40. Ice cream shop

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Hyunjin almost dragged Changbin to the nearest ice cream store that just happened to be few blocks away from them. Changbin recognised this part of the city quite well even dough it wasn't close to his house or school, but he remembered catching the bus after school with his friends and coming here to shop and just have fun. Then coming home a bit later and getting scolded by his mother, who would be one step away from calling the police to report a missing child. Those memories followed him around with every step they took. And even though he was happy with his newfound friends and boyfriend, he still missed his old ones like crazy.

They finally reached the shop. Hyunjin quickly took Kkami in his arms, letting go of Changbins hand that he was holding and pushed the door open. Both boys stepped inside observing the colourful interior of the shop.

"Seo fucking Changbin. Is that you?!!!" someone shouted, gathering the attention of the whole ice cream shop and scaring the two boys that just had entered. There, a few meters from them, stood a guy with heavy eyeliner and silver dyed hair.

"Wooyoung?" Changbin questioned surprised just before being engulfed in a bear hug.

"You're alive. You're fucking alive!!!" the boy exclaimed, breaking the hug and cupping Changbins face into his hands, closely examining it.

"Why shouldn't I be?" Changbin asked with a smile on his face.

"Oh I don't know, maybe because you disappeared without any trace from the face of the Earth for 2 months and knowing that psychotic woman you call your mother anything is possible" a small laugh escaped both boys mouths. Suddenly Wooyoung remembered something and his face showed it really clearly. He grabbed Changbins hand drawing him to a booth not so far away from them, where sat two boys, who were listening to every word that they were saying.

"Guys! Look what I found" Wooyoung said sitting at the booth in front of the other two boys lowering Changbin to sit next to him.

"Hey guys," said Changbin enthusiastically, smiling at both males sitting in front.

" Don't hey us. Where the fuck have you been?" questioned a boy with a bubble pink mullet. But even dough his words seem harsh, you could clearly hear excitement and playfulness in his voice.

"You know, I have been kidnapped by an alien cult, who worshipped my feet but I got bored and ran away" he instantly got a kick under the table by his friend.

" You little shit, be serious," the same boy said, fighting a smile from overlooking his face.

"Ok, ok. I got send to an all-boys Catholic boarding school in the middle of nowhere," told Changbin honestly.

"That would have been my second guess." said Wooyoung with a small chuckle.

Suddenly the boys heard a very intentional sound of through clearing, directing their gases to the side of the booth. There stood Hyunjin, Kkami in hands, looking straight into Changbins soul. Changbin cringed a little, he legit forgot he came here with his boyfriend

Wooyoung sensed the tension and guessing the current circumstances, he jumped to action "Changbin, don't be rude, introduce us to your friend" he said smiling at Hyunjin, who took his eyes off Changbin to look back at the boy, whose pearly white smile he has never seen before.

After hesitating for a moment Changbin turned to look at Hyunjin and started talking "Hyunjin, this is my best friend Wooyoung" he said motioning to a boy sitting next to him who gave Hyunjin a little wave with the same big smile. He then motioned to a guy sitting directly in front of him, who as of this point hasn't said a word " This is San. He's a little bit shy, so don't take it to heart if he doesn't talk with you" San gave Hyunjin a small awkward smile, while Changbin got a little kick under the table from the boy with a mullet.

" It's not his problem that you're so loud, he didn't want to talk with you." said the boy with a mullet with an evil smile.

Changbin ignored him and yet again turned back to Hyunjin "And this little bitch is Yeonjun"

"I'm a little bitch? Look who's talking, you dwarf bitch" Yeonjun shot back, receiving a kick from Changbin making everyone at the table burst into laughter

Hyunjin kinda just stood there.

Changbin finally turned to his boyfriend, seeing his unamused look so he quickly stopped laughing and gulped down already knowing that he did something wrong, he instantly stood taking Hyunjins side "And this, guys, is my lovely boyfriend Hyunjin that I meet in my boarding school" he said intertwining his and Hyunjins fingers

Everyone at the table looked really confused and exchanged those looks with each other. Wooyoung was the first to act and smiled at Hyunjin and finally spoke " Hello Hyunjin, it's nice to meet you." He extended his hand and shake Hyunjins freehand "Now, could you be a good boyfriend and get yourself and Changbin some ice cream or a milkshake, we kinda have something to discuss with Changbin in private if you don't mind"

Now was time for Hyunjin and Changbin to be confused. Changbin looked at his friend, then back to his boyfriend, then back to his friend and then back at his boyfriend "Yeah honey, could you get me strawberry ice cream and a chocolate milkshake?" he asked sweetly and all Hyunjin could say is a small "okay" then left the table.

Instantly Changbin was yoinked back to the booth by Wooyoung: "WTF dude you disappear for a month and come back with a hot ass boyfriend. No offence to you, but he's clearly out of your league" said Wooyoung in a whispered shout.

"Not to mention that you already have a boyfriend, you whore" said Yeonjun almost laying on the table "Felix legit cried for like 2 weeks because he was so heartbroken that he got you caught and he was convinced that you hate him now, but you have the audacity to just leave us like that, not write to us and then come back with a new boyfriend like nothing happened" Yeonjun spat angrily.

Changbins blood ran cold with a mention of his now ex-boyfriend. "I couldn't do anything, my phone was taken away" Changbin stated defensively.

"You could have found a payphone or something and not just leave us hanging like that," said Yeonjun with a frown, that made him cuter rather than threatening or angry.

Changbin didn't answer that, but he clearly knew he was scerwed.

I'm really sorry for not updating for a month and a half, but the truth be told I was extremely busy with my school exams and just life in general

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I'm really sorry for not updating for a month and a half, but the truth be told I was extremely busy with my school exams and just life in general. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I made it longer so I hope you're not so mad at me. It has been more than a year from then I started weighting this book and I'm extremely thankful to all of you for supporting my work and I'm also very thankful to my friend who has been really supportive and helpful thought this whole journey. I hope you will keep supporting my work and I will try my best to update this book more regularly.

Ps. stream Wolfgang

lots of love <3


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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