was both excited and sad. She was excited to see her family and be back in her kingdom. But sad because she was leaving those whom she had come to see as family. She swam faster and soon her father's castle came into view. It was heavily guarded. There were guards everywhere. She swam closer. "Halt! Who are you?" One guard asked in the oceanien. She quickly recognized him as l'eo. "L'eo it's me Marinette. " Marinette said.

"Marinette?" She nodded. He swam quickly and hugged her. "Your back we were so worried,"

"I'm glad to be back," she said. She really missed the sea. "L'eo what are doing we have to look for the princess," General Cole scolded.

"Actually I found her," L'eo said moving out of the way revealing Princess Marinette. "*gasp* your majesty, you are back I am so glad," he said relieved to see her. They were so worried and they had to triple the guards. It was difficult to find the princess and the queen had fallen into great depression. The king had to stay strong and rule.

"Follow me your majesty your parents will be thrilled to see you," The general said. "Of course," she said following him. Guards surrounded her as they swam through the kingdom. All lot of people bowed down. They were happy to have their princess back. There were murmurs going around.

With the king and queen they were very depressed. Their only child was missing.  Some people suspect that she was captured by pirates and killed. So they tripled the guards but still no trace of her. "Maman!" A familiar voice cried. Sabine perked up. She saw her baby. Marinette quickly rushed into her mother's open arms. Her mother hugged her tightly. Poseidon joined the hug and wrapped his arms around both his wife and his daughter.

"I'm so glad you are back," Sabine said with tears running down her face.

"Yes but where were you, we looked everywhere." Poseidon said.

"I was captured by a villain called the Joker. He wanted to use my powers to take over Gatham, 2 heroes saved me, Jason and Conner whom I have come to see as big brothers, they brought me here," She explained. Poseidon noticed how sad she was when she mentioned Jason and Conner. "We are grateful that they helped us bring our princess and our daughter back, General organize a parade OUR PRINCESSIS BACK," he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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